Dorjana Zerbo Šporin, PhD
Assistant Professor in Physiology
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska
Phone: +386 (0)5 66 35 801
Dr. Dorjana Zerbo Šporin graduated in Biology at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, where she also completed the Master of science and Doctoral courses as a young researcher. She defended her doctoral thesis in the field of body composition and evaluation of obesity. Subsequently, she was employed by the Pharmaceutical Company Lekd.d., initially as an sales representative, then as a regional sales manager for pharmaceuticals of prescription. Since 2012 she has been a professor and researcher in Applied Kinesiology at the University of Primorska. She is the current Head of Department of Kinesiology and Physiotherapy (from April 2017).
BSc (Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana)
MSc (Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana)
PhD (Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana)
Exercise physiology (Applied Kinesiology Cycle1)
Gerontology (Applied Kinesiology Cycle1)
Environmental physiology (Applied Kinesiology Cycle1)
Physical activity and health (Applied Kinesiology Cycle2)
Ergonomics (Applied Kinesiology Cycle2)
Mentor of the graduation thesis at the undergraduate and master's study program Applied Kinesiology.
Human physiology
Physical activity and health
Other activities
- Projects with economy - transfer of knowledge into practice
- Mentor on the project Po kreativnipoti do praktičnegaznanja
- Lectures at a foreign university: UniversitàdegliStudi di Firenze, Medicine and surgery, Scienzemotorie
- Reviewer of the scientific journal Slovenian Journal of Public Health
- Participation in working meetings Active and healthy aging in Slovenia
- Courses and training in the field of communication
- Courses and training in the field of team management and management
Original Articles
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana, ŠTEFANČIČ, Marija. TelesnekarakteristikeenajstletnihšolarjevizKopra = Physical characteristics of 11-year-old schoolchildren from Koper. Actabiologicaslovenica :41(1), 1408-3671.
TOMAZO-RAVNIK, Tatjana, ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Secular growth changes of Ljubljana schoolchildren in the period from 1958 to 1994 (longitudinal series). AnthropologiaiKözlemények, 1996/97, let. 38, št. 1-2, str. 61-68.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana, FLEŽAR, Matjaž, ŠTEFANČIČ, Marija. BMI and Heath-Carter somatotypes of female students in Ljubljana. Collegium antropologicum, 1998, letn. 22, št. 2, str. 451-463.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana, FLEŽAR, Matjaž, ŠTEFANČIČ, Marija. Ventilatory and anthropometric variables in healthy female students from the University of Ljubljana = Ventilacijski in antropometričniparametrizdravihštudentkUniverze v Ljubljani. Actabiologicaslovenica :45(1), 1408-3671.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Porazdelitevtelesnegamaščevjaštudentk v povezavi s telesnoaktivnostjo in tveganjemzaobolevnostkotposledicotrebušnedebelosti = Body fat distribution of female students related to physical activity and to risk of morbidity due to abdominal obesity. Zdravstvenovarstvo : Slovenian journal of public health, 2013, letn. 52, št. 3, str. 210-220.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Waist circumference is appropriate for quantifying body fat in university female students. Anthropological notebooks, 2014, year 20, no. 2, str. 145-153.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Classification of excess weight and obesity using skinfolds in female university students from Slovenia. Anthropological notebooks, 2016, year 22, no. 2, str. 93-104.
Published scientific paper on the conference (invited lecture)
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. The processes of changing in children's body composition : a review. V: PIŠOT, Rado (ur.), et al. Kineziologija - pot zdravja :zbornikprispevkov = Kinesiology - the path of health : the proceedings book. Koper: UniverzanaPrimorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalnosredišče, UniverzitetnazaložbaAnnales: = University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Annales University Press. 2014, str. 48-53.
Published scientific paper on the conference
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana, FLEŽAR, Matjaž, ŠTEFANČIČ, Marija. Pulmonary parameters depend on the body development of female students from the University of Ljubljana. V: Program [and] Abstracts : human and environment. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller University. 1998, str. 80-81.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Anthropometric methods are suitable for the assessment of body fat that in excessive quantities reduces quality of life : the importance of exercise. V: MADIĆ, Dejan (ur.). Proceedings. Novi Sad: Univ. of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. 2013, str. 371-375.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. The female athlete triade : a review. V: BUČAR PAJEK, Maja (ur.), et al. Final program, invited proceedings, book of abstracts and book of proceedings. Ljubljana: Slovenian Gymnastics Federation. 2014, str. 74-76.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. Screening of young women for diabetes mellitus type 2 using body mass index : the role of a kinesiologist. V: MILANOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), SPORIŠ, Goran (ur.). Fundamental and applied kinesiology : steps forward : proceedings. Zagreb: University, Faculty of Kinesiology. 2014, str. 111-113.
ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana. To body fat related anthropometry for female students with different physical activity attitudes. V: GRGANTOV, Zoran (ur.). Contemporary kinesiology : proceedings book = Suvremenakineziologija : zbornikradova, 5th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Kinesiology, Split, Croatia, 28-30, 2015, (Contemporary kinesiology, ISSN 1847-0149). Split: University of Split, Faculty of kinesiology. 2015, str. 534-539.
PIŠOT, Rado, PARAVLIĆ, Armin, MARUŠIČ, Uroš, PLEVNIK, Matej, ZERBO ŠPORIN, Dorjana, PIŠOT, Saša, ŠIMUNIČ, Boštjan. Physical activity vs inactivity, muscle vs fat mass in elderly. V: ZVONAŘ, Martin (ur.). Sport and quality of life : 10th International Conference on Kinanthropology, November 18-20, 2015, Brno, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykovauniverzita. cop. 2016, str. 348-365.