Assessment program audit tool
For Authority subjects

English Extension 2011

The purpose of this audit tool is to enable schools to compare the requirements of their assessment program with the minimum
assessment requirements of the syllabus, and to subsequently consider possible amendments to their school work program.

Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) / Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre / School assessment instruments(including objectives and dimensions assessed) / Conditions in school work program / Variations
Refer to syllabus verification and post-verification requirements / Refer to the syllabus assessment section / Refer to the school’s approved work program / Refer to the school’s approved work program / How does the school’s assessment program differ from syllabus requirements?
Verification requirements
Responses to the three required assessment instruments, including:
  • Reading and defence
  • Complex transformation
    and its defence
  • Exploration and evaluation.
In the verification folio, there must be evidence that the dimensions and objectives have been assessed.
Assessment categories
Extended response:
Reading and defence (written)
Must assess relevant objectives from:
  • Understanding
    and interpreting
  • Applying and analysing
  • Evaluating and synthesising.
/ Conditions:
  • length of response:
    1000–1500 words
  • students must have prior notice of task
  • students must have access to material and human resources.
Syllabus, section 4.6 / School assessment program
Assessment categories
Extended response:
Complex transformation (written or multimodal) and its defence (spoken/signed)
Must assess relevant objectives from:
  • Understanding and interpreting
  • Applying and analysing
  • Evaluating and synthesising.
/ Conditions:
  • length of response for complex transformation:
written: 100–800 words
multimodal: 3–5 minutes
  • length of response
    for defence:
8–10 minutes
  • students must have
    prior notice of task
  • students must have access to material and human resources.
Syllabus, section 4.6.
Assessment categories
Extended response:
Exploration and evaluation — investigation of a focus question (written)
Must assess relevant objectives from:
Understanding and interpreting
Applying and analysing
Evaluating and synthesising. / Conditions:
  • length of response:
    2500–3000 words
  • students must have
    prior notice of task

  • students must have access to material and human resources.
Syllabus, section 4.6.
Post-verification requirements
Syllabus does not require post-verification assessment.


Where the school’s assessment plan differs from the minimum syllabus requirements, consider:

  • are these choices the most effective way to gather information about student learning?
  • what is the rationale behind these school decisions?
  • what changes could be made to the school’s work program?

More information

Please email or phone (07) 3864 0375.

Assessment program audit tool
English Extension 2011 / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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