Sorting and Classifying

Grade Level:

/ Second /





Prepared By:

/ Toynisha Monroe

TEKS Content Standards Addressed

(7)Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses attributes to identify, compare, and contrast shapes and solids. The student is expected to:
B)use attributes to describe how two shapes or two solids are alike or different /

TEKS Technology Applications Standards Addressed

TA 2A Use a variety of input devices such as mouse, keyboard, disk drive, modem and Excel
TA 7B Use appropriate software including the use of word processing and multimedia, to express ideas and solve problems
Overview & Purpose

(What will be learned and why it is useful?)


Sorting and classifying, it will help them be able to sort shapes and similar objects, and they will learn to classify objects



Teacher Guide (what will you do)


Student Guide (what will students do)


Materials Needed

The teacher will ask the students to sort according to color, shapes, sizes, most of, and least of / The students will be able to sort and classify according to color, shapes, and sizes /

Manipulative, M&M’s and Excel



Anticipatory set

(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information to prepare students for the lesson) / The student will give the students a bag of shapes, a pack of M&M’s and 2 worksheets / The students will be given a bag of shapes, a pack of M&M’s, and 2 worksheets

5 mins



Instructional activity

(Describe the activities to be used to engage the students in meeting the objective) / The teacher will show students how to sort according to color, shapes, and sizes.
The teacher will give each student a pack of M&M’s / The student will continue to think of ways to sort and classify manipulatives.
The students will be given a pack of M&M’s and will make predictions about color as well as estimate how many M&M’s are in a package /

Other Resources

45 mins




(Steps to check for student understanding) / As the student s to write a reflection an well as do a graph in Excel. / The students will to into Excel and duplicate the graph worksheet that they are given. Also they will write a reflection on what they have learned about sorting and classifying, using the correct vocabulary discussed in class.

10 mins


(Was the lesson successful? What were the successes and failures? What was the student's reaction?) / The lesson plan was successful and creative. Next time I will wait to give the students the candy and tell them what to do first. / The class participated well with the activity. They were to rowdy. /

Instructional Location

A regular class room setting