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Course name: Interpersonal Relationship
GISS code: 27000265
Sharing: None
Composition in modules: None
Scientific Discipline Sector: M-PSI/01
Professor/Research in charge: / ELEONORA BILOTTA
Teaching Position: / FULL PROFESSOR
Teaching Hours: N° 30 / Lectures hours: 10
Laboratory hours: 20
Self study hours: N° 45
Tipology: Elective course
Teaching Language: English
Schedule: 1st Year, 2nd Semester
Prerequirement: none
Objectives of the course(expected learning outcomes and acquired skills - Dublin Descriptors):
The course aims at providing students with specific interpersonal skills to use in professional and social contexts.
The course main objectives are:
  1. acquisition of theoretical and methodological concepts about the main frame of communication by analyzing the full range of verbal and non-verbal behavior, motivation and emotions as the main features of social abilities;
  2. knowledge of social styles, adopted in everyday and in work related contexts;
  3. acquisition of specific social skills.
Problemsolving, decision making andbrainstormingtechniques to usein the managementteamand working groups will be also explored.
Lessons aim at stimulating dialogue on real life situations among students. Hands-on activities will be carried out.
Lecture contents
  • Historical and theoretical framework of communication.
  • The evolution of communication.
  • Non-Verbal communication
  • Verbal communication
  • Personality
  • Psychometry
  • Motivation
  • Emotions
  • Group formation
  • Conflict
  • Leadership

Laboratory contents
  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) test
  • Psychodrama
  • Simulation of work and social context by using Psychodrama mainframe
  • Personality test: ITAPI-G
  • Some concepts about self-training
  • Human figure test

Attendance in class: Mandatory
Teaching performance:
Formal presentations with ppt slides will be given as lectures. Furthermore, lectures will be complemented by discussions, group work, simulations and role-playing. Handouts will be provided at the Icampus repository.
Evaluation Assessement:
Apptpresentationonone of the topicsproposed ​​during class lessons, will bediscussedby studentsfor the final exam.
In addition, students can createascript with simulationsand role-playing (Psychodrama). This method ofexamination mayalso becarried outin groups.
Bibliography and Recommended reading:
Suggested references (in italian):
Anolli L. (2002), Psicologia della comunicazione, Bologna: Il Mulino
Poggi I. (2006), Le parole del corpo, Roma: Carocci Editore
Mantovani G. (1995), Comunicazione e identità - Dalle situazioni quotidiane agli ambienti virtuali, Bologna: Il Mulino
Di Maria F., Lavanco G. (2002), Psicologia, Gruppi, Formazione, Milano: Franco Angeli
De Leo, Dighera B., Gallizoli E. (2005), La narrazione nel lavoro di gruppo, Roma: Carocci Editore
Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O.Psicologia Generale. Novara: UTET, 2011.
Time table and Lesson Rooms: /
Exams calendar: /