Derry Little League
Board of Directors Monthly Meeting

MeetingMinutes January 6, 2014


Board Members
Ray Feoli / Jeff Kattar / Don Kirkland
David Zimmerle / Craig Santoro / Karen Simard
A.J. Giammichele / Doug Morin / John Blakie
Jim Kane / Brian Ernst / Glenn McGill
Tom Vallone / Dale Twomey
Dave Clark
Karen Clark

Ray opens meeting. …Acknowledges guests. No initial comments

Treasurers report:

  • Attendees review Treasurer’s report…
  • No issues raised.
  • Move to approve… seconded. Approved.

Secretary’s report:

  • Attendees review minutes from last meeting
  • Move to approve… seconded… Approved.

President’s report:

Ray mentions young man who recently passed away in an auto crash in Derry… he is a former DLL player. Let’s think about some kind of tribute for him in the upcoming season. No decision now… Will be raised at future meetings.

EVP report:

No report this meeting

Old Business

Concession stand overview… As currently structured (League Run) gross profit was $ 7768

Ray describes three scenarios….

  • Scenario 1 – we outsource… we get 20% of profit. Using last season’s numbers, comparatively, we’d net between $879 (with markup) and 1444 (without markup)…
  • Scenario 2 – Hire high school kids… gives league $4775
  • Scenario 3 – volunteer credit program…. Assign a dollar value to credits… (TBD)…. Gives people an opportunity to work off registration fees (or example).

Discussion… weigh pros and cons…

  • Question came up about insurance… Are we covered if we hire high school kids? TBD.
  • Question does it affect our tax status… Consensus is that it does not (re: many non-profits have labor costs)
  • Suggestion to have a hybrid plan of credits AND hiring high-school kids.
  • Suggestion to set up sign-up sheet. Ray comments that it could be easily done.
  • What about Managers and Coaches… should we offer free registration?
  • Make coaches responsible or staffing…
  • Comment: need to make volunteers accountable…

Many good suggestions… Resolutions tabled until next meeting…

Dugouts – tabled until next meeting

Winter Workout…

  • Ray gives update… Starts this weekend…
  • Will send out more info later this week… Jeff is laying out schedule.
  • Planning on having a registration table at Winter Workout…

Intermediate Division (11 – 13) 50/70

(Windham… Salem… Manchester(possibly 2))

  • It will cost us $1,000 to use the field.
  • Ray suggests that offering this division to help our seniors…
  • Kids can play in both leagues… …It will be a travel team… Tryout-based… Need to tryout…
  • Move to spend $1000 to form intermediate division. Seconded… APPROVED!

Question: who manages intermediate league at the state level? TBD

Coaches Committees

ACTION: Ray to send list of coaches to coach committees (softball and baseball)

ACTION: Tom to send out schedule

New Business

Spring Registration fees – what to charge… especially in light of having an extended season.

  • Should we offer tiered pricing? E.g. at AA there is no umpiring, so cost per game is less.
  • Multi-kid discount.
  • Extend season for softball – suggested to offer “tournament” or “round robin”
  • AA and Minors softball…early bird registration is$75, but add a couple games… and offer uniform and practice jersey. After February 15 $95. Motion to implement for AA and minors softball… Seconded and APPROVED.
  • AAA and Majors… Early bird registration is $105… Extend schedule… (extra 5 or 6 games – and extra 50% of games from last year) $125 after February 15… Motion to implement for AAA and Majors softball… Seconded and APPROVED.
  • Seniors… Early bird registration is $105… (no extra games)… $125 after February 15…
  • Intermediate League… No Early bird registration….$75 Seconded and APPROVED.
  • Motion to charge for two kids maximum… After second kid, no charge for additional kids… (they pay for highest price program, lower price program is free… Seconded and APPROVED.

Register POS – Tabled until next meeting

Opening Day parade – need someone to organize it. Permits, police details, fire department… Nancy has list of tasks needed to be done to organize parade. Do we need a parade committee… Brian, Craig…

ACTION: Brian to contact Nancy Jean.

ACTION: Doug to set up fund-raising / sponsorship committee (Sue Magill, Jim, Doug, and TBD)
ACTION: Ray will send info about last year’s activity to Doug

Winter Workout

Jim to work on having Sunday session for free session for Grasshopper ages as a “sample our program” promotion.

Closed Session

Move to go to closed session at 9:15.

Meeting Adjournment

Move to adjourn – APPROVED.

Move to meet two weeks from tonight. Next BoD meeting January 20 at MGCC. APPROVED.

Action Items
In progress with no issues or dependencies or ongoing
Open, in progress, issues being resolved, action(s) being worked
Risk, issue, or critical deadline
AI / Date Opened / Action Item / Who / Due Date / Status
1 / Nov 4 / Board members to send names of candidates for professional assistance for Winter Workout Program to Jeff K. / All / Dec 15 / Closed
2 / Nov 4 / Jim Kane to chair a Financial Review Committee / Jim / Dec 31 / Closed
3 / Nov 4 / Upload Documents to website / Tom / Dec 31 / Closed
4 / Nov 4 / Put out call for coach volunteers – Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Committees, etc. / All / Ongoing / Ongoing
5 / Nov 4 / Ray to schedule ump training / Ray / TBD / Open
6 / Nov 4 / Ray to resend rewrite of local rules / Ray / TBD / Open
7 / Dec 2 / Tie out with Matt at Sports Zone for tryout dates / Ray / TBD / Open
8 / Dec 2 / Brian to follow up with Boys Club…. Phil Tom to check Field / Brian / TBD / Open
9 / Dec 2 / Ray to set up coach’s registration page / Ray / TBD / Closed
10 / Dec 2 / Provide photo and brief bio-blurb for Division VP’s web page / VP’s / ASAP / Open
11 / Jan 06 / send list of coaches to coach committees (softball and baseball) / Ray / Jan 20 / Open
12 / Jan 06 / Contact Nancy Jean about parade requirements / Brian / Jan 20 / Open
13 / Jan 06 / Send out spring season schedule / Tom / Jan 20 / Open
14 / Jan 06 / Send info about last year’s fund raising activity to Doug / Ray / Jan 17 / Open
15 / Jan 06 / Set up fund raising committee meeting / Doug / Jan 22 / Open