Lake Jackson Soccer Club


December 6, 2007

Attendees: David Latta, Perry Guentzel, Matt Turk, Paz Ordonez, Daniel White, Eric Ripplinger, Kelly Rathbun, Larry Foley, Kevin Romero, Wally Gregory, Debbie Comneck

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Kevin Romero. There were no minutes from the previous meeting due to poor attendance.

Field Manager – Kevin recommended we do minimal maintenance on the fields since we did not make any money from the tournament. We need to focus on controlling the weeds. Kevin Romero said Kevin Kirkpatrick sprayed something years ago to kill the weeds. We spent about $2000 on weeds this year and we still have a problem.

Registrar – David Latta reported that it has been quiet. Our player participation increased by 32 players this year. This is the first time in 5 years that we have grown.

Equipment – Kelly Rathbun said the shipping of uniforms was a nightmare. Score sent 12 boxes at a time and charged shipping for each box. However, everyone seemed to be pleased with the uniforms. Score was aware of our deadline for uniforms so items were shipped in a timely manner. We did not have any problems with our uniforms maybe one or two shirts with incorrect numbers. Freeport used a different company that were cheaper and threw in some extra items.

Past President – none

President – Kevin Romero said there was nothing major to report from BYSA. In Eastern District, referees were not enforcing the rules for coaches. Coaches were not wearing their kid safe badges and they did not check player card. Our teams who played in Eastern District were competitive this year. Most teams played well and were not blown away.

Director of Coaching – Wally Gregory said the last class went well – 19 coaches attended. There is a need for an E clinic in February. We have 25-30 coaches that are interested. Wally is requesting BYSA to purchase a projector. BYSA wants a recertification class in January 2008.

Wally said he received an email from Mike Parsons. It looks like 8 v 8 will pass for U11/U12 next fall.

Kelly Rathbun asked for a list of U6 coaches so she can verify if they are certified for next year. Eventually, Affinity says if you are not certified to coach then you will not be assigned a team.


BYSA Championships – 3 girls teams advanced (Vipers, Pink Panthers) and 3 boy’s teams advanced (Freedom, Thunder, Impact)

Nominating Committee – we are still working on a nominating committee for next year’s board. We have a lot of wholes to fill. We need a registrar (this is a critical position), president, secretary, boys VP, etc. Kevin is working on job descriptions for positions.


Spring Soccer – we need a coordinator. Kevin Romero is not available. Eric Ripplinger is considering taking on the position but he would like to make a few changes.

We need to decide on a tournament date for next season. No team has requested to run the tournament so we will need to do it as a Club. The dates of the Alvin tournament and the Texas City tournament were discussed. Most people like the weekend of August 22-24.

Field Strategy – We need a team to put together a long term plan to bring to the City. The City will fund a project if a plan is in place. This plan is due in April. We can also use this plan to submit for the Dow grant. Drainage situation could be part of this plan.

January meeting has been changed to Monday, January 21.

By Law Changes – In January we submit By Law changes for the upcoming season. Rule modification submissions are due at this time (only rules that we are capable of changing.) It usually takes 2 months of discussion and then a decision is made at the March meeting. For example: team formations, coaching, rule changes, etc.

BYSA will start the fine process next year but we don’t know the fine process. A question was asked if we could fine BYSA for not having the schedules ready.

Kevin Romero commented this was our most competitive season this year compared to recent years. We are getting better coaches who are participating in the coaching clinics. Wally mentioned that a vast majority of our coaches are well trained.

A motion was made by Wally Gregory to end the meeting and Eric Ripplinger second the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Debbie Comneck

Secretary, Lake Jackson Soccer Club
