Activity 1: Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum (

Click on the link above and answer the following questions:

1. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

2. What is radiation?

3. While at the website,, roll the mouse over each of the following words and write what comes up in the box to describe each.

a. visible light

b. microwaves

c. gamma-rays

d. infrared

e. ultraviolet light

f. X-rays

g. radio waves

Activity 2: Research a Topic of Interest

1.) Research one or more of the question below (or a new one you may have). Be able to explain the answer to the class on Friday. Make sure your explanation is in your own words, clear, and simple to follow. Include a picture and/or video to help explain your answer.

2.) SAVE the document the following way –

Your lastname,firstname,scienceperiod_sciencequestion

Ex: Deluca,Melanie2period_sciencequestion

3.) Email your saved document to

Sample Questions you asked last week (pick one or create another and be able explain to explain to the class on Friday).

What happens when light and darkness combine?

Why can’t we see UV radiation?

Does darkness even travel or is it just there?

When sun was 1st made how long did it take to see it?

How much light do we use everyday?

What inside the sun makes it bright?

What size and kind of bulbs do the classrooms use?

Is the speed of light the same as the speed of dark?

Why do certain light bulbs produce heat?

How come black holes don’t have light?

How do certain bulbs produce brighter light/give off light?

How does light happen?

Lasers – how do you NOT see the light from the laser?

How do you start a fire?

What is fire made of?

How does a light bulb give off heat? Light?

Websites on light:

Light for Kids (experiments, games, videos, images, facts, lessons, quizzes…)

Electromagnetic Spectrum -


The Laws of Light