date / April 20th, 2009
time / 8:00 Muni Center - GP room
attendees / Craig Carlson Gary Regan Mike Lusita
Cary Clark Dave Bono Micheal Pane
Ron Lienhardt Bob Leonard John Dee
Jim Lacey Tim DePalma Brendan Galvin
Dan Spinella Randy Vooris Brian Brod
Lia Evaristo Don Heibeck
Bill Slifkin Tom Carraturo
Jay Waterman Jose Fernandez
Bill Pullan John Luhrs
- Bill S called the meeting to order at 8:00PM
- Minutes from the February meeting, there were no changes. Motion made to accept. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s report:
Checking $51,961.67
Money Market $30,705.21
Total available $82,666.88
- Jay described income and outflows for the previous month. Motion to accept. Motion passed.
- Jay asked to speak about umpires and had the following comments:
- Started the year with 17, we now have 19 umpires
- 11 people have inquired as to being an umpire in Bethel
- Jay will keep 3-4 names just in case
- Jay passed along a list of issues to Jim Lacey to be followed up with P&R
- Dumpster
- Port-o-Potties
- Diamond Dry
- Umpires will be paid the same way as last year.
- It was suggested managers keep track of their disbursements of money
- Any leftover funds managers should bring to playoffs
- Jay will be seeking to collect any unused funds as and when teams are eliminated and/or the season ends.
- Bill S –
- Season opener was rained out
- Request that commissioners send a list of their ass’t coaches contact info to P&R so they can be put on a list to be contacted about rain outs.
- Commissioners report all managers and assistants have met certification and background check requirements except for Randy V who has 3 outstanding.
- Bill will be forced to pull coaches off the field if certification requirements are not met.
- Dan S – equipment manager
- New tarps are in, storing them to be sorted out
- One for each field
- All uniforms are in except for the 3rd prep team that is now on order.
- Bill P – BR Director
- May 16th will be Jimmy Fund Day
- Frozen Ropes will be the sponsor for the Westerners night in July
- No sponsor for Jimmy Fund Day as yet. Sponsorship would be approx $300
- Boston Red Sox are running a coaches clinic in Boston sometime in June for Babe Ruth coaches. Need to contact Bill very soon if you want a spot.
- June 9th is the district pairings mtg for 13 and 15 year old district tourneys.
- John Dee – Babe Ruth VP
- Will be 3 prep teams at 10 players each
- Will be 1 15u team
- Will be 1 Sr Babe Ruth team of 18 players. Best turn out for that age group in many years.
- Jose Fernandez –
- There were 30 players for Bethel night at Frozen Ropes. We have a deal for batting practice on Monday nights for $10.
- Cal Ripken Commissioner Reports –
- None
- Bill S –
- June 5th is the Westerners Breakfast at Ethan Allen Inn. Needed 8 more to attend. Free breakfast and Gene Micheal is the speaker.
- Ron L – Travel Coaches Committee Chair Report
- The following nominees for travel managers have been reviewed and put forward for approval of the Board.
- Dan Spinella – 15u
- Tom Duffy – prep
- Ray Buckley – 12s
- Lia Evaristo – 11s
- Cary Clark – 10s
- Dave Bono – 9s
- Motion made to accept these nominees for travel managers. Approved.
- May 21st will be a meeting for the travel coaches
- Gary R explained the process for nominating players for travel.
- Gary R – District Report
- May 12th district pairings mtg in Bethel 7:30 GP room
- New State requirement is now also a district requirement that travel documentation has to be in perfect order.
- Managers responsible for this.
- Managers must certify before League Presidents will sign off
- Should paperwork found not be correct the player will not be allowed to play.
- Gary also explained that “trips to the mound” will be enforced this year in travel play.
- District and States hosts and dates:
- Districts:
- 9s Bethel July 11th-16th
· 10s New Milford July 4th-9th
· 11s New Fairfield July 11th-16th
- 12s Bethel July 4th-9th
- States:
- 9s Bethel July 25th-30th
· 10s South Meriden July 18th-23rd
· 11s West Norwalk July 25th-30th
- 12s Danbury July 18th-23rd 60FT
- 12s Woodbury July 18th-23rd 70FT
- AOB –
- Dan S/John D – additional fencing that was installed at Parloa does not seem to be doing the job. Bill S will write a letter to P&R explaining this is a safety issue.