Liberty Middle School

Physical Education and Health

Instructors: Scott Nash, Mike Quinlan, Mariah Provost, Dana Chapman

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:

The Physical Education and Health Program at Liberty Middle School is a comprehensive developmental program focused on the education of the “ whole child. ” The interdisciplinary nature of physical education provides opportunities for all students to achieve the knowledge, skills and values that will develop and enhance their well-being and maximize their quality of life.

The following will better acquaint you with both the Procedures and Guidelines that govern the Physical Education and Health Program at Liberty.

Students Success is determined by:

  • Attendance
  • Class participation and preparation
  • Demonstration of a cooperative attitude
  • The ability to follow rules/ procedures
  • Physical and cognitive evaluations
  • The students' ability to show respect for school, equipment, facility, self, peers and coaches.
  • Demonstration of good sportsmanship/teamwork and cooperation
  • Article summaries/ student performance observations/ class projects/ notebooks, homework assignments and make-up work for ALL classes missed
  • Meeting and exceeding the standards

What to Wear for PE

  • A gray, red, or white t-shirt and black or navy blue shorts . The shorts MUST be an appropriate length (mid-thigh) and ALL uniforms must be worn appropriately AT ALL TIMES. Sweatshirts and sweatpants may be worn on cold days.
  • The coaches will be selling PE uniforms during open house at the start of the school year and then again at the beginning of each quarter. The cost of these uniforms is $10.00 for the t-shirt, $15.00 for the dri-fit, and $15.00 for the shorts. The cost of sweatshirts and sweatpants are $20.00 each!
  • Sneakers should be appropriately laced at all times. Slip-on sneakers are NOT permitted.
  • Failure to dress in the appropriate attire will result in the loss of daily credit.

Gym Locker Room Procedures

  • Each student will rent a locker room lock. The fee is a one-time fee of $5, which will get them the lock and locker.
  • These are the ONLY locks to be used in the locker rooms. ALL OTHERS WILL BE CLIPPED at the students expense!
  • Locks are to be placed on the LOCKERS ONLY . The lockers are used during your class time, so that you can secure ALL of your personal belongings.
  • IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO LOCK AND SECURE THEIR BELONGINGS AT ALL TIMES! If it is important to you, then take the extra time to secure your items during your class period.
  • After class, each student MUST place their lock back onto their assigned locker.
  • Students will be charged a $3.00 replacement fee if their lock is not returned on completion of the class.
  • Students will have access to the locker rooms ONLY during their class period . Coaches will NOT provide access before or after school or while classes are in session.
  • PE uniforms and acceptable hygiene necessities are the only items that should be stored in PE lockers between classes.
  • It will be the responsibility of the student to remember their lock combinations and to keep that information private, to prevent any unauthorized entry.
  • Students are expected to respect the property of others. Students found guilty of theft will be subject to disciplinary actions as per the Forsyth Code of Conduct.
  • Students will be allotted 5 minutes before class and approximately 5 minutes at the end of class to change. Do not waste time!

Student Safety

Student safety is our primary concern.

To reduce the possibility of injury, the following guidelines MUST be adhered to:

  • Horseplay, fighting, bullying, throwing objects and inappropriate language are unacceptable. Such behaviors will result in disciplinary action.
  • GLASS of any kind ( including locker mirrors ) are Not permitted in the locker rooms. These items are a safety hazard and will be confiscated by the coaches immediately and NOT RETURNED!
  • Cameras and Camera Phones may NOT be used inside of the locker rooms. If a student is found using any of these items IT WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY.
  • Students are to remain with their class at all times unless their coach gives them permission to do otherwise.
  • To avoid accidents, it is imperative that students follow all rules and procedures.
  • If a student is injured or feeling ill during PE class or Health, the student MUST be reported to the coach immediately so that proper course of action can be determined.

Please feel free to contact Coach Provost or Coach Chapman at (770) 781-4889 x 290572 or Coach Nash or Coach Quinlan (770) 781-4889 x 290555 with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your continued support and commitment to your child's education.