Crew notes #18: Relay Underway
Greetings Crew,
The preceding set of crew notes -- #17, titled "2012 Recall" -- came
out on March 21, well over two months ago. This lapse of time is
exceptional and I'll see that it doesn't happen again. I assure you,
though, you haven't missed a thing.
At the same time, let me note that CN #18 since June 2011 makes 18
installments in 12 months, an average rate of about one installment
every 2.5 weeks. Not too bad for someone who is increasing disinclined
to plant himself in front of a computer screen and write.
Ars longa, vita brevis. "Art is long, life short." Old Latin saying.
Life is short, me maties, but the art of living has long-term, long-wave
Also note: the lunar apogee went into a stall in late March, hovering
around 16-17 Taurus: ECL 46-470, before the satanic mask of Cetus. It
must be said, this has been one long excruciating stall. I have
commented on it in recent nav briefings, describing the three massive
issues of Sophia's deep introspection during this moment of correction.
On May 27 we entered the 6th second of the 10-second countdown to March
As for the upcoming apogee surge of June 16, the position is still 17
Taurus!!! But slowing pulling away. It does three degrees of shift in
one month: the apogee surge of July 13 occurs at 20 Taurus, clearing
Audio commentaries to accompany crew notes can be found listed under
GNE audio files: most recent, Pleromic Relay that goes with these notes
(#18), to be followed by Duplex Orchestration.
# Divine Memory
The attached illustration shows the transit of the lunar apogee during
the three years of correction.
Note that the progression (right to left) kicks off neatly with the
lunar apogee at 1 ECL, 1 Aries at the startpoint of the tropical or
astrological zodiac. Uranus is also right there, hovering at the "vernal
point" (VP): that is, the position of the sun at the spring equinox.
Graphically, in the real-sky zodiac, is position occurs under the body
of the whale that swims west (left to right), as viewed from the
northern hemisphere. In effect, this whale swims in the direction of
precession: the VP shifts against the natural order of the
constellations at the mean rate of 1 degree every 72 years. The VP is
the hour hand of the cosmic clock. Precession means it advances to the
preceding position, reckoned as opposite the natural order or seasonal
sequence: FISHES-RAM-BULL-TWINS, etc.
The position of uranus at the commencement of correction is highly
pertinent. The three trans-saturnian planets, uranus, neptune, and
pluto, are not properly speaking planetary bodies of the archontic
stereoma, the non-organic solar system. They are not planets but probes
used by the Pleromic Aeons to monitor the terrestrial experiment. Each
probe collects a different range of data. Uranus collects data on
cognitive and intellectual advances and discoveries in the course of the
kalpas (26,000 years: one day of Aeonic time), as well as more abstract
intel concerning ethics or behavioral patterns based on the instinctual
programs endowed in various animal species, with special attention to
human ethics. You could say, it collects data for an evaluation of
long-term sociological trends in morality and ethics -- "social
Let's recall that the apogee shift is a register of divine memory, the
recapitulations of the Wisdom Goddess. In the three years of correction,
the range of the shift runs from the FISHES (or WHALES) through the RAM,
the BULL, and the TWINS. Sophia completes the initial conditions of her
correction when the apogee shifts from the TWINS, past the mariner's
stars Castor and Pollux, into the CRAB: the Chambered Nautilus
(reference to the Y-shape of that constellation, which can be visualized
at unfolding or spinning into a spiral).
# Apogee Overview
For an overview of the entire process of correction, consider that each
constellation transited by the lunar apogee represents a massive block
of recall, a coherent array of mnemonic material comprising themes and
events. As we have observed so far, Sophia remembers certain episodes of
her cosmic biography corresponding to the sequence of constellations:
FISHES: March 2011 - Jan 2012 (aligned M31, Andromeda Nebula). Close
parallel to jupiter in the same constellation, shifting into the RAM in
Jan 2012.
Involving Cetus below and Andromeda above, this transit is densely
loaded with recall of crucial elements of Sophia's adventure -- more or
less recapitulating backwards into the remote past, although the linear
sequence is not consistent and her memory jumps occasionally to key
events out of linear timing. For instance, some pre-plunge memories are
recapped during this transit (as loosely presented in the CN #17):
§ Pre-plunge: designing the Anthropos with Thelete, Chrismation of the
genome and projection into the Orion Nebula, observation of nine
previous experiments with catastrophic outcomes, preview of Anthropos-10
(current), theKali/Kalki intervention pact (M 31 alignment - January
2012). Actually, when she remembers the pact in January, she also
remembers the conditions upon which she bases her intervention scenario,
namely, the previous catastrophic experiments with her pet species.
