Contract Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Phone: 608-658-9037



Doctor of Philosophy, August 2016

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Major Area: Counseling Psychology

Supporting Program in Social Psychology

Bachelor of Science, May 2009

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Major: Psychology

Comprehensive Honors in the Liberal Arts & in the Major


University of Minnesota, Contract Assistant Professor, August 2017 - present

• Coordinate a large psychology course, teach an Honors discussion section, provide lectures

•Involve students in research, supervisee course teaching assistants, and serve on committees

University of Minnesota, Visiting Assistant Professor, August 2016 –May 2017

•Instruct large lecture and small group undergraduate and graduate courses

•Involve students in research, supervisee course teaching assistants, and mentor students

University of St. Thomas,Guest Lecturer, August 2015- August 2016

•Presented on mental health topics in a “Foundations of Exercise Science” classes

•Developed and presented outreach content fora range of undergraduate and graduate courses

University of Minnesota, Section Leader, January 2014 – May 2014

•Planned and delivered instruction to a weekly section of a graduate “Assessment” lab class

•Provided feedback to graduate students about their interviewing and assessment skills

University of Minnesota, Teaching Assistant,September 2013–December 2013

• Assisted in teaching a large, undergraduate class of “Introduction to Counseling Psychology”

• Presented lectures, graded assignments and facilitated administrative class duties for one semester

University of Minnesota, Instructor, June 2012 –May 2013

• Instructed large undergraduate classes of “Introduction to Counseling Psychology”

•Taught basic counseling skills, theoretical models and research in the field for three semesters

•Developed course syllabi, assessed student outcomes, and held regular office hours


Graduate Research Assistant, September 2010 –July 2016

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Dr. Patricia Frazier

• Develop online mental health interventions for college students using Google Sites

• Interview sexual assault victims about their distress and coping strategies after the assault

Graduate Research Assistant, June 2013 - July 2016

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Dr. Stephanie Misono

• Conducted phone interviews with individuals with voice disorders and coded data

• Developed an online mental health intervention for individuals with diagnosed voice disorders

Research Collaborator, June 2015- October 2015

Independent relationship researcher, Dr. Ty Tashiro

• Examine the validity and reliability of scores on scales developed for an online dating website

• Consult about research study design, measures, and statistical procedures

Undergraduate Research Assistant, July 2007 – May 2009

University of Wisconsin-Madison Cognitive Development & Communication Lab, Dr. Martha Alibali

•Administered experiments about mathematics problem solving

•Performed statistical analyses, write senior thesis, and presentfindings

Undergraduate Research Assistant, September 2008 – December 2008

UW-Madison, School of Human Ecology, Dr. Linda Roberts

•Coded interviews of couples discussing their relationship and coping with illness

•Wrote narrative summaries about couples’ interactions and behaviors

Undergraduate Research Assistant, June 2006 – May 2007

UW Research on Autism, Dr. Morton Gernsbacher

•Coded cognitive, language, and emotional assessments of Autistic twins

•Videotaped and collected data during home visits of Autistic twins


Meredith, L. & Frazier, P. (In Press). Randomized Trial of Web-based Stress Management Interventions for Community College Students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Frazier, P. A., Greer, C. S., Meredith, L., Howard, K., & Paulsen, J. (2016). Testing the efficacy of three brief web-based interventions for reducing distress among interpersonal violence survivors.Translational Issues in Psychological Science: Special Issue on Psychology of Trauma, 2, 439-444.

Baker, M. R., Frazier, P. A., Greer, C., Paulsen, J. A., Howard, K., Meredith, L., Anders, S. L., Shallcross, S. L. (2016). Sexual victimization history predicts academic performance in college women.Journal of Counseling Psychology,63, 685-692.

Frazier, P., Tennen, H., Meredith, L. (2016). Three generations of research on perceived control. In Infurna, F. J. & Reich, J.W. (Ed.),Perceived Control: Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Misono, S., Meredith, L., Peterson, C. B., Frazier, P. A. (2015). New perspective on psychosocial distress in patients with dysphonia: The moderating role of perceived control. Journal of Voice, 30, 172-176.

Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Frazier, P. A., Greer, C. S., Howard, K. G., Paulsen, J. A., Meredith, L., & Kim, S. (2015). A randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention to reduce distress among students with a history of interpersonal violence.Psychology of Violence, 5, 444-454.

Hintz, S., Frazier, P., Meredith, L. (2015).Evaluating an online stress management intervention for college students.Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 137-147.

