Yang, Jun (June)
123 Bay 8th St. 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY, 11228
B.S. Chemical Engineering, September 1998 --- June 2002
ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity, Shanghai, P.R.China
Emphasis: Triobology; Biodegradable lubricant and its additives
GPA: 3.52/4.00
M.S. Chemical Engineering, September 2002 --- December 2004
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
Emphasis: Polymer synthesis
GPA: 3.87/4.00
Thesis title: Supported Atom Transfer Radical PolymerizationandPolymer Synthesis by Living Polymerizations (Defense on Nov. 30, 2004)
Ph. D Material Chemistry, September 2004 --- Current
PolytechnicUniversity, Brooklyn, New York
Emphasis: Enzyme catalyzed polymerization of fatty acids
GPA: 4.00/4.00
Enzyme Catalyzed Polyester Synthesis
Sep. , 2005---Current
- Designed a set of engineered enzymes for polyester synthesis
- Designed a screening method of polymerization of fatty acid catalyzed by enzyme variants
- Tested the properties of synthesized polyester and optimized our method
Synthesis of heteroarm T-type branched polymer (butadiene-g-styrene)
June, 2003—Sep., 2003
- Designed several synthetic schemes via the combination of ATRP polymerization and living anionic polymerization
- Tested and proved that the reaction mechanism of lithium anion with carbonyl group or halogen was much more complicated than we expected
- Optimized the reaction condition of synthetic method via chlorosilane coupling agent and synthesized graft and block polymer with different molecular weight of butadiene and styrene
Catalyst Support for ATRP polymerization
Jan., 2003—May, 2003
- Developed a totally new catalyst support system for ATRP polymerization using self-assembly concept.
- Synthesized ligand and polymer gel containing units which can form hydrogen bonding.
- Conducted ATRP polymerization to find the optimized polymerization condition by varying several reaction parameters including ratio of support to catalyst, temperature, solvent and type of polymer gel.
- Characterized polymer samples by NMR and GPC
Collaborated with my colleague to do the polymerization using silica gel as support, which applied to the same concept.
- Spring 2003: Grader for CHE 4090 Process Dynamics and Control at University of Wyoming in Spring
- Fall 2004: Teaching assistant for organic chemistry laboratory CM 2214 at PolytechnicUniversity
- Yang, J.; Ding, S.; Radosz, M.; Shen, Y. Reversible Catalyst Supporting via Self Assembly for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of MMA. Macromolecules2004,37(5), 1728-1734.
- Shen, Y.; Yang, J.; Ding, S.; Radosz, M. Polymer catalyst sponge via self assembly: Reversible catalyst supporting for atom transfer radical polymerization.PolymericMaterials Science and Engineering2003, 89, 784-785.
- Shen, Y.; Yang, J.; Ding, S.; Radosz, M. Polymer catalyst sponge via self assembly: Reversible catalyst supporting for atom transfer radical polymerization.Abstracts of Papers, 226th National Meeting, New York, NY, United States, September 7-11, 2003 (2003)
- Ding, S..; Yang, J.; Radosz, M.;Shen, Y. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methyacrylate by Reversible Supported Catalysts on Silica Gel via Self Assembly J. of Poly. Sci. Part A Poly Chem.2004, 42, 22-30.
References available upon request.