Program of Study (POS) Waiver/Substitution Petition
Department of English, Iowa State University

Awaiver/substitutionpetition is usedwhen your prior experience allows you the opportunity to take a different or more advanced course as asubstitute for a required course in the POS.This completed petitionmust be typewritten and submitted to the Graduate Program Staff Assistant, 227 Ross Hall, for Director of Graduate Education approval after your assigned Program Adviser or Major Professor and before you take the course(s) listed below to avoid problems meeting degree requirements that can result in delayed graduation.

Name:ID #: Date:

Student’s Major: Assigned Program Adviser or Major Professor:

Projected graduation term:

Requested Course Number, Title, &
(and Institution if not ISU)
/ No.
Credits / Sem/Year
Taking / ISU Course to Replace on POS
POS Category=Core, Sec Core, Specialization, Adv Study, Electives, Env, Ling, Conc, Engl Electives, Outside Electives, Tech/Lang, Res Methods, Seminars, etc. / Support & Signature
of faculty member who
regularly teaches ISU
EnglDept course being
*not required for course(s)
outside EnglDept
Course No:
Justification: / Course No:
POS Category: / ☐Support
☐Do not support
Signature Date
Course No:
Justification: / Course No:
POS Category: / ☐Support
☐Do not support
Signature Date
Course No:
Justification: / Course No:
POS Category: / ☐Support
☐Do not support
Signature Date

NOTE: Additional paperwork required to accompany this petition may include an Expired Course Petition if courses taken are/will be considered expired at the time of projected ISU graduation term.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have reviewed this petition forProgram of Study (POS) waivers/substitutionsas the student’s assigned Program Adviser orMajor Professor. I support and request approval for the use of the above course(s) and credits in the student’s program of study in place of the course(s) indicated.

Assigned Program Adviser or Major Professor (signature)Date

I approve the recommendation as noted above:

Director of Graduate Education (signature)Date