Misono, S., Peterson, C. B., Meredith, L., Banks, K., Bandyopadhyay, D., Yueh, B., & Frazier, P. (2014). Psychosocial distress in patients presenting with voice concerns.Journal of Voice,28, 753-761.

Frazier, P., Meredith, L., Greer, C., Paulsen, J., Howard, K. & Dietz, L. (2014). Evaluating the effectiveness of an online stress management program for community college students. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 28, 576-586.


Meredith, L.. & Frazier, P. (2017, February).Predictors of academicsuccessfor at-risk community collegestudents.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Student Success Conference.Minneapolis, MN.

Meredith, L., Howard, K., Nguyen-Feng, V., Paulsen, J. & Frazier, P. (2016, June). Theory-based online interventions to reduce student stress. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.Minneapolis, MN.

Misono, S., Merians, A., Meredith, L., Narayanan, A., Peterson, C., Lim, K. & Frazier, P. (2016, June). Technology-based interventions to reduce distress in voice disorder patients. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.Minneapolis, MN.

Meredith L. (2016, April). Evaluating the effectiveness of an online stress management program for community college students. Poster presented at the Minnesota Psychological Association at the University of Minnesota. Plymouth, Minnesota.

Baker, M. R., Frazier, P. A., Greer, C. S., Paulsen, J. A., Howard, K., & Meredith, L. (2015, May). Interpersonal violence predicts academic performance in college students. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.

Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Greer, C. S., Frazier, P. A., Paulsen, J. A., Howard, K., & Meredith, L. (2015, May). Web-based interventions reduce distress in college student survivors of interpersonal violence. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.

Meredith, L. (2015, May)Refining our online intervention to increase perceived control.In P.Frazier(Chair),Translating research on perceived control into online stress management interventions. Symposium presented at the Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA). Plymouth, MN.

Meredith L.& Frazier P. (2015, April). Evaluating the effectiveness of an online stress management program for community college students. Poster presented at the Doctoral Research Showcase at the University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.

Misono S, Meredith L., Peterson C., & Frazier P. (2015, April). New perspective on psychosocial distress in patients with dysphonia: The moderating role of perceived control. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Association for Clinical and Translational Science. Washington, D.C.

Misono, S., Meredith, L., Peterson, C., Yueh, B., & Frazier, P. (2014, September). Voice problems and distress: Understanding the connection and finding a way to help, Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Minneapolis, MN.

Nguyen, V. N., Greer, C. S., Meredith, L., Howard, K. G., Paulsen, J. A., Bermingham, T., & Frazier, P. A. (2014, June).The effectiveness of a mindfulness-based online intervention to lower distress in public university and community college settings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Minneapolis, MN.

Meredith, L., Frazier, P., Paulsen, J., Greer, C., Howard, K., Belgrade, A. & Kim, S., (2014, August) Assessing the Efficacy of an Online Stress Management Intervention for Community College Students. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, DC.

Nguyen, V. N., Greer, C. S., Frazier, P.A., Paulsen, J. A., Howard, K. G., Meredith, L., & Kim, S. (2014, August). Technology as a tool to provide psychotherapeutic care to survivors of interpersonal violence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Meredith, L., Frazier, P., Howard, K., Greer, C., Paulsen, J., & Belgrade, A. (2014, March). Evaluation of an Online Stress Management Intervention for Students. Poster presented at the 2014 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Nguyen, V., Greer, C., Frazier, P., Paulsen, J., Kim, S., Howard, K., Meredith, L., Bermingham, T., & Vu, A. (2014, March).Effectiveness of an Online Stress Management Intervention for Survivors of Interpersonal Violence.Paper presented as part of a symposium at the Society for Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Bermingham, T., Greer, C., Frazier, P., Paulsen, J., Kim, S., Howard, K., Meredith, L. & Vu, A. (2014, March).Comparing the Effectiveness of Three Online Stress Management Interventions for Survivors of Interpersonal Violence. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the Society for Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Frazier, P., Meredith, L., Greer, C., Howard, K., Paulsen, J., Vu, A., Van Kampen, E., Bermingham, T., Kim, S., Belgrade, A., Hintz, S. & Nguyen, V. (2013, November) Evaluating an Online Stress Management Intervention for College Students. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Howard, K.,Frazier, P., Greer, C., Hintz, S., Kim, S., Meredith, L., Paulsen, J.,& Vu, A. (2013, October).An Online Stress Prevention Intervention for Student Stress: Implications for Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the Academy of Distinguished Teachers Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bermingham, T., Greer, C., Frazier, P., Meredith, L., Paulsen, J., Howard, K., Vu, A., Belgrade, A. & Kim, S. (2013, September)Sex Differences in the Effectiveness of an Online Stress Management Intervention. Poster presented at the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, Women’s Health Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Frazier, P., Greer, C., Hintz, S., Howard, K., Meredith, L. & Paulsen, J. (2013, May). Effectiveness of an Online Intervention for Student Stress. Poster presented at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions Conference, Chicago, Illinois

