Wales HECA Forum
Minutes of Full Forum meeting held at The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells, Powys. Friday 11th April 2003
1. Present
Barbara Potter, Conwy CBCBecci Johnson & Anna Carlisle, Mid & SW Wales EEAC
Bill Jones, Wrexham CBC
Bob Cherryman, EST Wales
Carol Evans, Denbighshire CC
Chris Collins, NEA Wales
Cyril Knott, Blaenau Gwent CBC
Douglas Reynolds, Monmouthshire CC
David Mundow, Vale of Glamorgan
Edward Butler, Rhondda Cynon Taf
Eleanor George, Eaga Partnership Ltd
Emma Cole, SE Wales EEAC
Fred Houghton, North Wales EEAC
Gary Tawn, Pembrokeshire CC / Jim Prosser, WLGA
John Williams, Ceredigion CC
Lucy Southgate, IT Power
Pam Walters & Keri Andrews, Swansea EEAC
Paul Kindlin, Flintshire CC
Peter Morgan, Neath Port Talbot CBC
Richard Holmes, Leicester Energy Agency
Richard Williams, NAfW
Sally Sullivan, Cardiff CC
Sharon Youssefi, Merthyr Tydfil CBC
Steve Clarke, Torfaen CBC
Steve Martin (Chair), Caerphilly CBC
Trevor Roberts, Newport CC
2. Apologies
Adrian Roberts, GwyneddAndrew Morris, Carmarthenshire CC / Ann Rees, Ceredigion CC
Tom Hayes, Pembrokeshire CC
3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
4. Nominations for Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer.
Becci had sent out a call for Nominations prior to the WHF meeting in Jan and has had no response. As a result Steve suggested that both he and Bill remain in their current positions for another year. The forum was asked if there were any objections to this proposal or if anyone would like a last chance to put themselves forward. Everyone was in agreement with Steve and Bill remaining another year.
At present Bill and Carol are the two signatories on the Forum’s chequebook. For convenience it has been suggested that the signatories remain unchanged. Steve invited nominations for an additional member to join the Executive Committee in Carols place, pointing out it would be preferable for an Officer from South Wales to volunteer. David Mundow put himself forward, seconded by Carol Evans.
Action: Anna to update database.
5. Promotional Panels
Becci gave an update on the promotional panels. An A1 black and white draft of the WHF panels was on display, as well as an A4 colour version. The layout of two columns separating the English and Welsh has been chosen by the designer to make the format as clear as possible. Using the same format for all panels will help present a comprehensive display. The WHF panels are awaiting translation and are likely to be the first panels to be completed. EEACs were asked for an update on how LAs within their regions were progressing with their panels. It appears that all LAs are now engaged in producing panels, with some nearer completion than others. The Forum was reminded that the deadline for producing a final draft was the 18th April. This date has now passed and officers were urged to complete their panels asap. The event is the 25th June and plenty of time is needed for finalising details with the designer. Please check the quality of photos before sending them. The guidelines are that the resolution of pictures and logos needs to be 300dpi at the intended size on the A1 panels. Action: HECA Officers to send all info for panels to theirt local EEAC. If photos have been taken with a digital camera and there is any doubt about the quality, please supply prints for scanning. All panels will be delivered to the West Wales Eco Centre and transported to Cardiff from there. Action: All ensure June 25th is in their diary. It would be great to have as many LAs attending the event as possible. The session looks likely to take place over a buffet lunch from 12:00-14:00. Action: Becci/Anna to keep forum members informed via e-mail as to the programme and format for the day. Action: Anyone with information on specifications for colour suitability for colour-blindness, please inform Becci.
6. Update from Regional Chair
Paul Kindlin: North Wales have not yet had their regional meeting. It is due to take place in the next 3 – 4 weeks. More info thereafter.
Steve Martin: Matters arising from the South Wales regional meeting were:
Fuel Poverty.
Trevor Roberts gave a progress report on the Heat Wales Scheme and circulated a written report to all members of the SE forum.
Renewables. There has been proposals for 10 Solar Hot Water and condensing boilers to be installed. The outcome to the proposal will be known by the end of April.
Kerry Burns of SE Wales EEAC was introduced as the new LASP Officer. Kerry is approaching individual authorities to find out how LASP will work for each authority.
Becci Johnson: The last CEERW meeting was held on 4th March 03. Matters arising:
The Maxim 100% database project is developing.
Attendees at the meeting were taken on a tour of the West Wales Eco Centre’s new mobile unit, demonstrating PV panels, a wind turbine and a wood pellet stove.
Ceredigion are hosting the next meeting and have arranged a tour of the Llandysul leisure centre, whose swimming pool is heated by wood pellets.
Jim Prosser reported on the Economic Development Committee’s Energy Statement.
Since the meeting the Central Heating Information Council organised a Best Practice Training Workshop for CEERW Officers. This is believed to have been helpful.
Richard Williams asked if Francois had responded to the letter regarding the Maxim project. Action: Richard to chase Francois for a response.
7. UK HECA Forum Conference & Welsh HECA Officer Awards
This years Conference will be held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on Tues 20th and Wed 21st of May 2003. Francois is down to speak on Wed although the topic has not yet been confirmed. The UK HECA Forum meeting is taking place today. Action: Steve to pass on any relevant info arising from the UK HECA Forum meeting.
Invitations will shortly be sent out for nominations for HECA Officer Awards. The invitation has been compiled by Steve, Jim and EST. The Forum received the North West Forums application form to use as a template, which has had more extensive guidelines added. A copy of the WHF’s application form has been sent to the UK Forums meeting today and may be used to circulate to all regional fora. Action: Jim will circulate the application form to all members of the WHF. Action: HECA Officers: It would be appreciated to have as many applications as possible! This is a good opportunity to hear what HECA Officers have been doing, to promote your activities and receive recognition for them. Jim, Charlotte and Steve will be assessing the applications. Action: Selection sub-group to notify the successful applicant the week commencing Mon 12th May. Steve asked if anyone was planning on attending the UK Conference. No response as yet. Steve also mentioned that the next UK HECA Forum conference may be coming to Wales in 2004.
8. AOB
North Wales Event
As the event on the 25th June is being held in South Wales it has been decided to have an event in North Wales as well. The proposed theme for the North Wales event is ‘Hard to Heat Homes’. The Exec Committee will be looking for a venue in due course.
The NEA event will be based in South Wales towards the end of November. n-power have agreed to sponsor the event. Chris Collins asked if there had been any news on sponsorship for the North Wales event. Becci has spoken to Peter Grabowski, of Tower Colliery, who expressed interest in part-sponsorship. Chris is interested in working together and possibly providing part funding. Action: Becci will be writing to Tower Colliery, Steve will be contacting n-power.
Progress Reports
Richard Williams presented the Progress Reports paper to the Welsh Assembly on the 19th March 03. The progress on HECA for the period 1st April 02 – 31st March 2003 has been a 0.98% improvement on last year. This figure is based on the 9 Progress Report received. The issue of only 9 out of 22 reports being returned, compared to 18 last time, caused some concern. RW believes the figure is likely to be representative for all 22 Authorities. The improvement over the last 5 years is 4%. Discussion followed as to how it will be possible to improve these figures. One proposal is to get Chief Executives to sign up to an Energy Efficiency Strategy. Action: HECA Officers were recommended by RW to read the comments posted on the Assembly’s Intranet regarding the Progress Reports.
SM questioned whether HEES would benefit from a review. RW commented that HEES funding had increased and that it probably needs more funding. The figures from England have shown greater improvements in CO2 reductions, although it was pointed out that the Welsh reports are based on more stringent guidelines and are therefore a better reflection of the true trends. However a less than 1% improvement indicates a need for more resources to increase EE improvements.
Pam Walters asked why so many LAs had failed to produce a Progress Report. RW had received no explanations and commented that while it is legislation to produce a Report, there is currently no strategy to ensure this happens. JP reinforced the importance of putting a report in. They are a tool for lifting the profile of HECA and officers are not helping themselves if they fail to submit a report. BC asked if those that did hand a report in, tended to be full time HECA officers or those using external contractors. RW did not have the information to hand, although last time there was no evidence to support this correlation. Douglas Reynolds, who did produce a report with external support, expressed concern at the Assembly’s current policies. DR would like the Assembly to address the issues of how to genuinely increase interest in EE and how to tackle implementing improvements. DR believes the big challenge in SE Wales is how to get the fuel rich to change their habits, as these are the most difficult group to influence and as the fuel poor are only a percentage of the population. RW responded it is up to the officers to lobby the Assembly to change policy and to present alternative policies. Hopefully by getting the Chief Execs to sign up to an EE Strategy, funding for HECA will be given a higher priority. While no money is ring-fenced for HECA, EE is having a tough time competing against Education and Health. JP is working towards a policy agreement with WAG. Targets are to improve SAP ratings 3 points pa. A request for funding has been put in to back these targets, and in this way more funding should become available over the next 12 months.
BJ raised the question of whether the 25th June should be made an opportunity to lobby new AMs. It was felt that the 25th June is primarily an awareness-raising event for new AMs and that the panels should concentrate on achievements. There are two pictures present: considerable time and activities spent on HECA vs. low improvement figures. SM commented that the challenge is obtaining data from the private sector. The <1% improvement only takes into account the public sector, as data on private sector improvements are sparse. Action: Steve to request info on examples of looking at private sector data from National HECA Fora, Energy Exchange and Practical Help, and how Building Regs are policed in the private sector.
9. Update from EST
Bob Cherryman gave an update on EST’s activities within Wales:
EEAC Activity. The Keep Well This Winter Campaign will continue this winter with EEACs remaining a key energy partner. However the Assembly are looking at holding fewer but larger roadshows to address the issue of quality vs. quantity. EST are looking at piloting a Sustainable Energy Centre within Wales over the coming year. The SECs will build on the work of the EEACs by encompassing Renewables and SMEs.
Photovoltaics continuing.
Carbon Innovation continuing.
Transport. Under the Powershift scheme only 50 vehicles were converted last year. EST would like to build on this figure this year. CleanUp Wales is a new project and has received £300,000. As yet only Denbighshire, Cardiff and Swansea have taken advantage of the scheme. Action: LAs were urged to take the opportunity while it lasts as it is only running for 12 months. For further information visit:
Renewables. Under Renewable Energy Advice Service 2000 enquires have been logged 02-03.
Assembly. A schools programme is under negotiation between EST, the Assembly and partners in England. The Carbon Trust has recently published advice on EE for schools that is very valuable.
Community Energy. This project has been very successful in Scotland and EST would like to encourage LAs to refer to this fund for refurbishment of existing and installation of new community heating schemes. For further information visit: In Scotland one project was awarded £880k. Applications for projects under £25k that meet the criteria aren’t generally a problem. Action: Bob will circulate the minutes of the project.
10. AOB Cont.
Francois Samuel is looking for consultants for Ground Source Heat Pumps. Action: All to inform RW or FS of any recommended consultants or pass on any other relevant info. Becci referred to the Good Practice Guide 339, ‘Domestic Ground Source Heat Pumps: Design and installation of closed-loop systems’.
BC mentioned the Nuaire Group based in Caerphilly, who produce an Air Exchanger linked with Solar Panels. This system looks like it meets all the basic requirements and has a low running cost. Action: Bob to discuss this option with FS.
Carol presented the Treasurer’s report. Carol explained that small bank charges were incurred this year due to some large bills during May to August and a late payment of a grant. However the conference was a success and made a profit and the accounts are now in a good position. Copies of the report were distributed and time allowed for comments. None made.
Eleanor George reported that EAGA is aware there have been communication problems with some LAs and that this has now hopefully been resolved. There is a new social funding pot available and successful LAs that have applied have been notified. As of last Saturday there have been changes in the eligibility criteria for HEES. Eleanor distributed a HO with these changes outlined. The web based referral system will be updated with these changes on 6th May. The new oil pilot is underway, with 73 properties already surveyed and specifications sent out to installers. The final Code of Practice document is now out, published by the Energy Advice Providers Group. Compliancy agencies have been notified and those not following the new Code of Practise will be chased up.
The Secretariat tender has been sent out to all Welsh EEACs. The deadline for applications is Tues 15th April. Action: Steve to inform WHF of outcome.
11. Enthuse
Enthuse gave an informative presentation following the AGM between 11:30 and 12:30, with a workshop after lunch. The presentation outlined the ways in which LAs can use Renewable Energy technologies cost effectively and gave some convincing case studies. Information Packs containing these case studies, contact and support details, and the Renewable Energy Matrix were distributed. For further packs and information please contact Lucy Southgate, of IT Power or visit: Lucy’s contact details are:
The Manor House
Lutyens Close
RG24 8AG
01256 392734
Date for the diary: 25th June 2003 National Assembly event
11th July 2003 WHF general meeting