/ Texas Court Clerks Association
Freedom Trail Chapter
Meeting Minutes
Balcones Heights Municipal Court
August 9, 2013
  1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by President Landra Solansky with the following personnel present:

Officers: Landra Solansky, President

Claudia Lemon, Secretary

Linda Rose, Treasurer

Present: Reyna Hill from Seguin, Jordan Frantzen from Boerne, Maria Hernandez from Hollywood Park, Jennifer Moore and Connie Crenshaw from Luling, Amanda Ellis and Shelly Pena from Cuero, and Lisa Merlo and Yvonne Baez from Balcones Heights.

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes from May 10 were presented. Motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Linda Rose (Universal City) and seconded by Maria Hernandez (Hollywood Park). Motion passed.

  1. Reports

a)  Treasurer’s Report – Linda Rose (Universal City). Linda reported our current bank balance is $4785.26. We had a deposit of $1245.00 from dues. Chapter table novelties and door prizes have all been purchased. The budget for speaker fees has been exhausted so we may need to make a budget amendment and consider increasing that line item for next year’s budget.

b)  Education Report – Connie Crenshaw (Luling): There was some confusion on whether we would have an education session at this meeting. There is no education being provided for this meeting however, Connie is going to try and arrange a Distracted Drivers education session for December’s meeting. We will receive education credit. December’s meeting will be held in Cuero on the 6th, time is tentatively set for 10:00 am.

c)  Legislative Report – Claudia Lemon (Boerne): Claudia reported that the last Legislative Update is scheduled for August 23, 2013 in Austin. She briefed that she forwarded an email from TML to the membership concerning bills that could affect municipal courts. TMCEC also disseminated information on early effective dates and the new $2 court costs. Copies were made available for anyone who may not have received the emails.

d)  Membership Report – Paula Burgess (La Vernia): Paula was unable to attend.

e)  Historian Report – Kristine Hayman (Lockhart): Kristine was unable to attend.

f)  Website Committee – Claudia Lemon (Boerne): Claudia stated that she will update the website with our next meeting in Cuero.

g)  Annual Conference Report – Landra Solansky (Seguin): Landra stated that she has taken care of the speaker gifts for the conference. She also said that an email was sent out from San Antonio Municipal Court to all the chapter presidents asking for donated items for the giveaway bags. The consensus was that most members do not feel comfortable soliciting items from local businesses since they could be appearing in our courts.

h)  Scholarship Committee Report – Kristine Hayman (Lockhart): Kristine was unable to attend. Landra stated that one application was received and is being awarded to Connie Crenshaw. Congratulations Connie!

i)  Nomination Committee – Vacant

j)  Internal Audit Report – Connie Crenshaw (Luling): Nothing new to report.

  1. Old Business


  1. New Business

a)  TCCA Conference, San Antonio: Don’t forget that the parking fees at the hotel are $15 per day. There is very limited parking elsewhere.

New Certifications: CONGRATULATIONS! Since we last reported new certifications, the following clerks have earned certification at the level noted:

Level II:

Flor Estela Ramirez – Edinburg (5/16/13)

Angela Crain – Portland (8/5/13)

Level I:

Araceli Sanchez – South Padre Island (6/07/13)

Jennifer Moore – Luling (7/03/13)

Lindsey Mena – San Marcos (7/03/13)

Susana Rodriguez – Edinburg (7/22/13)

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

Date/Time Location Educational Session

December 6/10:00 Cuero TBD – Distracted Driving

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by Linda Rose (Universal City) and seconded by Connie Crenshaw (Luling). Meeting was adjourned at 10:42 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Claudia Lemon, Secretary