Post-plunge: involvement with the Archons, terror of Mantis
RAM: January 2012 - September 2012
Note that the sprawling body of the bloated zombie Cetus stretches
beneath the FISHES, but the head is positioned beneath the RAM. The
component stars of the RAM, a sketchy and diminutive constellation, sit
entirely above the ecliptic.
Compare jupiter in the RAM: January-June 2012
§ Sophia integrates the Archontic heaven into the three-body system,
lending Aeonic power to the Archons. Sophia stares down the Archontic
threat to the experiment, recalling how she was captured in the capture
of the planetary system. Doing so, she reclaims the power she conferred
on the Archons and turns it to the uses of correction: self-propulsion
and self-navigation, liberation from the capture of celestial mechanics.
On the mothership, the steam turbines (volcanoes, subterranean heat and
steam) crank up ferociously, and her sails (ionosphere = square rigging,
and foresails = lower atmosphere) wrack and shudder terrifically, the
topsails ballooning under the impact of plasmic currents in the galactic
limb. The mothership dives into the southern skies, taking Canopus in
Argo for the guiding beacon of correction.
During the long apogee stall from March to July 2012 Sophia enters deep
introspection as she faces an extremely difficult moment of her recall
process: remembering the formulation of human gender and the subsequent
rift, the adulteration of the genome (Apoc John: Sophia cuts a deal with
the archons; the deal is called heirmarmene, "the entrainment of fate
according to the measures and seasons."), and the third one.... you
BULL: September 2012 (lunar apogee reaches Pleiades) - April 2013
Compare jupiter in BULL: mid-June 2012 - June 2013
During this six-month period, Sophia recalls cosmological events all
the way back to the moment of generation of the archons, immediately
upon her plunge. These events include:
Setting up the first Archon stereoma(Saturn at the center), which
collapses. Sophia shores up and encloses the emergent stereoma, hides
Ialdabaoth in a radiant cloud (uroboros/Taimat), forms second stereoma
with the sun, conversion of Sabaoth. Sophia provides luminous epinoia
to Anthropos-10; Zoe, the flame-born daughter of Sophia, emanated from
the sun), D-FORCE ("the tumbler" in Castaneda) provided by the sun (the
devouring Eagle in Castaneda); Sophia forms the moon by condensation of
the OL -- ongoing calibration the time-cycles of life and death by lunar
Finally, Sophia contracts massively toward forming the earth (4320
billion years ago in geological time). Final stage of materialization:
OL precipitates into the geode holding Mantis: Sophia's terror
Now that's some recap!!! In the BULL phase of apogee transit, PAM
recalls key events leading to materialization of the living body of the
earth. The implantation of the luminous epinoia, the formation of the
moon - wowee zowee! All this coming up in September 2012, proceeding
into spring 2013.
# Pleromic Relay
And that's just the half of it. At the midpoint of correction her
recapitulation takes on a different spin due to Pleromic Relay,
accomplished from 16 June 2012 (jupiter at the Pleiades) to September 7,
2012 (lunar apogee reaches the Pleiades). As I explained in a recent nav
briefing, with Pleromic Relay the Aeons of the galactic core establish
for Sophia the conditions she herself would have arranged had she been
able to use the spindle mechanism of the Pleiades (fly-fishing analogy).
I will describe at some length what this arrangement implies as it
unfolds from June 16 onward.
Thus, not only is the Wisdom Goddess undergoing a massive recap of
decisive events concerning her materialization and preparation for the
emergence of humanity in the terrestrial habitat, but at the same time,
she is relinking to the galactic center in real time. Relay involves
continues 24-hour signal exchanges: that is, acoustic pulse
transmissions from earth to Pleroma and back, covering a distance of
25,000 light-years.
How can sound traveling at 768 miles per hour go a distance of 25,000
light-years in one terrestrial day? You might find the answer to that
question extremely revealing, perhaps even life-changing. The answer is
by NADA.
