Goal /
- By June 2016, the number of identified K-5 students with physical aggression reports will decrease by 30% (from 38 reports at the end of the 2014-15 school year to 27 reports by the end of 2015-2016 school year).
- By June 2016, the number of identified K-5 students with disrespect/defiance/disruption reports will decrease by 20% (from 73 reports at the end of 2014-2015 school year to 58 reports by the end of the 2015-2016 school year).
Lessons and Activities Related to Goal:
Grade Level / Lesson Topic / Lesson Presented In Which Class/ Subject / ASCA Domain and Standard (Mindsets & Behaviors) / Curriculum and Materials / Start/End / Process Data (Number of students affected) / Perception Data
(Data from surveys/ assessments used ) / Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance and/or behavior) / Implications
Five / Bullying / Olweus Bullying
Circle Lesson
Presented in all (4) 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5thclassrooms during the Core Curriculum time that was scheduled with each teacher. / Domain: Social/
B- SS8
B- SS9 / Olweus Bullying Prevention Curriculum / November–
Grade 5
January –
Grade 3
February – Grade 4
March –
Grade 2 / 292 Students / Bullying Circle Pre/Post Test was given to grades 2-5
1. Believe they can do something about bullying.
Pre/Post Results:
Gr. 2- 69% to 100%
Gr. 3- 42% to100%
Gr. 4- 92% to 100%
Gr. 5- 94% to 100%
2. Learning what to do will help me in school.
Pre/Post Results:
2nd - 94% to 98%
3rd - 96% to 98%
4th - 96% to 99%
5th - 98% to 99%
3. Know the definition and
4. Know expectations
Majority (91 -98%)of all students already know definition and expectations.
5. Can identify the different roles
Pre/Post Results:
Gr. 2- 4% to 100%
Gr. 3- 27% to 100%
Gr. 4- 64% to 100%
Gr. 5- 76% to 100%
6. Can identify the role I play in a bullying situation.
Pre/Post Results:
Gr. 2- 26% to 100%
Gr. 3- 52% to 100%
Gr. 4- 86% to 100%
Gr. 5- 91% to 100%
7. Can demonstrate with a statement to stand up.
Pre/Post Results:
Gr. 2- 84% -100%
Gr. 3- 54% to 100%
Gr. 4- 84% to 100%
Gr. 5- 89% to 100%
8. Can describe what to do to stand up.
Pre/Post Results:
Gr. 2- 88% to 100%
Gr. 3- 58% to 100%
Gr. 4- 88% to 100%
Gr. 5- 92% 100% / FOR ALL 3 LESSONS!
As ofJune 1, 2016 … we had 24 physical aggression reports and decreased our number of reports by 36% from last year. Our GOAL was 30%.
As of June 1, 2016 … we had a total of 53 disrespect, defiance, and disruption reports and decreased our number of office referrals by 27% from last year.
Our GOAL was20%.
* Our data reveals that when we teach the knowledge and skills, they become more successful, their attitude positively changes and behavior improves. / 1. Intentional instruction on this topic is beneficial. The data reveals that over time …our students learn and retain the knowledge and skills needed to help others and themselves in a bullying situation. They believe they can do something about bullying in our school because they are having positive experiences with using their skills and the adult support to do so.
2. The 3rd graders scored the lowest of all of the grades, and reported they didn’t believe they could do something or know what to do in a bullying situation. Further discussion revealed they were having more conflict than bullying at their grade level. The data reinforces the need to continue the Talking with TJ Series on Conflict Resolution Skills in the 3rd grade.
3. To sustain the progress
we’ve made on decreasing bullying over the last four years, I will continue doing this one lesson on the “Bullying Circle” in every second, third, fourth and fifth grade class. It addresses all of the main points we are trying to cover with our students. The feedback from our fifth graders (who had this lesson for the past four years) revealed they liked doing the lesson because they learn something new each year, and they have a better understanding about their role and what to do in a bullying situation.
