
I-1053: Reinstates two-thirds majority vote for raising taxes, a repeat of I-960 which was suspended

by the state legislature this past session. Although Tim Eyman’s biggest contributor has not made an appearance as of yet, paid signature gatherers have been spotted. Eyman has raised $123K, spending $80k on signature gatherers.

I-1082: Allows private competition for workers compensation (aka private industrial insurance). The

Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) would be granted the exclusive right to administer the privatized workers’ compensation insurance system, guaranteeing unto itself a permanent funding source for continued support of right-wing candidates. BIAW has $121K in their campaign account, has hired Citizen Solutions to collect signatures with $56K, and has set up the website


-1093: Filed by Eyman, repeals revenue that would be generated from excise tax increases on

cigarettes, candy, soda, beer, bottled water, and business services. Tim Martin, President of the Beverage Association, filed two initiatives recently. No numbers are available yet for these initiatives. BIN is challenging ballot tiles on these initiatives.


1100: Three initiatives filed would end the state’s liquor control system allowing privatization of the

sale of liquor. Although the Modernize WA campaign (I-1099 and I-1100) claim private ownership would generate more money for the state, 2009 net sales of liquor generated $332.7 million for state and local government. A campaign, Keeping Our Children Safe, will be playing defense on these ballot measures. The third ballot measure was just filed, no number is available yet, and requires more study on how it will impact revenue.

A constitutional amendment allowing judges to deny bail for offenses punishable by the possibility of life in prison and if the person charged shows evidence of a propensity for violence will be on the November ballot.


1098: Signatures will soon be available on an initiative providing relief to middle class residents and small business owners and raising revenue for core education and health services. The initiative would raise $1 billion per year by establishing an income tax on the wealthiest 3% of Washingtonians. The majority of Washingtonians would see relief due to improvements to our tax system reducing property taxes by 20% and increasing the small business tax credit.

R52: A referendum allowing the state to sell bonds to fund energy savings retrofit for schools buildings will be on the ballot. This measure would make schools healthier, create green jobs, and save schools money in energy costs. If passed, the temporary sales tax on bottled water would be made permanent to pay the debt service costs for the bonds.

Ballot Initiative Network, 1402 Third Avenue Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98101 206-420-0139