February 8/9 to March 10/11, 2016

ASL 2: Unit 10

Notebooks will be checked on March 3rd.

Unit 4 Powerpoint presentation in ASL is due on March 7st and 9th.

Last day to do make up work for Quarter 3 grades is March 9th.

February 8th to 11th week.

Top of Form

February 8/9 / Done?
Check / February 10/11 / Done?
HW = DVD 10:1
pages 242-245
Review and practice vocabulary from pages 245-251.
Understand the Grammar: Temporal Aspect
(page 242-243)
Read & answer
questions on Minidialogues 1, 2, and 3
Be ready to sign in class / HW = DVD 10:2
pages 252-255
Do “Write the Amount” and “How Much”
Vocabulary review pages 256-258.
***I can tell if you use the same signs as the sign models from the DVD. Review and practice. J
HW = DVD 10:3
pages 259-260
Wh-word Question part 1
Study vocabulary list from your notes and
10:1 to 10:6 from the student workbook and DVD (VR) for vocabulary quiz: February 22/23, 2016

Bottom of Form

February 16th to 18th week.

Top of Form

February 16/17 / Done?
Check / February 18/19 / Done?
HW = DVD 10:4
pages 261-264
Vocabulary review and practice page 264-270
Know what Predicative Adjectives means.
Page 262 / HW = DVD 10:6
pages 277-280
***Start making an outline of a Deaf person OR Deaf historical event for your powerpoint presentation. Must be approved by Bray. First come, first serve. No one can have the same topic or person.
Rubric of what is expected will be handed out. (note: for bray pg 600)
HW = DVD 10:5
Pages 271-276
Practice signing the prices of items.
*Handout page 272 from student workbook.
**Bring 6 items to class that are all under the price of $10. (20 points are given to those who bring items for classroom participation.)
(It is ok if you do not know the sign for the item you bring. Know each item’s price by listing on paper.) / Prepare for quiz from Vocabulary Review
and be ready on Feb 22/23
Pages 242-279

Bottom of Form

February 22 to 26th week.

February 22/23 / Done?
Check / February 24/25 / Done?
Check / February 26 / Done?
Quiz day!
On vocabulary list from classnotes and pages 242-279 in student
Also, understand the Key Graamar “Temporal Aspect” and “Predicative Adjectives” / HW DVD 10:8
Pgs. 287-289 / Homework follow-up in class of 10:9 (40 minutes in class)
HW = DVD 10:7
pgs 281-286
**Keep developing your powerpoint presentation. / HW DVD 10:9
Pgs. 290-296
**Find two people to interview outside of class.
Be prepared to share next class. / HW DVD 10:10
Pgs. 297-301
Culture: Interrupting Others
**Make sure you have powerpoint and ASL translation 75% completed and rehearsed.

March 1-5th week.

March 1/2 / Done?
Check / March 3/4
(Minimum day) / Done?
HW DVD 10:11
Pgs. 303-304
Comprehension: Why the Owl Has Big Eyes
Get your notebook organized and make sure to complete assignments before next class. / Practice your power point presentation with partner’s feedback to get ready for “test day.” Powerpoint should be completed. Flashdrive or email your PPT to test it on laptop.
Notebook check.
**All assignments are to be completed and correct.
100 points for neatness, organized in the right places, and HW completed in order.
Must have this schedule in front inside the notebook so I can see what was checked off.
HW DVD 10:12
Pgs. 305-310
Understand what ICL means and how to use ICL.
Read and know of Alice Taylor Terry (1878-1950) on page 303-304.
Answer questions from handout and submit to Google Classroom.
Due Date: March 6

March 7-9th week.

March 7/8 / March 9/10
Test Day!
Presentation in class.
Limit time 5 minutes per person. / Test Day!
Presentation in class.
Limit time 5 minutes per person.