Softball Statistician


Goeing, Matt

Hunter, Ryan

Wicker, Rick

CS499 University of Kentucky May 2008


This project has been designed and implemented as a part of the requirements for CS-499 Senior Design Project for Spring 2005 semester.

While the authors make every effort to deliver a high quality product,

we do not guarantee that our products are free from defects.

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We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied.

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Under no circumstances shall the authors or the University

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to use this software, even if the authors or the University

of Kentucky have been advised of the possibility of such damages.


The Softball Statistician is a program designed for the NicholasCountyHigh School's softball team. It is intended to provide easy management of the softball team's stats

for each season. The program provides sortable individual game stats as well as season totals for the team and each player. Each table may be printed and each season's worth

of data may be easily saved into a single file for simpleorganization. The single file also allows for the filesto be emailed without much hassle.


Need: The current method for recording and maintaining softball records

and statistics at NicholasCountyHigh School is by paper and pencil. This can be a time consuming process when reports need to be created or statistics calculated. Written records can also be difficult to search and maintain. The current price of such commercial software products is greater than $500 and cannot truly be justified.

Solution: Software shall be created that provides the coaches of NCHS the ability to maintain accurate softball records. The software shall allow the coaches to enter player statistics on a game by game basis. The interface shall allow the user to generate and print reports based on particular games, players, or for the entire season. The user shall be able to access previous games' statisticsand a 'season' statistics page that is updated and kept current with the games entered


Details:Max number of games in a season: 45

Player Statistics:



At Bats (AB)

Hits (H)

Runs (R)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Errors (E)

Batting Average (Ave)

Doubles (2B)

Triples (3B)

Home Runs (HR)

Strike Outs (SO)

Walks (W)

Game Statistics:



Team Statistics

Season Statistics:


Total Player Statistics

Total Team Statistics



Programmed entirely in Java.

Designed for any machine supporting the Java Virtual Machine.

Objective Interaction and Data Flow

The Program is most easily broken up into three different parts.

The first part is the GUI which is responsible for user

interaction as well as printing the data. The second part is

the Engine which provides the GUI with the requested data and

does some error checking. The last part is best described as

data storage. Data storage involves both the data as it is

stored while the program is running and when saved to disk.

February 10
-Webpage with specification due.
-Small meeting to discuss initial design.
February 24
-Complete Basic Design is Finished(only minor tweaking left).
February 28
-Customer has Oked initial GUI design and slight modification to specfications.
March 8
-Midterm Presentation
-Project Design Due to be put on webpage.
March 10
-Meeting to Discuss Work that still needs to be done.
March 29
-Group Meeting
-All code outside of GUI should be done(Engine, Game, Player).
-Enough code to fully test the GUI is Done.
April 5
-Group Meeting
-All code should be done and ready for final heavy testing.
-Code was done except for Read/Write and a couple statistics computation
April 1-15
-Code Review with Instructor
-Instructor was pleased except for he desired more comments in out code
April 21
-Final Project Presentation
April 23
-Group Meeting
-Fixed the minor remaining bugs
-Everything involving the code is Finished
April May 4
-Project Completed All deliverables done.



The GUI is meant to be simple and intuitive. It will consist

of large viewing table that will show the data for the

selected game and allow for altering it and a pane for

selecing which game to view as well as save/load file buttons.

The GUI is created using SOftBallTableModel and SoftBall table



The Engine is designed to process all requests from the GUI. The

Engine checks all input to make sure they are integers. The

Engine uses an array of Game objects to hold the data during



game Season[45]array of game objects

int year

string hometeamname



void readData(string filename);

void saveData(string filename);

string getOpponent(int gameNum)

int getHomeScore(int gameNum)

int getOpponentScore(int gameNum)

object getData(int gameNum); This returns the data for one game

in a two dimensional array.

void setatBats(int gameNum, string name, int atbats)

…(all set functions)…

void setopponent(int gamenum, string opponent)

void editName (String oldName, String newName)

void newGame() //effectively flip the gameplayed bool in next

game in games array

Data Storage

The Data is stored in Game and Player Objects during runtime and

saved to a file (one file per season) for long term storage.



player Roster[25]array of player objects

string opponent

int opponentScore

int homeScore

int numofPlayersonRoster

bool gamePlayed


string getOpponent()

int getHomeScore()

int getOpponentScore()

bool gamePlayed() //returns whether or not game has been played

object getGameData();

This should return a double array like:

Object Data[][] = Game.getGameData();

Data will then be

{{"player name","grade", atBats, runs,..,walks},

{"player name","grade", atBats, runs,..,walks},

{"player name","grade", atBats, runs,..,walks}}

getGameData will in effect, return an array of arrays of player

data for the game.

