2 Year Cycle Literacy and Numeracy Thematic Topics Overview Plan (Topics based on the PSE framework 7-19 which are:

*Active Citizenship *Health and Emotional Wellbeing *Moral and Spiritual Development *Preparing for Lifelong Learning

*Sustainable Development and global Citizenship (ESDGC)

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
September/October / November/December / January/February / March/April / May/June / June/July
All About Me…. / Emergency 999! / Changes…. / Mae Hen WladFyNhadau… / Our Green Planet….. / Globetrotting!!
PSE Focus
*My Body
*Keeping Clean and Healthy
*Healthy Eating-Teeth
*Personal Fitness
*My emotions
*My Family +My Relationships
(Explore Domestic Violence –Spectrum Resources)
*My Rights: UN Rights of the child
*Keeping Safe –Personal Safety / PSE Focus
*Keeping Safe in the community
*Community Safety
*Crime and punishment (KS 3+4)
*Respect for Rules, Law and Authority
*Anti-Social Behaviour (KS 3+4)
*Heroes and Villains….
*Keeping out of debt –homelessness (KS 3/+4)
*Refugee crises around the World
(UN Rights of the child Programme) / PSE Focus
*My Body changing /Growing Up
*Sex and Relationships
*Effects of legal and illegal substances on the body
*Drugs and Medicines (KS 2)
*Relationships changing: Friendships, Love, Marriage, Challenging concepts
*Careers Education Programme at KS 4-Growing up and moving onto college
ESDGC: Weather, Climate change, Natural Disasters,
*UN Day for Change / PSE Focus
*Personal Identity *National Identity *Explore aspects of the cultural heritage and diversity of Wales *The first Welsh Government and its development
*The Welsh National Assembly
*My voice-Active Citizenship and Participation
*CwricwlwmCymreig / PSE Focus
ESDGC: Sustainable Living
*Rubbish and Waste
*UNICEF Rights of the Child Programme / PSE Focus
*Peace and Conflict
*Wealth and Poverty
*Fair Trade
Developing countries around the World
*Young Enterprise Initiative
*Financial Education
*Forest Schools (KS 2 and 3)
ESDGC: Sustainable Living
Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
*Geography: Local Study of the environment/Mapping
*Art: Portraits(Emotions through Art)
*DT: Food Technology
RE: Special People/Special Places
Thanksgiving / Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
History/RE: First or Second World War, Red Cross,
*DT: Design and make traffic lights/Alarm
RE: People who help us…..
Organizations that help those in need. Looking at the charitable work/Famous people
Music/RE: Christmas Carol Service,
The Story of Christmas from different perspectives / Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
*Geography –Weather and Climate Change
*Music: Space (Composing)
*Art: Pottery Project
*RE: The Miracles, Famous people who made changes to society for the greater good: Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Ghandi / Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
*History: The 1960s
*The Welsh language –history (CymdeithasyrIaith)
*Art: Study Welsh Artist
*Music :Welsh composers, Welsh Folk Music
*RE:St David’s Day
The Easter Story / Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
*Geography: Study of a country e.g India, Nepal
Art/DT:Recycled Art Project
*Recycled Fashion Show
RE: The Creation, The 7 Wonders of the World, Caring for our planet
*World Religions / Cross-Curricular Opps
*Geography: The Rainforest, Mapping food Journeys across the globe. Studying Fair Trade
*Compare with Welsh Forest /Forest Schools
*Art/DT: Outdoor Art, 3D model Making
*RE :World Religions
Literacy Opportunities
*Shopping lists, Menus, *Recipes/ Instructions,
*Personal Diary / Literacy Opportunities
*Role-Play –Radio/TV news flash
*Script Writing
*Newspaper Reports / Literacy Opportunities
(Story Writing
*Personal Letter –Problem pages/Agony Aunt
*Newspaper Article / Literacy Opportunities
*Letter Writing –formal
*Information Leaflet
*Protest chant/Role Play / Literacy Opportunities
*Poetry Writing
*Poster Writing
*Information leaflet /Powerpoint / Literacy Opportunities
*Holiday Brochure
*Information Leaflet
Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Kg/g, Ml/L , M/Cm
*Data Handling
*Money handling / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Drawing to scale
*Directions *Coordinates
*Data handling *Fractions/ Percentages / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Temperature *Data Handling *Numbers changing *Number patterns and sequences *Algebra * / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Data Handling / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Data Handling
*Weight /Mass / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Money –Financial Education
*Currency –Travel
*Km/Air Miles
Science Topic: The Body / Science Topic: Electricity / Science Topic: The Planets, Sun/ Earth,
Weather +Climate
Sustainable Earth / Science Topic: Materials / Science Topic:
Growing things: Plants / Science Topic: Habitats comparing two contrasting environments
Living Things