Hintz, S., Frazier, P., Meredith, L., Weglarz, E., & Wendel, E. (2012, August). Development of an Online Intervention to Increase Present Control. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida

Howard, K., Meredith, L, Hintz, S., Frazier, P. (2012, May).Increasing Present Control Has a Positive Effect on Student Stress.Poster presented at the meeting of the American College Health Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Meredith, L., Frazier, P., Keenan, N., Anders, S., Hintz, S., Perera, S., Shallcross, S., & Howard, K. (2011, November). Moderators of the Relations Between Perceived Control and Distress. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, Maryland.

Shallcross, S., Anders, S., Frazier, P., Paulsen, J., & Meredith, L. (2011, November). Adult Attachment and Posttraumatic Adjustment: A Prospective Analysis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, Maryland.

Meredith, L., & Alibali, M. (2009, May). Does wide spacing around the equal sign facilitate understanding of equality?Poster presented at the UW-Madison undergraduate research symposium, Madison, Wisconsin.


Academic Merit/Research Awards:

Graduate Research Partnership Program, Granted for independent research support, 4/15

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Granted for academic potential and dissertation support, 5/14

Graduate Research Fellowship, Granted for summer research support, 4/14

Randahl Fellowship, Granted for independent research support, 5/13

Graduate School Fellowship, Granted for academic potential, 9/10

Practice Awards:

Eichinger-Korn/Ferry Fellowship, Granted for practice potential, 4/14

Korn Fellowship, Granted for practice potential, 8/11

Travel Awards:

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to the SPSSI conference, 6/16

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to the MPA conference, 4/15

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to the APA conference, 7/14

Psychology Travel Award, Granted for travel to the APA conference, 7/14

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to the Counseling Psych conference, 1/14

APA Travel Award, Granted for travel to the APA conference, 5/12

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to ACHA conference, 5/12

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to ISTSS conference, 5/11

Snyder Travel Fellowship, Granted for travel to ISTSS conference, 9/10

Undergraduate Awards:

Letters and Science Honors Program, Peer Advisor Recognition Award, UW-Madison, 5/09

Student Graduation Speaker, Letters and Science Honors Program, UW-Madison, 5/09

Student Graduation Speaker to Psychology majors, UW-Madison, 5/09

Hilldale Research Scholarship, Granted for Senior Thesis Research, UW-Madison, 4/08

Summer Research Apprenticeship, UW-Madison, Granted for Summer Honors Research, 5/07

James B. Angell Scholar,Univ of Michigan, Granted for Academic Excellence, 3/07

William Branstrom Freshman Prize,Univ of Michigan, Granted for Academic Excellence, 3/06


Career Counseling & Assessment Clinic, Minneapolis, MN, Career Counselor, August 2016 - present

Supervisor: Sam Anders, Ph.D., LP

Modality: Career counseling and assessment

Primary Assessments: California Personality Inventory (CPI), Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ), and Minnesota Ability Test Battery (MAT-B)

Common presenting issues: career dissatisfaction, career exploration, work/life balance

University of St. Thomas Counseling and Assessment Services (APA approved internship), St. Paul, MN, Pre Doctoral Intern, August 2015 – August 2016

Supervisors: Steve Maurer, Ph.D., LP, Deb Broderick, Psy.D., LP, Jennifer Wilson, Ph.D., LP

Modalities:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), supportive therapy, skills-based group therapy, interpersonal process group therapy, crisis counseling, career counseling, outreach and consultationservices

Common presenting issues:Crisis concerns, anxiety, depression, relational conflicts

University of St. Thomas Counseling and Assessment Services, St. Paul, MN, Counseling Advanced Practicum,September 2014 – May 2015

Supervisor: Jennifer Wilson, Ph.D., LP

Modalities: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), supportive therapy

Common presenting issues: Anxiety, depression, relational conflicts, substance abuse

Walk-In Counseling Center, Minneapolis, MN, Counseling Advanced Practicum, May 2014 – August 2014

Supervisor: Mary Buchta, LICSW

Modalities: Crisis counseling, Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), supportive therapy

