Hilliard Bradley Athletic Boosters

May 9, 2016 – 7:00 PM - Hilliard Bradley High School

In Attendance: John Krochmal (President), Carol Artis (Vice President), Donna Waggener (Secretary), Brenda Nolan (Treasurer), Beth Krochmal, Jim Banaag, Vicky Lemmermen, Allison Hutton, Kelly Trapani, Dwayne Woodruff, Doreen Hribar, Stephanie Warner, Jerry Trivette, Kris White, Mary Alpeter, Michelle Followell, Amy Johnson, Amy Pompeii, Terry Waggener, David Shook, Debbie Shook, Christopher Warner, Karen Brown, Deanna Castro, Matt Slyh, Joy Randall, Terri Glenn, Vickie Trivette, Marcus Graber

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Coaches: Donna Long

Guests/New Members: Joy Randall, Deanna Castro

Athletic Director: Eric Ryan

Old Business – John Krochmal

·  Minutes presented to Trustees for review, no changes. Motion to approve 1st Doreen Hribar, 2nd Beth Krochmal. Approved.

Athletic Director – Eric Ryan

·  Regular spring season games finish on Saturday, baseball and softball playoffs start the following Wednesday. Davidson is hosting the OCC track finals and championships. Tennis starts post-season tournament on Thursday, Bradley has the #1 seeded player. The girls tennis USTA event was very successful, making between $700-900 for the team. The boys tennis USTA event will be held in the first week of August.


·  Income and expenses from the mulch sale are in the April financial report, amounts distributed to the teams (a total of $24,000) will appear in the May financial report. Beerfest distribution to teams will also be in the May financials. April meeting attendance is in the April report. Motion to approve, 1st Vicky Lemmermen 2nd Stephanie Warner. Approved.

·  The 2016-17 budget was presented. Both revenue and expenses have increased due to more activity. Jag Wear revenue was about the same as the prior year but expenses were higher. Advertising expenses are higher due to the increased cost of the full Gameday Broadcasting package. A vote on the budget will take place at the June general meeting so there is time to look it over.

Carol Artis – Vice President

·  Committees did not meet during this meeting to allow time for Bylaw review. Committee reports were made:

o  Improvement and Maintenance – No report

o  Publicity and Sports – This committee still exists in the Bylaws, members are needed.

o  Scholarship – Six scholar athlete awards were presented at awards night. The Ray Family presented the Stevie Ray Award.

o  Finance – No report.

o  Spirit Wear – The storage area is too full to access inventory , no special orders will be filled, more space is needed due to storage of gymnastics equipment.

o  Website - No report

o  Historian – No report

o  Membership – Voting for next year’s officers will take place at tonight’s meeting.

o  Fundraising – The mulch sale was a huge success, 200 gift cards and 10,500 bags of mulch were sold, with nothing left over. The committee chairs expressed thanks for all student, parent and coach participation, noting no complaints from any customers. The Craft Fair in November is the next Booster fundraising event.

o  Concessions – More help is needed for concessions in general, the email asking for help goes to a small universe of parents instead of all sports families. There was discussion of how to get better participation, including getting an email list from the school if possible. Mr. Ryan is checking into this.

Bylaw Review - Synopsis of changes

·  Article V: Meetings (F)(4) Strike completely. Approved.

·  Article VI: Officers (A)(4) Discussed changing the term of office, considered 2-year term and term limitation of 3 years. Voted to leave as-is.

·  Article VII: Duties of Officers and Trustees

o  (A)(4) – change President’s summary report to be made at June meeting instead of at May Annual Business Meeting. Approved.

o  (D) (6) Treasurer will submit annual budget at May Annual Business Meeting, and the budget for the next year will be voted on at the June general meeting instead of May Annual Business Meeting to allow time for review. Approved.

o  (E) (a) (iii) Concession Fund financial statement and report to Treasurer monthly. Approved.

o  (E) (b) (iii) Sports Fund financial statement and report to Treasurer monthly. Approved.

o  (F) (2) Discussion took place about Trustee attendance at meetings and it was decided to address this in the Standing Rules.

·  Article VIII: Audits (A) Semi-annual financial audits for all funds shall take place in the fall and in the spring, preferably in October and in April, covering the Association’s previous business year. Approved.

·  Article IX: Standing Committees

o  (B) (4) (a) Publicity Committee - Strike completely. Approved.

o  (B) (4) (d) Publicity Committee - Strike completely. Approved.

o  (B) (4) (f) Publicity Committee - Strike completely. Approved.

o  (B) (4) (g) Publicity Committee - Strike completely. Approved.

o  (B) (4) Publicity Committee - New item added “The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing and coordinating production of senior banners, ensuring they are uniform and standard for all sports.” Approved.

o  (B) (5) (c) Fundraising Committee – “The Committee coordinates and monitors all other HBAB designated fund raising activities and works with the Publicity Committee and Concessions Committee, as required.” Approved.

o  (B) (6) Finance Committee – there was discussion about changing the dates for preparing and submitting the annual budget but it was decided to leave it as-is, no changes were made.

o  (B) (7) (b) Jag Wear Committee - Strike completely, it is a duplicate of (a). Approved.

o  (B) (8) Website Committee - the name of the Web Site Committee to be changed to the Website and Social Media Committee. Approved.

o  (B) (8) (b) Website Committee - existing wording struck and new wording added: “Establish and maintain a secure social media presence for the conveyance of the Association information.” Approved.

o  (B) (9) (b) and (c) Historian and Awards Committee - strike completely. Approved.

o  (B) (10) (b) Improvement and Maintenance Committee - strike “or any paid booster member”. Approved.

·  Article XI: Amendments (B) Amendments are enacted by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the membership attending the May Annual Business Meeting instead of by vote of two-thirds. Approved.

Election of Officers

·  Membership Committee Chair Vicky Lemmermen nominated:

o  President – Dwayne Woodruff. Elected.

o  Vice President – Carol Artis. Elected.

o  Secretary – Donna Waggener. Elected.

o  Treasurer – Matt Slyh. Elected

o  Sports Treasurer – Kim Ellison. Elected

o  Concessions Treasurer – no candidates, no one elected. This will be tabled until the next meeting.

No new business.

Steering Committee meeting will be at 7pm on Monday, May 23 at The Krochmal’s home. The Standing Rules review will take place at this meeting. Newly elected officers should attend, and any interested committee members are invited.

Motion to adjourn meeting. 1st Beth Krochmal. 2nd Terri Glenn. Meeting adjourned at 9.04 pm.

HBAB General Session Page 2