
Binary Ionic, Binary Covalent, & Polyatomic Compounds

Ionic bonding occurs between a metal and a non-metal. To name binary ionic compounds:

1. Name the metal (remember Stock and/or classical for type II cations)

2. Name the non-metal, with an –ide ending

Covalent bonding occurs between 2 non-metals. Use prefixes to name binary covalent compounds:

1.  prefix-1st nonmetal

2.  prefix-2nd nonmetal-ide

Polyatomic compounds have 3 or more elements and involve both ionic and covalent bonding. To name polyatomic compounds:

1.  Name the positive ion (1st part of formula) – a metal or ammonium (NH4+)

2.  Name the negative ion (2nd part) – a non-metal-ide or a polyatomic ion

Directions: Name the following compounds

1.  MgO ______

2.  FeO ______

3.  P2O5 ______

4.  CaF2 ______

5.  CO ______

6.  (NH4)2SO4 ______

7.  CaCO3 ______

8.  NaHCO3 ______

9.  Ag2S ______

10.  Ag2SO3 ______

11.  NaClO3 ______

12.  Ca3(PO5)2 ______

13.  Cu(NO3)2 ______

14.  H2SO4 ______

15.  (NH4)2O ______

16.  AuBr3 ______

17.  Mg(ClO3)2______

18.  MgCl2 ______

19.  Cr(OH)2 ______

20. NaClO ______

21.  NH4C2H3O2 ______

22. KMnO4 ______

Formula Writing

Binary ionic compounds contain a metal (+) and a nonmetal (-). The overall charge on the compound must be 0 (neutral).

Binary covalent compounds contain 2 nonmetals, and the formula is written based on the prefixes in the name.

Polyatomic compounds (with 3 or more elements) contain a (+) ion and a (-) ion. As with binary ionic compounds, the overall charge must equal 0.

1.  calcium sulfide ______

2.  ammonium sulfate ______

3.  copper (I) oxide ______

4.  sulfur trioxide ______

5.  potassium hydroxide ______

6.  barium persulfate ______

7.  tetrasulfur nonaoxide ______

8.  aluminum phosphate ______

9.  carbon tetrachloride ______

10.  calcium chlorate ______

11.  calcium fluoride ______

12.  ammonium nitrate ______

13.  iron (II) sulfite ______

14.  gold (I) bromide ______

15.  plumbous carbonate ______

16.  strontium sulfate ______

17.  cesium carbonate ______

18.  ammonium sulfide ______

19.  ferrous carbonate ______

20. antimony dioxide ______

21.  sodium bisulfate ______

22. sodium sulfide ______

23. cupric nitrite ______

24. potassium acetate ______

25. barium chromate ______

26. aluminum dichromate ______

27. ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ______