Date: August 29, 2011
Lesson Topic: Boxes for Katje-Day 1
3.04 / Teacher Input:
TTW tell S that we will start a unit on Kindness. “What is a kind act you have done and why did you do it? What words do you associate with kindness?”
S may do a Think, Pair, Share and share a personal experience about when they acted kindly toward another person or when someone was exceptionally kind to them.
TTW explain to S that the story we will read and discuss this week is a historical fiction. Ask S if they know what fiction is? Do they know what then historical fiction might be. Explain it is set is a specific time in history and the characters act, dress and talk as they would for that time period.
TTW guide S through the vocabulary slides to introduce words for this story.
Student Input:
TSW complete a vocabulary quilt using the newly introduced words. Since S have a better understanding of how to do a quilt from last week, some S may add the parts of speech to their quilt or add a sentence.
TSW complete a vocabulary quilt after kinesthetically learning new words for their weekly story. The vocabulary quilt will include: word, definition, and picture. Optional additions are sentences, parts of speech or synonyms.
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: S may work with a partner
Enrichment: S may add at least 1 optional addition to their quilt
*Pre-test should be given on Monday to determine appropriate lists for each S. S who master the original 10 should be given the challenge words as their words for the week.
Spelling for the Week: (long vowels) Bonus Words: (for test) Homework:
1. mild 6. time 1. tulip Mon-Fri: Model for S
2. care 7. sale 2. plenty in class how to complete
3. pilot 8. ride 3. luxury each of the Tic-Tac-Toe
4. lady 9. able activities. Next week S will
5. bake 10. kind complete these at home
Challenge Words: (for enrichment S) *Next week communicate
1. apron with parents the spelling HW
2. final expectations and procedures.
3. quite
4. quiet
5. share
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!Date: August 30, 2011
Lesson Topic: Boxes for Katje-Day 2
2.01, 2.04, 2.06, 2.07, 3.01, 3.02, 3.06 / Teacher Input:
Review the story’s vocabulary by making a movement and having S raise their hands to provide the word that corresponds.
TTW locate on a map where this story takes place and discuss briefly what WWII was about and the hardships it brought on to families across the world.
TTW locate Boxes for Katje on Discovery Ed ( and log in (if you don’t have a log in, see Krista or Lisa). Click on the video from Reading Rainbow. As the video plays, TTW stop throughout asking S questions to gauge comprehension and guide their understanding of the story’s events. (see questions below)
*Ts should follow the video using their book so they know when to pause and ask the questions below.
Student Input:
TSW listen to this first reading of Boxes for Katje and think about how
Katje shows kindness to Rosie. TSW also watch for ways these characters show kindness to the people of Olst where Katje lives.
TSW answer the Focus questions on an index card as an exit ticket / Specific Higher Level Discussion Questions:
Inference: “They patched and repatched their worn-thin clothing, and they went without soap or milk, sugar or new shoes.” What does this tell us anout the people of Olst?
Clarify and Define: Postman, Cobbled
Inference: Why was Katje lucky enough to get a box from America?
Making Connections: Has anyone in here ever sent a package or received one in the mail to know how Katje might feel? (Text to self connection)
Drawing Conclusion: Why did Katje rub her finger across the letters that spelled USA?
Clarify: What does “the land of the plenty” mean?
Making Connections: How might Katje be feeling as she opens the box? When in your life have you felt as Katje does? (Text to self connection)
-Why did the Postman say socks were a luxury and Mama say she hadn’t smelled chocolate in years? (Text to Text connection)
Figurative Language: How does the author makes us almost feel as if we can taste the chocolate too?
Character Analysis: Katje breaks the chocolate into pieces. What does this tell us about her?
Making Connections: Do you dream of meat and bread? (Text to Self)
Author’s Choice of Words: Why do you think the author made a point to describe the deLand children as thin? Is this important? Does it add to the story?
Figurative Language: What does “but I am not believing my eyes” mean?
Comprehension: Why does Rosie send sugar?
Clarify: Are newspapers usually put inside coats? Why here?
Predict: What do you think is in the box? Did Katje provide clues?
-Was your prediction correct?
-What do you think will be in the next box from Rosie? Explain.
-What do you think Katje will send? Why?
Setting: Who can use clues from the story to determine the season the story began in?
For HW, student should draw a picture or bring in a photograph or article that portrays kindness.
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: August 31, 2011
Lesson Topic: Boxes for Katje-Day 3
2.01 / Teacher Input:
Review the story’s vocabulary by having 1 S at a time come to the board and face the class. Project 1 slide per S and have the class give that S hints regarding the word behind him/her. Repeat with each word and a new student.
Discuss with students what Cause and Effect mean. Give examples. Explain to S that they will find cause and effects in Boxes for Katje. Model how to complete the chart.
TTW locate Boxes for Katje on Discovery Ed ( and log in (if you don’t have a log in, see Krista or Lisa). Click on the video from Reading Rainbow. Allow S to follow along in their books as the video plays.
*The T might want to stop the video as cause/effect relationships occur to give S ample time to write on their charts
Student Input:
TSW listen and follow along in their books. As cause and effects arise S will complete the chart.
Completion of the cause and effect chart / Specific Higher Level Discussion Questions:
1. What is a cause? (the main event or initial action)
2. What is an effect? (the result of the cause)
3. Complete with an effect:
-I planted some sunflower seeds and ……
-My sister stayed up past midnight so……
-Lizzy spilled milk all over the floor and/so……
4. Complete with a cause:
-He was unable to complete his HW because….
-Keegan was hungry because……
-Erin called a tow truck because…..
5. Identify what is the cause and effect in each sentence.
-Gina couldn’t find the cookies because Papa hid them in the cabinet.
-Kelly studied her spelling words and got an A on the test.
-Mom gave the baby a bottle when it began to cry.
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: Have the cause and effects listed and S have to match them up.
Enrichment: Have a blank chart where S have to identify them on their own.
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: August 31, 2011
Lesson Topic: Boxes for Katje-Day 4
2.07, 3.02, 4.07, 5.01-5.07 / Teacher Input:
TTW guide S to write a friendly letter after discussing the 5 main parts.
There are five main parts to a friendly letter.
1. Heading
The heading gives the date that the letter was written as well as the complete address of the person who is writing the letter.
2. Greeting
The greeting tells to whom the letter is written. The most common greeting is "Dear ______". It is considered impolite to use only the person's name as a greeting.
3. Body
The body is the letter itself.
4. Closing
The closing is a polite way to say goodbye. (Sincerely, Sincerely Yours, etc.)
5. Signature
The signature is the name of the writer.
Student Input:
TSW pretend they are one of the townspeople from Olst and write a letter to Rosie.
TSW also create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Rosie and Katje.
TSW complete the two activities using complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation and the correct friendly letter format for the letter and list at least 3 items per section of Venn Diagram. SW be given a rubric for their letters.
Ways to Modify for Different Learners:
Remediation: Alternate Activity: Ask the children to fold a piece of paper down the middle. On one side, they can draw a scene from Olst, with houses, people, etc., and on the other side, a picture either of Rosie’s town, or their own.
Enrichment: Make a script of Katje and her neighbors opening the boxes. Act it out.
Lesson Plan for Imagine It!
Date: September 01, 2011
Lesson Topic: Boxes for Katje-Day 5
2.01, 2.06, 3.03 / Teacher Input:
TTW read aloud the post assessment for S to complete.
Student Input:
TSW complete a comprehension and vocabulary post test to assess mastery of understanding.
TSW use complete sentences when providing their own answers.
Comprehension and Vocabulary assessment for Boxes for Katje.