US involvement in WWII


1930’s: Stated policy of US government is Neutrality (what does this remind you of?)

Hawley-Smoot Tariff: isolated US from rest of world; probably prolonged Great Depression

1935 and 1937: Neutrality Acts passed: No military aid to countries in conflict. No loans to countries in conflict

1939: Poland (start of war); Britain and France declare war on Germany

1940: Denmark, Norway, Battle of Britain


Lend-Lease Act (1941): America as the “arsenal of democracy”:

·  U.S. will lend (lease) military supplies to Britain and the Soviet Union

·  amounts to 50 billion dollars


·  June: Hitler invades Soviet Union (breaking nonaggression pact); U.S. provides aid

·  December 7: Pearl Harbor sneak attack by the Japanese

·  Japanese: angry over embargo, freezing of assets; want to destroy U.S. fleet in Pacific

·  US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.

·  US fought a naval war against Japan from 1942 to 1945: “island hopping war”

(map of Pacific war)

Sides in the war:

US Allies: Britain, France, Soviet Union, China

Germany, Japan, Italy: Axis Powers

Mobilizing for war

·  Draft (9/40): all men between 21 and 35 had to register

·  Financing the war: War Bonds

·  Retooling industries: factories had to retool to produce military materiel

·  Rationing of meat, sugar, clothing, rubber, gas

Women in the war effort

·  “Rosie the Riveter” took the place of men drafted into service

·  Enlisted in all three branches: Army, Navy, Marines

·  Women played support role in conflict as drivers, radio operators, nurses, and office staff


·  Served with honor in segregated units until after WWII

·  Many relocated north – continued Great Migration from the South

·  Worked in higher-paying factory jobs

1942-1943: German invasion of Soviet Union fails; German army retreats

1943: Allied armies win tank battles in North Africa; take Sicily and later Italy

1944: June 6, 1944 D-Day, Allied invasion of Normandy

1945: German army in retreat on both fronts; surrender in May, 1945

1944-45: US wins naval war against Japan in the Pacific; US poised to invade Japanese home islands.

August 1945: Truman decides to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that force Japan to surrender.

Post-war situation

·  World economy is devastated – except for US which has emerged as by far the largest economy

·  Germany is occupied by American, French, British, and Soviet troops;

·  Germany is divided into zones of occupation – West Germany forms out of British, French, American zones; East Germany out of Soviet zone (see map)

·  Japan is occupied by US troops

·  Japan and Germany form pro-US governments, write new constitutions