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3
September/October / November/December / January/February / March/April / May/June / June/July
Global Gourmet!
BlasuBwyd y Byd! / Let’s Celebrate!!
Dewchiddathlu! / Egni/Energy……. / AmserMaithynôl…..
A long time ago……. / Water, Water everywhere…
Dẁrymmhob man…… / The World of Sports!
*Keeping Healthy: Healthy Eating and drinking
*ESDGC:(Fair Trade)The journey of foods around the world. Understanding cultural similarities and differences through food.
*Lifelong learning:(Young Enterprise and financial Education) –designing, making and selling a food produce. Researching, Packaging and marketing
*Careers and the World of Work (KS 3 and 4):
-Employer visits from Restaurants, Café etc.
-Work experience taster days in food establishments / *Moral and Spiritual Development and Global Citizenship:Understanding other cultures and ways of life via:
*festivals of light –Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas.
*Birth, Christenings, Marriage and Rights of passage/growing up. Exploring traditions of celebration within different cultures relating to the above life events.
Health and Well-being topics (KS 3 and 4) relating to the above:
*Birth and Contraception
*Child Care
*Exploring FGM
*Exploring different kinds of relationships and marriages relating to sexuality / Health and Wellbeing
*Energy in foods –What foods give us energy?
*What causes lack of energy and poor wellbeing? (Healthy Lifestyles)
-Winter Sports Week: Workshops on Yoga, pilates and mindfulness for emotional wellbeing
-Explore the benefits of routines and good sleeping habits
*Explore my emotional Health and Wellbeing and extend to discuss mental health in young people (KS 3 and 4)
ESDGC: Explore renewable sources of energy. Visit to Machynlleth CAT. / *CwricwlwmCymreig Aspects of Wales cultural heritage and language
*My cultural identity –past and present Who were the Celts? Who are the Celts of today?
*Active Citizenship: Who are the famous Celtic leaders of today? e.e. Dafydd Iwan
*Who are the famous people and landmarks of Wales?
*Study of Cardiff our Capital City. / *ESDGC: Sustainable Living “Water Aid Educational Pack”
*UNICEF Rights of the Child Programme / Health and Emotional Wellbeing
*Physical Fitness
*Sun Safe
*Exploring sports and sporting heroes as positive role models for achieving goals.
*Explore Life-long learning goals and how to achieve them
*Explore disability in sports e.g. Para-olympics Pack What is the meainign of disablility? Challenging Stereotypes
Cross-Curricular Opps:
*Geography/History: Food and Farming today and yesterday
*Art/DT: Food Technology and Young Enterprise/Food in Art
*RE: The Harvest…. “Bread” / Cross-Curricular Opps:
*Geography/History: “A Victorian Christmas” (Llanerchaeron)
*Art/DT: Design a Christmas Card
**Plan a Party
*Music: Christmas Carols
*RE: Festivals of light around the World;Diwali, Hanukha, Christmas / Cross-Curricular Opps:
*Geography –Renewable Energy Sources e.g. Wind Farms and related issues.
*Art: Exploring emotions through art activities.
*RE: New Years/New Beginnings / Cross-Curricular Opps:
*History: Early Peoples the Celts
*Geog;Geography of Wales
*Art/DT: Weaving Piece
*Music :Composition about Wales
*RE:St David’s Day, Celtic Traditions yesterday and today
The Easter Story / Cross-Curricular Opps:
*Geography: Study of a country e.g. Africa
Rivers and the River System
Art: African Art Project
Music: Drumming Workshops
RE : Christian AidWeek
Water Aid Week
Water stories in the Bible / Cross-Curricular Opportunities:
*Geography: Study Pack for an event e.g. European football championship, Olympics
*History: History of Olympic Games
*Art/DT: Design a sports kit, Design and make a sports bag.
*RE :World Religions
Literacy Opportunities
*Shopping lists, Menus, *Recipes/ Instructions,
*Posters / Literacy Opportunities
*Script Writing
*Personal Letter / Literacy Opportunities
*Formal Letter / Literacy Opportunities
*Story-Traditional Tale
*Information Leaflet / Literacy Opportunities
*Poetry Writing
*Letter Writing
*Persuasion / Literacy Opportunities
*Holiday Brochure
*Information Leaflet
Numeracy Opportunities
*Place Value
*Number (4 rules)
*Kg/g, Ml/L , M/Cm
*Data Handling
*Money handling / Numeracy Opportunities
*Place Value
*Number (4 rules)
*Money Handling
*Data handling
*Fractions/ Percentages / Numeracy Opportunities
*Place Value
*Money Handling-Bills
*Number (4 rules)
*Data Handling
*Algebra / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Data Handling
*Directions +Coordinates / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Data Handling
*Weight /Mass
*Data Handling / Numeracy Opportunities
*Number (4 rules)
*Money –Financial Education
*Currency –Travel (Money)
*Km/Air Miles
*Data Handling-Temperature
Science Topic:
The Body,
Food experiments e.g. rotting / Science Topic:
Candles, / Science Topic:
Sustainable Earth
Energy / Science Topic: Materials
Materials from Wales: Coal, Slate / Science Topic:
Living Things:
The Sea and Coastal Habitat / Science Topic:
The Muscles and Skeleton
Materials and their properties