**basically an array of the data return by calling getPlayer()

on ever player in the game.

void setatBats(string name, int atBats)

...(all set functions)...

void setStrikeOuts(string name, int strikeouts)

void setGamePlayed(bool play);

void addPlayer(string name) //flip the playedinGame bool for

the next player in the array to true and set their name,

increment numofPlayersonRoster

int getNumofPlayers() returns numofPlayersonRoster



string name

string grade

int atBats

int runs

int runsBattedIn

int errors

int doubles

int triples

int homeruns

int strikeouts

int walks

bool playedinGame; //initialise to false so that when checkin

the game object array of players if this is false there is

no data for this player object


object getPlayerData();

should return an array:

{"player name","grade", atBats, runs,..,walks}

bool played(); return playedinGame

void setName(string name)

...(all set functions)..

void setStrikeOuts(int souts)

void serPlayedinGame(bool play);

File Handling:

The save file(.sfb file) systems uses the serializable

interface of java to save individual player and game objects

to file. This allows us to encrypt the files in byte format

to prevent easy access and also makes for more streamlined

reading and writing. It also makes coding and debugging more

efficient due to the ease of reading the code as objects

instead of the individual statistics. Reading is also very

similar in that the objects are created in full as opposed

to being initialized and built with several member functions.

Extra constructors were added for both the player and game

objects to assist in the I/O from the external files. The

file itself begins with the number of games in the season

information. This is followed by the saved game objects of

the games and then the players

User Scenarios

User Screens


The user will be able to enter data for all of the games in a single season. The entire

season will be saved in a single file. The individual games and the season total will be

listed on the left hand side of the GUI based upon the opponent and date that the user enters

into the panel for each game. The panel is located above the table and like the table, will be

unique to each game and will be updated if the user selects a different game in the list.

Design Considerations

+One major design consideration was to keep the program

simple and easy to manage so that only minor computing

experience is needed to begin using it.

This led to several design choices:

-Not to use a database because the user would be

unfamiliar with setting one up and the program

is intended to be able to be installed on

multiple machines by the user.

-Keep the GUI simple and intuitive.

-Attempt to keep the save file easily manageable

so the user can email and move them from place

to place.

+Java programming launguage was chosen because it allowed

for a fairly easy GUI setup and all of the programmers

were familiar with it.

+The program will intially be developed for softball only

but then potentially altered to allow for easy

implementation of other sports. This was done so that the

customer's needs should definantly be able to be met while

allowing for the project to be extended time permitting.


Future Enhancements/Maintenance

KHSAA-Current Implementation is to have the coach call and deliver stats in

order to keep up with statistical leaders.

Other Sports

-This program can be easily transferable to other sports. The NicholasCountyHigh School Football Coach has already requested its use.

Test Strategy

-A beta version was given to the customer in mid April for practical use testing. No major errors were found. The screen size of the user was smaller than the size we had for the program, so we had to modify the screen dimensions of the final project. Also on the printout, there was a column that was not wide enough. Some of the data was not being displayed. Both of the problems were fixed.

-All of the other testing was done by the programmers. We set up a strategy for testing the boundary conditions (by entering the maximum # of players for each game and the maximum # of games for the season). We also tested usability errors such as randomly clicking buttons, trying to enter data on uneditable screens, printing, etc.

-We also had former softball players who were friends with the group to run the program on their own computers and report any errors. No errors were reported.


User's manual and installation guide

- Included

- Insert Program CD into CD drive. Autorun will read the CD and install the necessary compononents.