Note the ongoing tango between the lunar apogee and jupiter, you cannot
help but marvel at the care and precision entailed in setting the
initial conditions of correction. Remember that jupiter represents the
gyroscopic guidance system of the mother ship, while the lunar apsides
are the steerage. For Sophia to get on course under her own speed and
directed by her own autonomous intent (pronoia), she has to merge these
astronomical factors with great care. The converges of the lunar apogee
with jupiter hence denote crucial moments of success in the astronomical
feat of correction:
1st converge: April 13, 2012 in 17 Taurus during the stall
2nd converge: December 2012 in 10-12 Gemini, at Aldebaran, the eye of
the BULL
3rd converge: July 2013 in 2 Cancer (in the perihelion of saturn), feet
of the TWINS, in the Milky Way
4th converge: November 2013 in 22 Cancer, head of the TWINS, Castor and
Sophia completes the initial conditions of correction in March 2014
with the lunar apogee sliding into the CRAB and jupiter positioned
significantly at 10-12 Cancer, in its own north node, conjoined the
perihelion of the earth, aligned to Sirius.
# Thelete and Christos
During the set-up of Pleromic Relay via a plasmic braid threaded
through the spindle of the Pleiades, Sophia fully regains her PRONOIA:
autonomy, directional power, allowing her to hold the course she sets by
real-time intention, without using"auto-pilot". Pronoia comes back to
her restored by direct relinking to Thelete and Christos. The transit of
venus signals the decisive moments. Linking to Thelete: venus reaches
the star Nath (beta Tauri) , marking the tip of the northern horn of the
BULL - longitude 23 Gemini or 83 ECL. This star also belongs to the
constellation of Auriga. Venus reached Nath and turned retrograde there
on May 16, 2012. The reunion of Sophia and Thelete is now underway.
The star zeti Tauri marks the tip of the southern horn of the BULL -
longitude 26 Gemini (86 ECL). Just above and to the right of this star
is the most mysterious object in our galaxy, the Crab Nebula - longitude
26 Gemini or 86 ECL. Follow venus on stellarium and you see how she
dances back into the BULL to have a second meeting with jupiter, visible
in the dawn sky after July 4. Then, turning direct on June 29, venus
again advances along the horns, but this time, instead of tracing the
upper horn to Nath, she dances along the lower horn and conjoins with
the Crab Nebula, on August 2, 2012. At the moment Sophia reconnects with
the Aeon Christos and remains in that link for the duration of
Nath, beta Tauri, upper horn tip :: Thelete - 23 Gemini: May 16
stationary retrograde
Crab Nebula, near zeta Tauri, lower horn tip :: Christos - 28 Gemini:
August 2
# Divine Immanence
Establishment of pronoia is absolutely critical to correction. One of
the factors retarding the response of the Wisdom Goddess in her Aeonic
potency is her autistic absorption in divine immanence, sustaining the
symbiosis of the entire planet in real time, one second at a time. The
waves do not come to the beach automatically on this planet: she lays
each one down, makes each leaf tremble, calves the glaciers right before
your eyes like a hostess carving a slice of her wedding cake. In divine
immanence, the Sophia forgoes her own pronoia as an Aeon -- which
explain why she cannot immediately and directly intervene as a divine
power in the course of terrestrial events. But with her pronoia restored
through the dual assistance of Thelete and Christos, she comes into the
full range of her Aeonic power or ennoia, intention.
§ protennoia: preformative intention, as when you plan a drive to
Malibu. Sophia used this power in the Pleroma when she unilaterally
dreamed an experiment for the Anthropos in a three-body system
§ ennoia: intention, as when you intend to drive to Malibu
§ pronoia: direct and persistent application of intention, as when you
hold the direction of the route to Malibu
# Confirmation and Celebration
There have seen some significant confirmations of correction and the
Sophianic vision story since I wrote the last crew notes. It takes me a
lot of time to find these links, click and paste, etc, but I will
compile a few into an addendum for this set of notes. Also, indicating
some ways to celebrate the momentous shift now underway in correction:
from witnessing into participation:
§ Electric Universe 2012 conference
§ Showdown with globalist financial mafia
§ Perigee hits reflected in world financial upsets
§ Cording to protect the terton and support the crew of the
§ Recent nav briefings and audio commentaries (see gaiaspora) 09 the
Scorpion's Heart - 10 Living in Correction -
11 The End of Humanity
I am just today opening my nav mail after some weeks, so be patient
with me. I have the idea to respond to your messages in a recorded talk,
reading aloud through the mail bag, rather than by the tedium of written
answer. That way the entire crew can partake of each one-to-one
The audio commentary with CN #18 can be found under GNE audio files,
Pleromic Relay. To be followed up by a second one, titled Duplex
Thanks to Kundrie for the undersea art on the home page. The blue
triangular shape in the center is the tail of a mermaid - from a mermaid
painting of which this panel is a detail.
Salty regards to all,
June 9, 2012 Andalucia
Crew Notes #18: Relay Underway
