SPECIAL OFFER: All Visitors – Best offer of the Year – phone/web offer only

Save 50,00 € on Tiller or Tiller Package - July thru 31 Aug 2013


Key code: 49133633


TO: Jan N - Ink-It


CC: Steve / Corinne / Ketty


. Offer to support: web and phone only offer

. URL for offer: mantis.de.com - this is an all visitor offer

. Offer: 50,00 € off Tillers or Tiller package; not valid for Deluxe XP Tiller


. Key Codes – see Programming

. Image – n / a

. Snail mail creative – n / a

Key Code/Gloris Programming – Order Processing:

. Corinne/Ketty will enter all key codes into Gloris - Yes

. Steve will enter media code into Gloris – N / A


Offer banner: Jan – you can pick up DE banner from 2012, with key code change an expiration text addition. This is same offer we are making in france; different key code

. hero text:


Buy a Mantis Tiller or Tiller Package – SAVE 50,00 €

Enter key code 49133633 at checkout or mention when ordering by phone

Translation for DE is:

Geben Sie den Keycode 49133633an oder benennen Sie ihn bei einer telefonischen Bestellung.


. fine print text: Limited time offer. Offer cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 31 August 2013

Translation for DE is:

Befristetes Angebot. Angebot kann nicht mit anderen Angeboten kombiniert werden.Angebot gültig bis zum 31 August 2013

. bullets: n / a

. image: pickup SAVE 50,00 €graphic used 2012 for DE


. Add this offer or price test to shopping cart

. Program URL as follows:

. Suppress float in – N / A, there is no float in

. Does visitor have to enter their key code at checkout: YES

. Suppress Key Code field/verbiage at checkout: NO

. Notes:

. This offer applies to current price on all tillers and tiller packages

. This offer is not valid on the Deluxe XP because it is out of stock

. This offer does NOT apply to visitors who have come via another special offer link

. Offer banner should be visible on these page:


Classic 4-stroke, Electric, Deluxe 4-stroke, Tiller pkgs main page

Do not put on the Deluxe XP page because this item is not in stock


Mantis.de.com – there is no special / URL for this

. URL should work with an without www, and should not be case-sensitive

Media Code(s) passed in this link:


Valid Key Code (s) which can be entered at checkout


If a key code is required at checkout, you will program a Default Key Code that code will pass if none/wrong key code is entered at checkout

Visitor MUST enter 49133633 during checkout or they do not get the offer. If they do not enter the code then regular 2013 default key code would be passed

. Upsells:no change to upsells for 2013

If there is a special additional premium associated with this offer, you do not pass it in the order log file; the Key Code is what signals GLORIS to include that product in the order.

Is there an additional special premium - No

Google Analytics – no additional programming needed; this is not a special URL

Expiration / Deactivation of Offer:See timing

Action: Deactivate the key code/offer

Key Dates:

We can begin immediately

Offer ends 31 August 2013


remember FR/DE are 6 hrs ahead of us

Key codes in Gloris by7/22/13Corinne or Ketty

Offer Banner creative 1st pass7/23/13Ink-IT Digital

Contingent on receipt of translation

URL/link/page/offer testing7/23/13Ink-IT Digital

Report testingn / aInk-IT Digital

URL/link/page live by7/24/13Ink-IT Digital

Report liven / aInk-IT Digital

WebTrends URL trackingn / aInk-IT Digital

Offer begins:

. 1st email with this offer:n / a

. 1st Snail mail drop:n / a

. 1st Target in-home daten / a

. Last snail mail drop for this offern / a

. Last mail drop expiration date is:n / a

Deactivate and/or redirect8/31/13 6pm ET Ink-IT Digital

*Double-check with Kay in advance of expiring


Jan – DGA 7/22-7/24, vacation 7/26

Kay – vacation 7/19

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