2017--2018 Syllabus
Mr. Kesler
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! This is your copy of the way this class will be run and what will be expected of each of you throughout this school year. Everything is on this paper, there will be NO surprises!
Classroom Rules:
1-Be Respectful; be respectful of the teacher, peers, and mostly yourself. If you show respect you will get respect in return.
2-Be Responsible; be responsible for your words, your actions, and your learning. In this class you get what you earn!
3-Food or drink will be NOT permitted in the classroom at any time.
4-Bathroom breaks will ONLYbe permitted after homework is checked, new lesson is covered, and homework for current evening is assigned.
5-ALWAYS come prepared to class EVERYDAY this includes, notebook, textbook, and a PENCIL.
Each student will be expected to come to class prepared everyday. This includes bringing his/her own pen, pencil, notebook, textbook, etc.
Each student will be expected to keep a notebook for class. Each student will be provided with a composition book and pocket folder if he/she desires to take one. Three ring binders are highly recommended but not a necessity for class. It is entirely up to each individual student. There is no right or wrong way to keep your notebook. It is important that you keep your notebook organized and orderly because you may be graded on it.
Grading System: Grade distribution will be as follows
30% Quizzes
40% Chapter Exams
30%Homework, class prep, notebook checks,Class participation
Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. It will not be checkeddaily,however, completion of the homework is vital for success. It will be checked for correctness once a week. Spot checks will be unannounced. Homework is a crucial part of being successful in mathematics and your grade will be negatively affected if homework is not completed regularly. If you are absent the day an assignment is due you MUST have your assignment done the day you return to school. If you are out for several days you will have 5 school days to make up any missed work.Any assignments not completed in those 5 days will result in zeros.
Tests: There will be two types of tests throughout the course of the year. There will be end of the chapter tests as well as Finals. End of the chapter tests will be worth 100 points and will always be announced at least 2 days prior to the test date. Finals will be worth varied points, occur once per semester and will be announced at least one week prior to the test date,
Quizzes: Quizzes will be worth 100 pts and will occur throughout the chapters for the duration of the school year.