Thank you for your interest in the Camp Allen Summer Camping Program. Our program has experienced some fantastic growth spurts in numbers and program additions over the last few years, therefore the 2008 camping season is going to prove to be a great experience for campers, counselors and staff alike.


Enthusiastic young adults who are committed to being a positive, upbeat role model for our campers and counselors. A strong love for God, a passion to be a servant leader, a desire to support Counselors in their ministry, and to facilitate the vision of the weekly Session Directors with a cheerful and willing heart is a MUST for Senior Staffers.

Due to the responsibilities and extremely long hours this position demands, we ask that you enter this application process with prayerful consideration and openness to what God has for your ministry this coming summer.

In order for your application to be processed, you must include the following:

  1. Completed application with any certifications attached at time of mailing.
  2. Completed Health History form with IMMUNIZATION DATES.
  3. Two reference forms completed and returned directly to my office by the person filling out the reference form.
Please mail your Application, Health History and References to:
Laura K. Castle
Summer Camp Director

18800 FM 362

Navasota, TX 77868

Your interview will not be scheduled until all of the above information has been received in the Summer Camp Office.

Due to difficulty in scheduling our Sr. Staff Team Building Retreat in January and our in-service, certifications and trainings in May, we are no longer accepting applications from High School Seniors. All applicants must have completed at least their first year in college as of May 18, 2008. We encourage all high school seniors to apply to be part of our Resident Counselor Team.


Applications need to be postmarked no later than October 12th.

Interview dates are slated for October 19-20 and November 16-17.

Thank you for your interest in the application process and we look forward to visiting with you soon.

2008 Sr. Staff Application

MUST be mailed by October 12th to:

Attach a recent photo here.

Laura K. Castle Really.

Summer Camp Director

18800 FM 362

Navasota, TX 77868

Name: Social Security No. ______/______/______

E-Mail Address: ______Age______Birth date____/______/______

Home Phone (____)______School Phone (_____)______Cell Phone ( )

Home Address ______/ ______/ ______/ ______

Street City St. Zip

School Address: ______/______/______/ ______

Street City St. Zip

University or College______

Class (Circle One) FR. SOPH. JR. SR. GRAD. Career Pursuit ______

Driver’s License # ______State ______T-shirt size: S M L XL 2X

Please list any previous positions held in the camping field. ______

Work Experience: List the last two jobs you have held, with the most recent first.


1. ______

2. ______

Work Experience with children (paid and volunteer) with most recent first.

Group, Church or CompanyPositionCity/StateDates

1. ______

2. ______

References: List four people, EXCLUDING RELATIVES AND PEERS. Please include at least one Employer and oneMinistry Supervisor (Youth Minister, Education Director, Rector/Pastor, Program Director etc.)

NOTE: Two of these four should be the people to whom you send reference forms.


NAME ______NAME ______

Telephone (______)______Telephone (______)______

Email ______Email ______

NAME ______NAME ______

Telephone (______)______Telephone (______)______

Email ______Email ______

Got to know, so got to ask….

Have you ever used drugs?YesNoAre you using drugs now?YesNo

Do you use alcohol regularly?YesNo Do you use any form of tobacco regularly?Yes No

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please explain fully.

The use of drugs, alcohol and/or tobacco use at Camp Allen is strictly prohibited during the entire course of your employment. (See Code of Conduct) Violation of the policy results in immediate termination of employment. IF YOU UNDERSTAND THIS STATEMENT, AND ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT THIS RESTRICTION IF HIRED, PLEASE INITIAL HERE ______.

Do you have or have you ever had any physically, mentally, psychologically or emotionally limiting conditions?


If yes, please explain ______


Have you ever been treated for any kind of emotional, mental, psychological, chemical or behavioral disorder?


If yes, list date(s) and explain. Use back if necessary. ______

Do you now have or have you ever been treated for an eating disorder? YesNo If yes, please explain. ______

Are you taking any medications?YesNo If yes, please list medication(s) and reason for taking it.




Have you ever had Surgery of any kind?YesNo If yes, list date(s), type of surgery and explain.

Have you ever been accused of any criminal activity?Yes No

If yes, explain fully.

Have you ever been arrested for any reason?YesNo

If yes, list date and explain fully.

Have you, in the last three years, been involved in a motor vehicle accident when you were driving?YesNo

If yes, list date(s) and explain fully.

Have you ever been injured on a job?YesNo

If yes, did you receive workman’s compensation benefits?Yes No

Are you willing to undergo a Background Check as required by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas?YesNo

Have you had Safeguarding God’s Children Training? Yes No

If so, please give date and location of training. ______

Briefly explain why you would like to be on Camp Allen’s Summer Camp Sr. Staff and what would you expect to get of your camp experience?


Please list the qualities that would make you a great Sr. Staffer.



What do you see as your greatest role and responsibility as a member of the Sr. Staff Team?

If hired, you will experience the crazy schedule of needing to be in the campsite from 7:45 – 10:00 at night and only 1 hour off during the day and less than 24 hours between camp sessions. How do you plan to sustain yourself in the following areas?