User’s Manual

Version 1.0

Authors: Matt Goeing, Ryan Hunter, Rick Wicker

Table of Contents

Program Layout…………………………………………………………………3

Game List…………………………………………………………………3

File Menu/Icon Bar………………………………………………………3

Game Data……………………………………………………………….4


Open the Program………………………………………………………6

Exit the Program…………………………………………………………6

Create a New Season…………………………………………………...6

Open an Existing Season………………………………………………6

Save a Season…………………………………………………………..7

Add a New Game to the Season………………………………………7

Delete Last Game……………………………………………………….8

Print Game Information…………………………………………………8

Displaying About Screen……………………………………………….9

Edit Game Information………………………………………………….9

Adding a Player to the Game………………………………………….. 10

Deleting a Player from the Game……………………………………... 10

Edit Game Statistics…………………………………………………… 11

Highlights………………………………………………………………………… 12


-Game List – This area will display a list of games in the current season. To display a different game, the user simply needs to click on the game in this list. Users can update this list using the ‘New Game’ and ‘Delete Last Game’ Button.

-File Menu/Icon Bar – This area will give the user options such as ‘Save Season’, ‘Open Existing Season’, etc.

-Game Data – This area will display all of the information for the game that is selected in the Game List.

The upper portion will contain game logistical information: opponent, site, opponent score, home score, and date.

The lower portion is the table that will display the game statistics.


-Open the program

Click on the SoftballStatistician.jar file located on your desktop.

-Exit the program

To close the program the user has three options:

1) click File-> ‘Exit’

2) press Alt + F, then Alt + E

3) click on the red ‘x’ in the upper right-hand corner.

*Be sure to save before you exit! Under the current version, you will not be prompted to save before you exit.

-Create a New Season

To create a new season the user has two options:

1) click File-> ‘New Season’

2) press Alt + F, then Alt + N

-Open an Existing Season

To open an existing season the user has three options:

1) click File-> ‘Open Season’

2) press Alt + F, then Alt+ O

3) click on the ‘Open File’ Button:

Browse to find the saved file and click “Open’ or click ‘Cancel’ to cancel any actions.

-Save a Season

To save a season the user has three options:

1) click File-> ‘Save Season’

2) press Alt + F, then Alt+ S

3) click on the ‘Save File’ Button:

Type a name for the file and select the directory to save the file. Click ‘Save’ or click ‘Cancel’ to cancel any actions.

Each saved file represents a ‘Season’. It will save a Season with a maximum of 45 games each with a roster of up to 26 players.

-Add a New Game to the Season

To add a new game to the current season click the ‘New Game’ Button in the lower left hand corner:


This will add another item to the Game List as ‘New Game’. To change ‘New Game’ to something more useful, type in the opponent’s name in the blank box:

Whatever is typed into the ‘Opponent’ Box will replace the highlighted item in the game list.

For example, typing ‘Nicholas’ into the ‘Opponent’ Box will yield the following results:

The roster from the previous game will be set as the roster for the New Game so that the user doesn’t have to add each of the players again.

-Delete Last Game from the Season

To delete a game in the current season click the ‘Delete Last Game’ Button in the lower left hand corner:

This will delete the last game in the list. This is not intended for use to delete more than one game at a time. This is simply a convenience method in case the user wishes to delete the last game and start again. This button will only allow the user to delete one game. A new game must be created in order to be able to delete again.

-Print Game Information

To print game information the user has three options:

1) click Reports-> ‘Print Game’

2) press Alt + p, then Alt + t

3) click on the ‘Print Game’ Button:

A print preview will appear for the game that is highlighted in the Game List:

Press the ‘Print’ button at the bottom to print the game data or press cancel to return to the program.

-Displaying the About Screen

To display the ‘About’ Screen the user has two options:

1) click ‘Help’-> ‘About’

2) press Alt + H, then Alt + A.

-Edit Game Information

To enter game logistical information (opponent, score, date, site) simply type this information into the text boxes with the corresponding game highlighted in the Game List. (If ‘Season Totals’ is highlighted in the Game List, the user is unable to edit any of the game information.

-Adding a Player to a Game

Select the game from the Game List that you wish to add the player. Click the ‘Add Player’ Button in the upper right-hand corner:


This will display a box to enter the player’s name:


Type the player’s name into the box and press the ‘OK’ button or the ‘Enter’ to key add that player or press the ‘Cancel’ button to return to the program. Pressing ‘OK’ will add a player to the current game and all future games.

-Deleting a player from a game

Select the game from the Game List that you wish to delete the player. Click the ‘Delete Player’ Button in the upper right-hand corner:
