Faculty Information Form
Karen S. Voytecki
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Special Education
M.A. in Special Education, Varying Exceptionalities
B.S. in Special Education, Emotionally Handicapped
Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years)
Overall nature of workload assignments
9 credits Spring 2008
9 credits Spring 2007, 12 credits Summer 2007, 9 credits Fall 2007
9 credits Fall 2005, 9 credits Spring 2006, 12 credits Summer 2006, 9 credits Fall 2006
SPED 2123, Early Experiences for Propspective Teachers
SPED 3001, Assessment in Special Education
SPED 3004, Managing the Learning Environment
SPED 3005, Instructional Programming in Special Education
SPED 4010, Exceptional Students in the Regular Classroom
SPED 4320, Communication and Collaboration in Special Education
Supervise teaching interns
SPED 5101, Introduction to Individuals with Disabilities
SPED 6020, Curriculum Development and Program Planning for Students with Mild Mental Retardation
SPED 6999, Project Planning in Special Education
SPED 7002, Action Research in Special Education
EEX 6051, Creating a Positive Learning Environment for Students with Disabilities
EEX 4011, Foundations of Special Education
EEX 4070, Integrating the Exceptional Student in the Regular Classroom
EEX 4221, Educational Assessment of Exceptional Students
Facilitated weekly Professional Seminars for Special Education Cohorts
Graduate student supervisory experience (theses/dissertations)
Scholarly & Professional Activities related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years)
Publications/Scholarly Activity related to proposed degree
Rodriguez, D., Smith Canter, L.L., & Voytecki, K.S. (2007). Freedom from Social Isolation for Young Students with Disabilities. Childhood Education, 83(5).
Smith Canter, L.L., Voytecki, K.S., & Rodriguez, D. (2007). Increasing Online Interaction in Rural Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 26(1).
Knopp, T.Y., Voytecki, K.S., Thomas, D.D., Allsopp, D.H., & Alvarez-McHatton, P. (2007).
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In Borman, K.M., Cahill, S.E., &
Cotner, B.A. (Eds.) The Praeger Handbook of American High Schools. 1st edition, pp 49-
52. Greenwood Publishing Group: Westport, CT.
Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez-McHatton, P., Thomas, D.D., Knopp, T.Y., & Voytecki, K.S. (2007).
Special Education. In Borman, K.M., Cahill, S.E., & Cotner, B.A. (Eds.) The Praeger
Handbook of American High Schools. 1st edition, pp 366-373. Greenwood Publishing
Group: Westport, CT.
Editor of TEDLines, the online newsletter of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, published three times per year (2005-present).
Contributor to Council for Exeptional Children’s CEC Today and Teaching Exceptional Children publications.
2006 Annual Convention and Expo, CEC, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/5/06-4/8/06
Promoting the Success of University Students with Disabilities
2005 Annual Convention and Expo, CEC, Baltimore, Maryland, 4/6/05-4/9/05
Effects of Hand Fidgets on On-Task Behaviors
2002 Annual Convention and Expo, CEC, New York, NY, 4/3/02-4/6/02
F.O.C.U.S. on Learning: Attention Enhancement through Sensory Saturation;
Multi-sensory Classroom Environment (Teacher-to-Teacher Swap and Share)
2007 National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt),
Washington D.C., 2/7/07-2/9/07
Teaching ALL Students (TAS)
29th Annual TED Conference & 2nd Annual TED/TAM Conference,
CEC’s Teacher Education Division (TED) and Technology and Media Division
(TAM), San Diego, California, 11/8/05-11/11/05
Institute for Exceptionality;
Preparing Pre-service Teachers of Different Ages and Experiences: Meeting Their
Unique Needs Effectively
28th Annual TED Conference & 1st Annual TED/TAM Conference,
CEC’s Teacher Education Division (TED) and Technology and Media Division
(TAM), Portland, Maine, 11/10/05-11/11/05
Institute for Exceptionality;
Exceptional Student Education Certification with ESOL Endorsement and a
Secondary Academic Concentration
2nd Annual LASER (Linking Academic Scholars to Educational Resources) Conference,
Tampa, Florida, (poster session), 12/5/02-12/7/02
Alternative Certification Programs: Limitations and Recommendations
2008 North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Wilmington,
North Carolina, 1/31/08; Academic Learning Centers, co-presented with Christopher
Moxley, Peg Corbi, and Amy Neal
2006 North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Wilmington,
North Carolina, 3/9/06; Inclusive Strategies for High School Students with
Behavioral/Emotional Disorders (BED), co-presented with Kevin P. Voytecki
Creating an Environment for Emergent Literacy, co-presented with Lora Lee
Smith Canter and Kim Floyd
10th Annual Florida CSPD Institute, Clearwater, Florida, 5/14/04
Quality Approaches in Alternative Preparation to Bring Career Changes into Exceptional
Child Links, Greenville, North Carolina, 8/28/06
The Brain and the Five Senses, co-presented with Kim Floyd
Educational Partnership Conference, Greenville, North Carolina, 8/25/06
Teaching ALL Students: The How’s and Why’s
East Carolina University Summer Learning Centers, 7/7/06
Community Supported Classrooms
Eastern Carolina Learning Disabilities Association, 2/2/06
F.O.C.U.S. Fine-tuning of Concentration Utilizing Senses
Status of Grants & Contracts submitted related to proposed degree (including agency names, years of funding, collaborative partners)
Special Education Curriculum Revision grant for OSERS competition. Research grant. Inclusive dates: 2007-2012. Amount requested: $500,000 ($100,000/year for five years). Co-authored with Sandra Warren, Alana Zambone, Melissa Engleman, Diane Rodriguez,
Jennifer Williams, and Sarah Williams. Funding status: pending.
Interdisciplinary Institute for Exceptionality across the Lifespan, Plus-Ups Project,
United States Appropriation Bill from the Department of Labor/HSS/Education, Chairperson – Advisory Council (2005-ongoing)
TANDEM grant, State of Florida – Department of Education (2004-2005)
Invited research presentations outside ECU
2007 Alabama Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference
Invited Presentations, 2/2/07-2/3/07
Community Support;
F.O.C.U.S. on Learning: Attention Enhancement through Sensory Saturation
Weekends with the Experts, CSPD, Tampa, Florida, 10/05/03
Sensory Integration Techniques with Students having Severe Emotional Disturbances
Harborside Institute 2002, Sopris West Educational Services, St. Petersburg, Florida,
7/3/02, F.O.C.U.S. on Learning: Attention Enhancement through Sensory Saturation
Teton Institute 2002, Sopris West Educational Services, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 7/1/02
F.O.C.U.S. on Learning: Attention Enhancement through Sensory Saturation;
Best Practices for the Classroom Learning System
Meeting the Needs of EI Students, LaPointe & Assoc., Lansing, Michigan, 3/22/02
F.O.C.U.S. on Learning: Attention Enhancement through Sensory Saturation
Institute for Learning Styles Research, Tampa, Florida, 2/22/02
F.O.C.U.S. Method
2002 State Conference, Arizona CEC, Phoenix, Arizona, 2/8/02-2/9/02
Classroom Learning System;
F.O.C.U.S. (Fine-tuning of Concentration Utilizing Senses)
22nd Annual Louisiana Super Conference on Special Education,
Louisiana Federation CEC, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1/28/02-1/30/02
Creating a Community-Sponsored Classroom;
F.O.C.U.S. (Fine-tuning of Concentration Utilizing Senses);
Classroom Learning System
Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories, & centers
Service on related state/national/international boards or committees
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Peer Reviewer
CEC texts, 2002-present
CEC Annual Convention Session Proposals, 2003 CEC Annual Convention and Expo
VISA Corporation (with CEC)
Developed modifications of a high school money management curriculum to fit the
needs of students with disabilities, 5/03
Teacher Education Division (TED) of CEC
Editor of TEDLines, 2005-present
Interim Administrative Assistant, 2006
Executive Director, 2007-Present
Eastern Carolina Chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association, 2005-present
Presenter and Treasurer, 2005-present
Pitt County Professionals Chapter of Kiwanis
Executive Board Member, 2006
President, 2007-Present
Aktion Club of Kiwanis - adults with disabilities group of Kiwanis
Advisor, 2006-present