Tutorial Request Form (TRF)

NAME: ______


(Circle One):9th/ 10th/ 11th/ 12thDATE: _____ / _____ / 20____

* MATH - SUBJECT: ________


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^______ (1, 3 or 5 pts)

Required Information:^

What I already know?^

What I have already tried?^

Important definitions?^


* MATH - SUBJECT: ____________


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^______ (1, 3 or 5 pts)

Required Information:^

What I already know?^

What I have already tried?^

Important definitions?^


TRF Rubric

* Based on Costa’s Levels of Questions………L1 = 1 pt/ L2 = 3 pts/ L3= 5 pts.

Question Level / Preparedness / Participation / Cornell Notes / Reflection
(5 pts)
L3 questions
(3 pts)
L2 questions / Student has all resources- textbook, Cornell Notes, materials, etc.
(10) / Student stays on topic at all times, contributes many questions/ideas, and is courteous at all times.
(10) / Notes on all presenters’ questions complete and contain many details.
(10) / Reflection is complete and thoughtful. 4 questions are answered.
(1 pt)
L1 questions / Student has some resources- textbook, Cornell Notes, materials, etc.
(7) / Student occasionally strays from topic, contributes few questions/ideas, and is courteous some of the time.
(7) / Notes on all presenters’ questions are complete.
1 page little effort
(5) / Reflection is basic and answers 3 of the questions.
(0) pts.
No questions / Student has no resources- textbook, Cornell Notes, materials, etc.
(0) / Student is rarely on topic, does not contribute at all, is not courteous.
(0) / Notes on presenters’ questions are not complete or are limited.
(0) / Reflection is incomplete
or missing.
/ 10 / / 10 / / 10 / / 10 / / 10

Score: _____ / 50TUTOR: ______


Equations / Numerical ComputationsProcess Description / Written Steps


Tutorial Reflection* Describe the process your group utilized in order to answer (1) of your TRF questions