Common presenting issues: Crisis, suicidal ideation, relational conflicts, financial stress

Veterans Health Administration, Minneapolis, MN, Counseling Advanced Practicum,August 2013 –August 2014

Supervisors: Amanda Ferrier-Auerbach, Ph.D., LP, ABPP, Ann Wagner, Ph.D., LP, ABPP

Modalities: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), coping skills groups

Common presenting issues: PTSD, depression, anxiety disorders, insomnia, substance abuse, smoking cessation

University of Minnesota Athletics Department, Minneapolis, MN, Assessment Advanced Practicum, January 2014 – June 2014

Supervisor: Alexandra Wagener, Ph.D., LP

Modality: Cognitive evaluations for student athletes

Primary Assessments: WAIS-4, WIAT-3, Stroop, Trails, CPT-3, CATA, BTA, BDI

Common presenting issues: ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety, depression

Hennepin County Medical Center, Assessment Advanced Practicum,Minneapolis, MN, June 2012 - Sept 2013

Supervisor: David Tupper, Ph.D., LP

Modality: Neuropsychological evaluations for children and adults

Primary Assessments: WAIS-4, WRAT-4, WMS-4, DKEFS, Wisconsin Card Sort

Common presenting issues: dementia, TBI, learning disabilities, mood disorders

Career Counseling & Assessment Clinic, Minneapolis, MN Practicum Counselor, May 2012 – May 2015

Supervisor: Amy Conlon, Ph.D., LP

Modality: Career counseling and assessment

Primary Assessments: California Personality Inventory (CPI), Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ), and Minnesota Ability Test Battery (MAT-B)

Common presenting issues: career dissatisfaction, career exploration, work/life balance

University Counseling & Counseling Services, Practicum Counselor, Minneapolis, MN, Sept 2011-May 2012

Supervisor: Sarra Beckham-Chasnoff, Ph.D., LP

Modality: supportive therapy

Primary Assessments: Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Common presenting issues:relational conflicts, depression, anxiety, trauma


University of St. Thomas Counseling and Assessment Services (CAPS), St. Paul, MN, Supervisor, August 2015 – August 2016

Supervisor: Debra Broderick, Psy.D., LP

Modality: Supervision of psychologists-in-training in a personal counseling clinic

Main duties: Provide weekly supervision to psychologists-in-training, review case notes, and consult with psychologists-in-training about risk assessment and crisis concerns

Career Counseling & Assessment Clinic, Clinic Coordinator, Minneapolis, MN, May 2014 - present

Supervisor: Amy Conlon, Ph.D., LP

Modality: Supervision of psychologists-in-training in a career counseling clinic

Main duties: Conducted individual and group supervision to psychologists-in-training, provided feedback on documentation and integrated reports, supervised a clinic intern, served as the primary point of contact for career counseling clients

University of Minnesota, Section Leader, Minneapolis, MN, January 2014 – May 2014

Supervisor: Laura Pendergrass, Ph.D., LP

Modalities: Teaching of assessment skills, and supervision of graduate student counselors

Main duties: Supervised first year psychologists-in-training on interviewing and assessments, watched and provided feedback on videotaped sessions


University of Minnesota Athletics Department, Minneapolis, MN, Mentor/Tutor, June 2011 – Jan 2012

• Mentored student athletesabout academic preparation and time management skills

• Tutored student athletes in their academic coursework

Epic Systems, Madison, Wisconsin, Project Manager, June 2009 –June 2010

• Presented computer software demonstrations to physicians and other medical staff

• Managed project milestones, run team meetings, and organize staffing and resources

Letters and Science Honors Program, Madison, Wisconsin, Undergraduate Peer Counselor, May 2008 – May 2009

•Advised students about curriculum, research, and career opportunities

• Led small-group, academic skills workshops for students on probation

UW-Madison Admissions Office, Office Assistant, September 2006 – August 2007

•Corresponded with transfer and reentry applicants about admissions questions

• Organized applicant materials for counselor decisions


University of Minnesota, Graduate Awards Committee, August 2016 – May 2017

University of St. Thomas, Training Committee Member, August 2014 - February 2015

Counseling Psychology Social Committee Chair, June 2011-May 2012

APA Counseling Psychology Regional Student Representative, Dec 2010 – May 2011

Psychology Graduate Student Liaison Committee, September 2010 – May 2011


Psychoeducational interventions

Interpersonal relationships

Coping with stressful life events and medical problems

Cross-cultural psychology

Stress management interventions

Online interventions


American Psychological Association