Advanced Speaking and Listening
Sample Syllabus
Time: Sunday & Tuesday 1 - 2:20 p.m. / Instructor: Dr. Thamer Alharthi
Place: Lab 1 / Phone:
Department: European Languages and Literature / Email:
Required Textbook: College Oral Communication 4
Student website for this book:

This is an advanced listening and speaking course for college students. The purpose of this course is to help students to speak and understand English well enough to succeed in college courses in any subject. In this course you will practice listening to college lectures, giving short oral presentations, and participating in class discussions.

The textbook for the course is English for Academic Success: College Oral Communication 4. In addition, you will see and listen to audiotaped or computer-based material in class or in the listening lab.

Course activities

Speaking activities include:

  • participating in small group and large group discussions on academic topics; participating in communication and pronunciation practice in class;
  • preparing audiotapes or other recordings, to be handed in as homework assignments; these talks will be on topics discussed in class. These tapes will be returned to you with oral or written comments on content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation;
  • making short oral reports to the class about work done in class;
  • Attending at least one office meeting with me, either near the middle of the semester or near the end of the semester, in which you report on discussion activities in class; you will receive written comments on content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of your report;

Listening activities include

  • practicing the skills that are necessary to participate in group discussions, lectures, and other academic speech, including work on pronunciation, academic vocabulary, grammar related to oral language;
  • listening to lectures given "live" in class and preparing for tests on the contents of these lectures;
  • listening to oral presentations by classmates;


The activities in this course are designed to help you learn more about the following speaking and listening skills:

  • pronunciation skills, including:
  • knowledge of the individual sounds in the English sound system,
  • recognizing and using correct stress on syllables;
  • recognizing and correctly using changes in sounds and stress in various forms of academic vocabulary
  • using the right speaking style for different social situations;
  • participating in an academic conversation, including expressing opinions, asking for clarification, respectfully disagreeing;
  • making a group decision or recommendation;
  • making an oral presentation to an audience, with notes;

Course schedule and assignments


The material for the course is divided into six units. We will spend about two weeks doing the work for each unit. For each unit, you will have a similar set of basic jobs to do:

  • Discuss the content of the material related to a college course. Sometimes, this discussion will be based on reading that you will be asked to do.
  • Study the meaning and form of academic vocabulary that you are likely to meet in college courses.
  • Study material that describes listening and speaking strategies that successful students use in academic courses. Sometimes this includes classroom activities in listening and speaking.
  • Listen to longer examples of lectures, conversations, or discussions that are like the ones you will hear in an academic course, and then take notes or do other activities that are designed to help you understand and remember what you have heard.
  • Participate in speaking activities that include group discussions, oral presentations to the whole class, etc.
  • Take tests, including tests in listening, in which you take notes and answer questions about what you have heard, and in speaking, in which you make tape recordings about the topics related to the unit.

More specifically.

In addition to the general types of activities for each unit, which are listed above, here are some of the specific goals connected to activities in the various units. The schedule for these units is flexible, and will change according to the needs of the class.

Week 1-2. Unit 1. History.

Recognize syllable stress in academic vocabulary

Recognize advanced time expressions

Work as a member of a group on an academic task

Summarize the main points of a lecture

Week 3-4. Unit 2. Psychology.

Recognize and take notes on cause and effect expressions

Recognize and understand past participles used as adjectives

Compare and clarify lecture notes with classmates

Speak with cause and effect expressions

Ask questions for clarification during a lecture

Prepare for a lecture test

Prepare a short oral summary

Week 5-6, Unit 3. E-commerce.

Recognize examples in a lecture

Understand information about class assignments

Summarize information from a chart

Summarize a case study

Week 7. Midterm listening exam.

Week 8-9 Unit 4. Sociology.

Recognize and producing word forms in a word family

Summarize quantitative information from a chart

Use academic social rules for politeness

Week 10-11. Unit 5. Science.

Recognize and understanding passive voice

Summarize a laboratory investigation: describing steps in a process

Summarize data from a chart

Week 12-13. Unit 6. Literature.

Take notes on a class handout

Understand paraphrases

Respond to arguments: agreeing and disagreeing

Persuade an audience about issues, claims, and evidence

Week 14. Review