Premier Designs

Diva Jewelry Show!

Thank You for being here!

Let me introduce myself!

(give a short testimony about why you’re in Premier)

I also want to thank my FABULOUS Hostess.

Call Hostess up to present gift

Let's get this party started and play the purse game!!!

Explain the rules and show first letter "P"

Premier Designs

  • Founded in 1985; Celebrating26 years!!
  • Debt-Free Company
  • Based in Dallas, TX
  • Emphasis on service and quality
  • Company built on Biblical principle
  • High Fashion/Boutique jewelry without

the designer price tag!

“Premier Designs was founded in 1985, so we are celebrating our 27th Anniversary this year!

They are a debt-free, privately owned companythat was started to support single moms, help moms to work from home, provide extra income for those working in full-time service positions and to support world-wide missions. We are a biblically-based company that strives to honor God and serve people in everything we do.”

“Okay! The next letter is…..

Premier's Golden Guarantee:

(It covers manufacturer’s defects)

Within 60 days … No Charge

After 60 days … $5.00 + tax

You will get a new piece of jewelry!

“I love our Golden Guarantee! Premier covers the cost of replacing any item that has a manufacturer’s defect within 60 days of purchase! Stone falls out, claps breaks….Premier will replace that for you for free! After 60 days it’s $5 plus tax to have it replaced. You can also exchange any item within 10 days of purchase that is not up to your expectations! The Guarantee doesn’t cover normal wear and tear. Fashion jewelry is not heirloom jewelry. Think of it like your shoes…the more it wear them, the more they wear out! For tips on keeping the jewelry looking new…here is our next letter!”

Don't Sleep!

Don't Shower!

Don't Swim!

Don’t Sweat!

Don’t Spray!


Let’s see Our



I will teach you 5 concepts that I want you to apply to your own jewelry at home.

  1. How to make a long necklace short.
  2. How to make a short necklace long.
  3. How to layer
  4. How to Frame
  5. How to build a jewelry wardrobe. (Chic and multiple pendants)

Start with what you are wearing. Take off earings… bracelts…rings…and then necklaces and teach the 5 concepts.

After you teach them remind them of the 5 concepts you taught and ask… “Did you learn some things?” “Then share me with your friends!”

It's time for the next letter ...."H"

You are not going to believe how much our Hostesses get in FREE JEWELRY!

I need a volunteer to play Jewelry Jinga! If you win you get a prize!

(Place a box on her open hand for the items below)

HOSTESSES!! Premier loves to shower our Hostesses with Five-Star treatment! PREMIER hostesses get to shop at every girl’s two favorite prices: Half-off and FREE!!

Here’s what happens! As a Hostess, you get to create your own 50% off sale! You can pick any 4 – 8 items in any of our catalogs! You’re not relegated to the first two or three pages of a catalog to pick hostess selections! NO WAY! Premier wants YOU to be happy so you can choose whatever you want!

Place four boxes on her palm (4th should be different)

Think that sounds wonderful?? Well, Premier isn’t done! What’s better, girls, than Half-Priced JEWELRY??? How about FREE JEWELRY!!!

How does this sound? Hostesses receive 30% of their show’s sales in FREE JEWELRY!! (Place 5 boxes onto of the first 4)

In addition, if the Hostess (1) keeps her original booking date, (2) has 10 guests, (3) has $100+ in outside orders, and (4) has 3 friends that book a show, the Hostess will receive $100 more in free JEWELRY! (Add one box for each bonus)

If you have been a hostess from another company, you’re REALLY going to appreciate the next way Premier shows love to our Hostesses! Every single person’s order is already pre-packaged together and Labeled with their name!! How about these H’s: Being our HOSTESS is Headache and Hassle-free!~ WHY? Just because Premier loves you and wants you to have fun!

On top of the half off Premier gives you MORE free jewelry because YOU spent some $$ on those half off items. (Add one final box.)

Ok – now pull that gold box from the pile just using your one hand!!!

If she does it give her a prize.

So, what’s better than being a customer or a hostess??? Check out this next letter – “D”


The awesome opportunity for

Friends, Fashion & FORTUNE!

I need ONE last volunteer!

This will give you an idea of how Premier could help you or someone you know…

(Big Money Skit or Blessings Bag)

Blessings Bag

Jeweler needs to pack a decorated medium gift bag with objects to show, illustrating how Premier has changed their life. Ideas:

Match box car – Pull out and explain how Premier lets you double your car payments

Small toy house – Pull out and explain how Premier helps you make your mortgage payment or pay cash for home improvements

Toy Cruise ship --Pull out and explain how Premier lets you earn vacations for free or take vacations on your own and pay cash

Pic of your Kids – Pull out and explain how Premier lets you set your own hours and be your own boss so you don’t miss your kids’ activities

One Big Money bill – Pull out and explain that you make half of everything you sell, no quotas, no sales requirements and you get paid in cash first before Premier gets paid! What a blessing!

Small mirror -- Pull out and explain how Premier has changed how you see yourself and bettered your self-image or allowed you to learn how to share in front of other people. Premier also lets you bless the lives of other women by making them feel beautiful and special.

****Have them fill out survey Questions (read through it)

Couple of Quick Things:

Special: Buy 3 items get the 4th at 25% off! If you book a show – it is 50% off!

  • Hostess receives jewelry in about 10 days after we close the show
  • Payment Accepted (Cash, Credit, Checks get made payable to me)
  • Collect surveys and draw for a prize
  • Count Diva dollars for prize
  • Let’s go play in the jewelry!!!
  • You have about 45 minutes to shop! Let me know how I can help you! I will be over in X location to checkout.