April 7, 2011
President Rod Lake called the General Meeting to order at approximately 9:05 am. in the Ballroom of the Worthington Hills Country Club. Rod began by introducing our CMBA Past Presidents, special guests, and first time visitors from each table. He then continued with announcements which included our next meeting, May 5th at which we will have the current president of the Columbus Board of Realtors, Rick Benjamin and as is tradition, we will also invite all the Area Real Estate Association Presidents as our guests. Our June 2nd Meeting will be a Breakfast and OHFA Programs Seminar. He also reminded everyone there is never a Luncheon / General Meeting in July or August. Rod then told the group we would be emailing a questionnaire concerning FHA Training in the Fall and requesting any other suggestions for speakers or training the membership would be interested in.
Associate Director, Jane Coleman-Porter, gave the Membership Report welcoming our newest Class B member, CapCity Title. Jim Sanderson will be the member representative. Jane continued with 2nd Readings for the following: Class A Membership for Crescent Mortgage out of Atlanta Georgia, Brenda Wheeler will be the voting member; Class B Membership for Essent Guaranty out of Radnor PA, Kent McKenzie will be the member representative; and Class A Membership for Stonegate Mortgage doing business at 200 Campus View Blvd. in Columbus, Dave Pasqualone will be the voting member. There were two 1st Readings for a Class B Membership, First American Title doing business at 5900 Sawmill Rd., Ste. #100, in Dublin, OH, Scott Schaeffer will be the member representative and Class A Membership for MetLife Home Loans doing business at 460 Polaris Pkwy., Ste #100 in Westerville, OH, Don DeMattio will be the voting member.
The meeting was then suspended at 9:10 for Breakfast.
The meeting resumed at 9:35 and OMBA’s Executive Director, Bob Niemi gave some industry related updates. He began by talking about House Bill 187, which requires registering mortgage servicers and penalties involved. HB 181 requires prior notification of the intent to rent properties. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) will soon be operating. It will enforce 206 regulations which have yet to be written. It will have a say in Loan Originators compensation plans, the mortgage and student loan industries. The head of enforcement will be Richard Cordray, the former Attorney General of Ohio. Mr. Cordray will be a speaker at the 2011 Ohio Mortgage Bankers Association Convention May 9 -11th.
Mike Biagi came to the podium and reminded the membership that emails would be sent to the membership requesting feedback on a possible FHA training session with Diehl and Associates. Then at 9:42 am. Mike introduced Denise Hobbs of Rural Housing, USDA, the program speaker for the seminar which followed the meeting..
Respectfully Submitted,
Sherry L. Quickel, Executive Secretary