Authority Board Members in Attendance:

Olga Bogran Louise Landry Gale Naquin Nancy Pearson

Kevin Centanni Kerry Lentini John Neal

Phil Cerminaro Al Majeau LaCresiea Olivier

Authority Board Members Absent:

Terry Hardouin Sal Scalia

Staff in Attendance:

Mike Teague, Executive Director

Marena Michel, Administrative Director

Lisa English Rhoden, Director of Management Services

Gay LeBlanc, Director of Community Support

Guest in Attendance:


The meeting was called to order by Ms. Pearson at 6:02 p.m.

1. Order, Attendance, Introduction of Visitors, Adoption of Agenda.

Ms. Bogran made a motion to accept the agenda as presented. Ms. Landry seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

2. Approval of Minutes.

Mr. Centanni made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Ms. Bogran. Passed unanimously.

3. Required Approvals Agenda.

A) Monitoring Reports:

IIB Treatment of Staff – Mr. Cerminaro made a motion to accept the Treatment of Staff monitoring report as presented prior to the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Neal. Passed unanimously.

IIC Treatment of Consumers – Mr. Centanni made a motion to accept the Treatment of Consumers monitoring report as presented prior to the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Landry. Passed unanimously.

B) JPHSA FY 2011 Budget – Quarter Ending December 31, 2010 – Mr. Centanni made a motion to accept the JPHSA FY2011 Budget-Quarter Ending December 31, 2010 as presented prior to the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Landry. Passed unanimously.

4. Board Generated Agenda.

A) Executive Director/Staff Update – Mr. Teague stated the consolidation of East Bank facilities is moving forward. A discussion followed.

Mr. Teague also attended meetings and events as follows:

Ø  Millage renewal on April 30, 2011 – Met with Kriss Fairbairn on 2/4/11 – next meeting on 2/11/11;

Ø  Members of the Board are invited to attend The Extra Mile Community Partner Celebration Dinner at 7:00 P.M. on February 17th at La Maison Creole, 8th Street, Harvey LA 70058. The Dinner will honor Legislative Leaders Senator John Alario, Jr., and Representative Patrick Connick. The special guest speaker will be Meg Farris, WWL-TV Reporter;

Ø  Met w/ Ann Dinehart, Consultant regarding Strategic Planning for JPHSA in the out years to prepare for Health Care Reform in 2014;

Ø  Continued to meet with Judge Konrad, Rubye Noble, Randy Davidson, DHH Medicaid and Roy Juncker to discuss leveraging local funding as match for Medicaid funding;

Ø  Attended the Juvenile Judge conference with Secretary Greenstein making presentation of current status of healthcare in Louisiana;

Ø  Met with Judge Konrad, Judge Matlock, Rubye Noble, Roy Juncker and Randy Davidson, DHH Medicaid to discuss leveraging local funding as match for Medicaid funding;

Ø  Attended the Governor’s Town Hall Meeting in Jefferson Parish;

Ø  Participated in Readiness Assessment of Acadiana Area Human Services District;

Ø  Attended conference calls with OBH, LGE ED’s and not-for-profits re BP Oil Spill funding;

Ø  Attended “Meal with Mike” with two random selected staff members;

Ø  Continue to meet regarding the Greater New Orleans Community Health Connection (GNOCHC) 1115 Waiver Program for transition from PCASG. Enrollment is going good;

Ø  Attended the Mental Health Task Force Meeting;

Ø  Attended Child and Youth Planning Board Meeting where the CSoC was presented;

Ø  Attended the Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) Leadership Meeting;

Ø  Attended monthly HSIC Meeting; and,

Ø  Continue preparation work on COA Accreditation (Lisa will discuss).

At this time Mr. Teague asked Ms. Rhoden to give an update on the Council of Accreditation process. Ms. Landry presented her findings regarding conflict of interest, Board members Code of Conduct, Code of Ethical Business Practice (Employee whistle blowers policy) and the Nepotism policy. She stated that Board members should be familiar with these polices.

Mr. Centanni will report to the Board on Community collaboration and outreach at the next meeting. A discussion followed. Ms. Pearson thanked Ms. Rhoden and Ms. Landry for their report.

At this time a motion was made by Mr. Cerminaro to place the JPHSA Board Policies on the Internet. Seconded by Mr. Centanni. Passed unanimously.

B) Policy Review – IVD Agenda Planning – After review, Ms. Bogran suggested revisions to this policy. A motion was made by Mr. Centanni to adopt the revision of the Agenda Planning Policy as stated. Seconded by Ms. Landry. Passed unanimously.

IVE– Chairperson’s Role - Ms. Bogran suggested revisions to the policy. A discussion followed. A motion was made by Mr. Neal to adopt the revision of the Chairperson’s Role Policy as stated. Seconded by Ms. Naquin. Passed unanimously.

IVF Vice-Chairperson’s Role – Ms. Bogran suggested revisions to the policy. A discussion followed. A motion was made by Mr. Neal to adopt the revision of the Vice-Chairperson’s Role Policy as stated. Seconded by Mr. Centanni. Passed unanimously.

C) CSPDD Nomination for JPHSA Regional Advisory Council for Persons with Developmental Disabilities – A motion was made by Mr. Centanni to defer this agenda item until the next Board meeting. Seconded by Ms. Bogran. Passed unanimously.

D) Board Linkage Update – Ms. Olivier stated she attended a Jefferson Parish Public School System’s Counselors meeting and gave an overview of JPHSA’s services to over 100 individuals.

Ms. Landry attended an Ochsner Emergency Room Director’s meeting and gave a 10 – 15 minute overview of JPHSA Services.

Mr. Centanni reported he will be attending the Jefferson Parish Constables and Justice of the Peace meeting in Lake Charles on March 1 – 4, 2011.

5. Announcements.

A) Board Generated Items – Ms. Pearson stated Ms. Lentini turned in her resignation letter and read it to the Board. The Board accepted Ms. Lentini’s resignation.

B) Next Board meeting – Ms. Pearson stated the next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 7, 2011. At this time a motion was made by Mr. Majeau to move the meeting to Monday, March 14, 2011. Seconded by Ms. Landry. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, 2011, at the JPHSA Office at 3300 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, LA 70002, 6:00 p.m.

6. Adjournment.

The Board meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. by a motion made by Mr. Majeau. Seconded by Ms. Landry. Passed unanimously.



JPHSA Chairperson