Grade Four / Emotional Management / Presented in all (4) Fourth Grade Classrooms during Core Curriculum times scheduled with the teachers. / Domain:
B-SMS 7 / Committee For Children: Second Step Curriculum / March 2016 / Total of 79 out of 82 fourth grade students
were present for the lesson. / Pre/Post Test was given.
1. Believe strong emotions can affect my actions.
Pre/Post Results:
• 95% to 100%
2. Believe I can manage my emotions.
Pre/Post Results:
• 77% to 95%%
3. Know how strong emotions affect mybody.
Pre/Post Results:
• 28% to 95%
4. Can name calming down steps.
Pre/Post Results:
• 4% to 100%
5. Can demonstrate how to use calming down steps
Pre/Post Results:
• 5% to 100%
6. Can demonstrate how to belly breathe
Pre/Post Results:
• 22% to 100% / Same as above. / 1. This was the first year we presented any formal instruction on “emotional management”. The data revealed that with intentional instruction on the topic, the students were able to positively change their attitude/beliefs and knowledge and skills regarding this coping skill.
2. Similar lessons were presented to all of theother grade levelsand we believe this has impacted the decrease of physical aggression, disrespect, defiance and disruptions in our school.
Four / Problem
Solving / Presented in all (4) Fourth Grade Classrooms during Core Curriculum times scheduled with the teachers. / Domain:
B- L 9
B SMS 1 / Committee For Children:
Second Step
Curriculum / March 2016 / Total of 78 out of 82 Fourth Grade Students / Pre/Post Test was given.
1. Believe I am responsible for my own actions.
Pre/Post Results:
92% to 96%
2. Can state a problem without blaming anyone.
Pre/Post Results:
29% to 94%
3. Believe I can think of safe and respectful solutions to a problem
Pre/Post Results:
93% to 95%
4. Can name the problem solving steps
Pre/Post Results:
28% to 94%
5. Can identify the positive and negative consequences to a possible solution
Pre/Post Results:
56% to 95%
6. Can demonstrate how to use the problem solving steps
Pre/Post Results:
43% to 90% / Same as above. / 1. On the pre/post tests 92%-96% of the fourth grade students believe they are responsible for their own actions, and believe they can think of safe and respectful solutions to a problem. Before any instruction our fourth graders have a positive outlook and want to do the right thing. Again our data is showing that we are making gains in the areas of respect, defiance and disruption.
2. Intentional instruction paired with positive attitudes does make a difference. Longitudinal data, along with learning theory, support continuing these types of lessons in the future.
Our data is definitely linked to our program goals, and lessons like this one contribute to the overall decrease of physical aggression and disrespectful behavior in our school.
Second Step Summative Knowledge Assessments:
My principal had asked me to conduct a summative knowledge assessment on all of the Second Step Curriculum (per grade level) so we can gather longitudinal data as we use this material from year to year. The Second Step Program provides the assessments at the end of each grade level curriculum. I did not do a pre/post test because they had never had this material before. I did this assessment when I had completed the curriculum in each classroom.
Coping Skills Pre/Post Test: I had planned to do a pre/post coping skills test with all of the Second – Fifth grade students. I only had time to do the questionnaire at the end of the year. I wanted to gather information from our students on their knowledge about coping skills and how to better manage person/social issues. The data was all over the map on this one. One consistent piece of information was that all four grades scored lower on“Knowing ways to deal with disagreements”. / All grade levels scored the lowest on “Assertive Skills” and “Empathy. Please refer to Advisory Council PowerPoint to note all of the specific information.
I have these results but did not include them in this document because it is too much information. I will be using this data for the coming year. / In visiting with our Advisory Council about this, we discussed how to incorporate these skills in other programs in the school … like our weekly Olweus Class Meetings. Also, I will adjust some of my lessons for next year to reinforce these concepts.
I need to rethink what is my burning question, and how I can better gather info from students on this overall topic.