In your opinion, how does the ministry of servant-hood fit into Sr. Staff life and work?


Are there any reasons you would have difficulty performing any of the BASIC FUNCTIONS OF SR. STAFF as stated on the following page?


Basic Expectations for Camp Allen Sr. Staff


1. Must be 18 years of age at the time of employment.

  1. Must be able to supervise children on a 14+hour day, 7 days a week with limited time off.
  2. Must be able to negotiate hilly terrain, rustic trails, and walk several miles a day.
  3. Must possess stamina to carry out camp programs in hot and humid and sometimes very wet weather.
  4. Must possess visual and auditory abilities to identify and respond to environmental and other hazards related to camp activity.
  5. Must set an example of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis in both cabin living and campsites.
  6. Must demonstrate strong moral and Christian values consistent with Christ-likeness and the Episcopal Church.
  7. Must be willing to deliver your testimony and counsel when asked.
  8. Must possess the ability to communicate and work with groups of all ages and skill levels in order to provide necessary instruction to campers.
  9. Must be able to observe camper behavior, evaluate its appropriateness, and enforce and implement appropriate behavior management techniques.
  10. Must acquire Red Cross certifications for Lifeguard, Waterfront Lifeguard, CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Bloodborne Pathogens/PDT.
  11. Must acquire Belay Training.
  12. Must attend and serve at Team Building Retreat, both Counselor Training weekends and both weeks of In-service and Training. ( See Important Dates)


  1. Provide an example of a model counselor on a consistent basis while providing cabin counselors with support and encouragement.
  2. Communicate consistently with CC/ and Directors about campsite life and camper situations.
  3. Provide encouragement and accountability for fellow staff in cabins and on weekly teams
  4. Manage campsite activities in accordance with Camp Allen’s standards, policies and procedures.
  5. Provide leadership and initiative in teaching and assisting activities. Both at CTP and during Camp.
  6. Monitor campers’ health and condition.
  7. Show Christian living through example and through the presentation of your life as a servant
  8. Accompany campers at all times.
  9. Communicate with campers, parents, Session Directors, Summer Camp Directors, Camp Allen full time staff, and fellow staff in a professional manner.
  10. Respect all Camp Allen property and keep log cabin staff housing picked up as if a guest in someone else’s home.
  11. Perform any and all other duties assigned or reassigned willingly and with a humble servant spirit.

Sr. Staff Code of Conduct

As a member of Camp Allen’s Sr. Staff, you will have an incredible opportunity to impact the life of a child. With this opportunity comes the great responsibility to present yourself in a manner that any parent would want their child to emulate. The Code of Conduct is designed to help you make decisions in the way that you represent yourself. They equally apply to all summer staff.


Alcoholic beverages and consumption of said beverages is not allowed on camp property.


The use of any tobacco products by underage staff is not permitted while under contract on camp property. Tobacco use in the campsite, cabin, woods, pavilion or any other Camp Allen building is strictly prohibited. This includes cigarettes, cigars, snuff and chewing tobacco. The only designated area of use is the Lake Coffield docks during after work hours and Saturday off time. No one should ever go into a work environment smelling or appearing to of used any tobacco products. No trace of any tobacco use will be left on docks or out in cabins. Do not carry tobacco products in backpacks or vehicles that will be taken into campsites.



You only get once chance to make a first impression. Inappropriate tattoos and other body art may not be displayed. Facial Hair must be neatly groomed. The Summer Camp Director reserves the right to ask staff to make modifications in their personal appearance when deemed necessary and important to the ministry of Summer Camp and therefore agree to respectfully comply with these requests. Staff shirts must be wrinkle free if not ironed and worn with khaki shorts and closed toe shoes during Sunday Eucharist, Registrations and Saturday closings.


It is expected that you will take all rules, regulations, and policies seriously. Typically, rules are designed with safety in mind. As a staff member, we ask that you set the tone and lead by example not only to campers but also to your fellow staff.

How would you describe your ability to respect and follow rules set forth, whether initially given or modified as needed? ______

Please write a brief Biographical sketch about yourself. Do not be afraid to include any awards or honors you have received. Please include a brief description of your personal spiritual journey and any other vital information that would better enable us to evaluate you as a potential Camp Allen Sr. Staffer.


Please rate your level of skill in each of the following items.

1 = no experience with activity

2 = little exposure to the activity

3 = moderate exposure or experience with the activity

4 = exposure to the activity

5 = experience with the activity

______Swimming Lessons

______Horseback Riding


______Leading Group Games

______Low Challenge Course

______High Challenge Course


______Leading Worship

______Leading Music

______Playing a Musical Instrument

Which instrument? ______

______Discovery Program






______Ultimate Frisbee

______Frisbee Golf

______Art & Crafts

For the activities you have rates as a 5, please indicate what experience you have with the activity, i.e. youth league, high school teams, college team or intramural sports. Please indicate years experience and special trainings received.


What 3 activities are you most interested in?


Please circle areas where certifications are held and date of expiration.

