Grosse Pointe North Band and Orchestra Booster Club Minutes

February 1, 2011

President Tom Warnez called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Board of Directors in Attendance: Tom Warnez, Pamela Jankiewicz, Pat and Becky Curran, Mike Brinker, Karen McCarthy and Kath Kozak. Band Director David Cleveland was also in attendance.

Approval of January Meeting Minutes

·  January Booster Minutes were presented for approval. Correction to be made Roberta Giseking will be changed to Rebecca Gieseking. Motion to approve with correction made by Marie Brush, seconded by Mike Brinker.

Treasurer’s Report

·  The December Treasurer’s Report was presented. Becky Curran reported Boosters beginning balance of $12,726.87, bank interest of $.08, Spirit Wear income $170.00, Fundraiser 2010-2011, Burger Pointe $200.30, expenses Pop & Pastries $50.91, dress hemming $200.00 and $3.00 miscellaneous expenses (see treasurer’s report). Ending balance of $12,843.34. Nobby Enterprises will be doubling hem prices for next year. They currently charge $10 for hemming concert dresses. Motion to accept report was made by Laura Dewey and seconded by Pat Curran. Treasurer’s Report approved.

Nominating Committee Report

·  Pat Curran shared that one person filled out a form for 2012 volunteers also some interest from names from Pops & Pastries sheets.

·  Nominating committee letters need to go home with students. Tom Warnez thought this had already occurred. Dave Cleveland to submit letter to go home with students and then follow up with an e-mail.

·  Next year we will have a Volunteer Membership Coordinator to handle this task.

·  Pat Curran gave Tom Warnez the Pops & Pastries Membership sheets to help recruit for tasks for remainder of the year.

·  Anne Warnez discussed the Spirit Wear list, she e-mailed people and only got five volunteers.

Band-O-Rama / Strings Report

·  Pat Curran shared that candy, water and CD’s were sold at Band-O-Rama, but no flowers. Flowers were sold at Strings; regular candy bars were sold and did more business than Symphony Bars.

·  The Band-O-Rama donations were $945.00 and Strings donations were $1,000.00. People being at the door with donation jars worked out very good.

·  Next year people need a map to locate where their children will be performing; some parents this year were very confused.

·  Merchandise could be sold as soon as people arrive at events at 6:00PM.

·  We also need a tear down coordinator for next year.

·  Cash boxes and donation jars need to be guarded.

·  Chairs and racks need to be labeled in a more efficient manner.

·  Everything was more complicated due to a swim meet; there were many bad parking issues.

·  Karen McCarthy did great in sales; $130.00 Band-O-Rama and $130.00 Strings.

Burger Pointe #3

·  Karen McCarthy shared that $189.50 was earned at the last event that was 1/2 day. The check was dropped off to Becky Curran; there was nothing in the donation jar.

·  Next possible date for Burger Pointe is Wednesday, March 30. Karen will speak to Mark Seeley about this new date.

Cookie Dough Sale

·  Lisa Carmer stated that we have 29 extra tubs of cookies. The money earned from these sales would go to Booster account not student accounts says Linda Kubacki. Lisa shared that 321 tubs of cookies were sold which is 100 more than last year. Cookies are to be picked up around 3:15PM on Thursday, February 10 by the auditorium.

·  An e-mail should go out announcing the 29 extra tubs available for sale. The profit was $3.45 a tub for this event.

Booster Club Website

·  Tom Warnez thanked Mike Brinker for all of his help on the website.

·  Northern Lights is going green, they will now have a Facebook link. The Boosters can possibly link to this website.

·  There are currently 136 people subscribed to web communiqué electronic update. This has the Nominating Form, Cookie Dough information and next Burger Pointe date.

On Line Position Announcements

·  Pat Curran created a form with Volunteer positions; PDF would detail specific duties for volunteer positions. Booster members should encourage other parents to check descriptions, so that they will know exactly what is expected from each position.

·  The Chicago trip meeting will be the best place and time to recruit possible candidates.

Chicago Trip Details

·  The T-shirts for the Chicago trip are included in the price of the trip.

·  Tom Warnez will take photos during the Chicago trip.

·  Kath Kozak will do publicity for the trip.

Band Director’s Report

·  Dave Cleveland needs snacks for the Pit Orchestra March 3, 4, 5 performances. Pat and Becky Curran - March 3, Lee Ann and Mike Brinker - March 4, and Karen McCarthy and Karen Ciaravino - March 5. The snacks should be water, fruit, or other healthy snacks.

·  Mr. Cleveland thanks everyone for their work on Band-O-Rama.

·  Last week Chamber Strings and Clarinet Choir received first division and will go to State Solo and Ensemble.

·  The Solo and Ensemble packets were sent home two weeks ago. The event is Saturday, February 5. There are 70 groups registered. State Solo and Ensemble sign up will be the next week.

·  The musical and Solo and Ensemble are the next big events.

·  The Chicago trip meeting is March 25, the same day as the Pre-Festival Concert.

·  State Solo and Ensemble will be held on March 26.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:08PM by Becky Curran, seconded by Mike Brinker. Meeting adjourned. The March Grosse Pointe North Band and Orchestra Booster Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 7:00PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela L. Jankiewicz