Name ______Date ______

Word Problems with Inequalities

1. Your quiz grades are 78, 72, 87, and 90. What score on the fifth quiz will make your average quiz gradeat least 82?

2. You rent a car and are offered 2 payment options. You can pay $25 a day plus 15¢ a mile (option A) or you can pay $10 a day plus 40¢ a mile (option B). For what amount of daily miles will option A be the cheaper plan?

3. To get a grade of C in your course, you must average at least 75% on 4 exams. You have taken the first three exams and gotten scores of 68, 78, and 81. What must you score on the last exam to get a C or better?

4. You have just been given a new job in sales. You have two salary options. You can receive a straight salary of $500 per week (no commission option) or you can receive a salary of $200 per week plus 5% of your weekly sales (commission option). What dollar amount of product must you sell each week in order for the commission option to be the better deal?

5. Your elementary school is having a fall carnival.Admission into the carnival is $3 and each game inside the carnival costs $.25.Write an inequality that represents the possible number of games that can be played having $10.What is the maximum number of games that can be played?

6. You are a farmer and have $350,000 to spend on farm equipment. The hay bailers cost $6500 each and the plowing disks cost $2500 each. Writean inequality that models the different numbers of hay bailers and plowing disks that could be purchased

7. You and your family attend your brother’s championship baseball game. Between innings you decide to go to the snack stand. You go to the snack stand with $15 and find that sodas are $2.50 and that popcorn is $1.75. Write an inequality that models the numbers of sodas and bags of popcorn that can be bought.

8. Stella wants to place her money in a high interest money market account. However, she needs at least $1000 to open an account. Each month, she sets aside some of her earnings in a savings account. In January through June, she added the following amounts to her savings: $121, $206, $138, $212, $109, and $134. Write an inequality which describes the amount of money she should set aside in July to qualify for the money market account.

9. A high school band program will receive $2000.00 for selling $10,000.00 worth of coupon books. Six band classes participate in the sales drive. Classes 1-5 collect the following amounts of money: $1,400, $2,600, $1,800, $2,450, and $1,550. Write an inequality which describes the amount of money the sixth class must collect so that the band will receive $2,000.

10. A small elevator has a maximum capacity of 1,000 pounds before the cable holding it in place snaps. Six people get on the elevator. Five of their weights follow: 146, 180, 130, 262, and 135. Write an inequality which describes the amount the sixth person can weigh without snapping the cable