First Aid ______Lifeguard ______Waterfront ______

Canoeing ______AED ______CPR ______

Please indicate if you are interested in Ropes Course Facilitator Certification.

Circle One: YES NO

Personal CHARACTER Evaluation

OutstandingAbove average AverageNeeds ImprovementPoor


Leadership Ability{______}

Follows Instructions{______}

Emotional Stability{______}


Sense of Humor{______}


Follow through ability {______}


Team Player{______}

Initiative {______}

Community living skills{______}

Temper Control{______}


Certification and Release

I certify that all the information submitted by me on this application is true and complete, and I understand that if any false information, omissions, or misrepresentations are discovered, my application may be rejected and, if I am employed, my employment may be terminated at any time.

In consideration of my employment, I agree to Camp Allen’s rules and regulations, and I agree that my employment can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at Camp Allen’s option. I understand that the Summer Camp Director has the right to request modifications in my personal appearance as deemed necessary and important to the ministry of Summer Camp and therefore agree to respectfully comply with these requests.

I also understand that no company representative, other than it’s Executive Director, and then only when in writing and signed by the Executive Director, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the forgoing.

In relation to my serving in The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, I understand and authorize the access of public information from various federal, state and other agencies maintaining information regarding any public information.

I also understand that this information may be accessed during my service and up to thirty (30) days after separation from this diocese. I hereby consent to you obtaining various public record information and other information from Diocesan / Church employers or agencies, by Texas Dept. of Public Safety and /or any other party or agency in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act and any and all state and federal laws. I also understand that the requested information below is to be used for proper identification only and not for discriminatory purposes.

Printed Name:

Signature: Date: //

Date of Birth: ______/______/______Texas Driver’s License# ______



Name: Birth Date: Sex: SS#

Home Address: City: State: ZIP:

Home Phone: ______YOUR Cell Phone:

Parent or Guardian: Home Ph: ( )

Relation to Counselor: Work Ph: ( )

Email Address: ______Cell Ph: (___)______

Home Address: City: State:ZIP:

iF Parent or Guardian is not available in an emergency, notify the person below:

Name: Phone: Relationship to camper: Grandparent Aunt Uncle Friend of Family Other______

Insurance Company: Policy #:

Address & Phone: Phone:

Allergy Allergic Response Allergy______Allergic Response ______

Operations/Serious Injuries/ Dates______

Chronic or Recurring Illnesses (Asthma, Migraines, Upper Respiratory) ______


Prescribed medication MUST be in an original pharmacy container with the counselor’s name, date, instructions and Dr.’s name on the label. A physicians signed note is needed to accompany any “sample medication”. All over-the-counter medications must have age appropriate instructions and be pre-expiration date.


Medications being sent with camper: List drug, dosage and condition requiring the medication.

Drug______Dosage______Prescribed for ______

Drug______Dosage______Prescribed for ______Drug______Dosage______Prescribed for ______

Drug______Dosage______Prescribed for ______

List any over-the-counter oral, topical, or instilled medications that camper cannot or should not receive should any minor symptoms develop: ______

Each swimmer receives a solution of alcohol eardrops after each swim to aid in the prevention of swimmer’s ear unless the child has tubes in their ear or it is designated otherwise below.

Does Staffer have a history or earaches? No____ Yes____

Does Staffer have tubes in ears? No___ Yes___ If yes, which ear? Right ____ Left_____

Yes, I may receive ear drops

No, I should not receive ear drops

IMMUNIZATIONS: First time Counselors or Sr. Staff at Camp Allen are required to complete the following immunization record. State Law requires the actual month, day and year of immunizations. All other’s may update immunizations on our website and follow the Summer Camp links.

DTP Series / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5.
Polio OPV Series / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
MMR Series / 1. / 2.
Hep. B / 1. / 2. / 3.
Varicella or Chicken Pox / 1.
Tetanus Shot / 1. / (Must be within the last 10 years)



This health history and immunization report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. In the event of an illness or emergency, I hereby give permission for the staff of Camp Allen to authorize medical treatment of my child by licensed healthcare professionals and when necessary, authorized transportation to and from the medical facilities employed in the care of my child. I hereby agree to release from liability and hold harmless Camp Allen, thestaff, the Board of Directors, the Diocese of Texas, it’s agents and assigns, from any legal action associated with injury to my child, except in cases of gross negligence.

Signature of Sr. Staffer: Date: / / ______



Session DatesLetterAge Category Age as of Sept.1, 2008

June 1- June 7APrimary8-9 yrs. old

June 1- June 7BMiddler 10-11 yrs. old

June 1- June 7CJr. High 12-14 yrs. old

June 8-14DSr. High 15-17 yrs. old

June 8-14EMiddler 10-11 yrs. old

June 8-14FJr. High 12-14 yrs. old

June 15-21GPrimary 8-9 yrs. old

June 15-21HMiddler10-11 yrs. old

June 15-21IJr. High12-14 yrs. old

June 22-28JPrimary8-9 yrs. old

June 22-28KMiddler10-11 yrs. old

June 22-28LJr. High12-14 yrs. old