The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of WalthamForest
Verdant Group plc
Head of Law
London Borough of WalthamForest
Town Hall
Forest Road
London E17
- 1 –
H:\My Documents\Contract information\Waste Contract FINAL.doc
2007 - 2012
CONTENTSParagraph No’s.
1. / INTRODUCTION / 1-181.1 / Definitions / 1
1.2 / Background / 2 -15
1.3 / General Description Of The Services / 16 -17
1.5 / Workload And Service information / 18
2. / GENERAL PROVISIONS / 19 - 105
2.1 / Method Statements / 19 - 20
2.2 / Planning and Liaison / 21 - 26
2.3 / Potential Service Changes / 27 - 28
2.4 / Change Process / 29 - 30
2.5 / Quality Management / 31 - 33
2.6 / Customer Care / 34 - 40
2.7 / Human Resources / 41 - 45
2.8 / Vehicles, Plant and Equipment / 46 - 56
2.9 / Depot and Yard Facilities / 57 - 59
2.10 / Office and Communications Equipment / 60 - 65
2.11 / Hours of Operation / 66 - 69
2.12 / Public Holidays / 70 - 75
2.13 / Inclement Weather / 76
2.14 / Mobilisation / 77 - 80
2.15 / The Collection Point / 81 - 86
2.16 / Unauthorised removal / 87
2.17 / Collection Day Notification / 88 - 89
2.18 / New Properties. / 90 - 93
2.19 / Access Difficulties / 94 - 98
2.20 / Performance Monitoring and Reporting / 99 - 105
3.1 / General Understanding of the Service / 106
3.2 / Type of waste to be collected / 107 - 111
3.3 / Collection of household waste from domestic properties. / 112 –120
3.4 / The Receptacle / 121– 123
3.5 / Collection of Waste Using Bulk Bins. / 124– 127
3.6 / Special Collection Service for Bulky Items / 128– 135
3.7 / The Delivery of Refuse Sacks, Receptacles and Leaflets / 136 –138
3.8 / Commercial Waste / 139– 140
3.9 / Collection of waste from community Halls / 141
3.10 / Receipt of waste at temporary locations / 142
3.11 / Clinical waste collection / 143
3.12 / Waste Disposal / 144 - 148
4.1 / General understanding and extent of services / 149 - 154
4.2 / Type of material to be collected / 155
4.3 / Collection of dry recyclables from domestic premises / 156 - 161
4.4 / Servicing of Bring Sites – Paper Banks / 162 - 166
4.5 / Garden and Kitchen Waste Scheme / 167 - 169
4.6 / Bulking of collected materials / 170 - 171
4.7 / Delivery of Dry Recyclables to outlets / 172 - 176
4.8 / Contamination / 177 - 179
4.9 / Service Development / 180 - 181
4.10 / Marketing & Publicity / 182 - 185
4.11 / Existing Recycling Contracts / 186
4.12 / Recycling Credits / 187 - 189
4.13 / Ownership of Recyclate / 190
4.14 / Management of the Low Hall and Kings Road CA sites / 191-203
1 / Borough map (to be sent recorded delivery on 13th October 2006) / Hard Copy2 / Map of rounds, estates and bring and CA sites
(to be sent recorded delivery on 13th October 2006) / Hard Copy
3 / Refuse Collection Beats & Frequencies / Electronic
4 / Council-owned vehicles (Deleted - See Schedule 7 to Contract) / Electronic
5 / List of commercial waste agreements / Electronic
6 / Depot plan
(Deleted – See Plan at Schedule 5 to Contract) / Hard Copy
7 / ICT protocol / Electronic
8 / Mobile Tip Details / Electronic
9 / Layouts of the two CA sites
(to be sent recorded delivery on 13th October 2006) / Hard Copy
1. In this Specification the following words have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
Bring site is a location within the WalthamForest borough where one or more receptacles for recyclables is permanently sited.
The Council means the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Front of Curtilage is definedas the place where the property boundary meets the highwayormain access road. For the purposes of this contract, refuse or recyclable material placed within 2 metres of the front curtilage and clearly visible from the highway or main access road shall be deemed to have been presented at the front curtilage of the property.
Front line vehicle is a vehicle used for one or more of the weekly household refuse, kerbside recycling or Saturday static collections.
Garden Waste is defined as green garden waste such as tree, hedge and shrub prunings, lawn clippings, weeds and other vegetation arising from within the curtilage of domestic premises.
Household refuseor household waste means residual waste which is generated by the household and which has not been sorted for recycling or composting.
Interface is any communication link, usually electronic, that connects two systems, complying with any protocols of both sender and recipient.
Kitchen Waste is defined as that organic waste that arises from food consumption and is stored in a kitchen caddy and collected with garden waste in a specific container
Missed collection occurs when a scheduled collection is missed.
Mixed papers/paper mean/s newspapers, magazines, junk mail, telephone directories, catalogues and other waste paper and includes cardboard and yellow page directories.
Normal office hoursmeans 8.00 to 17.00 Mondays to Thursdays and 8.00 to16.30 on Fridays.
Parameters, parameter driven, parameterised are terms used to describe the setting of parameters that are ranges or limits for activities, standards or actions where the scope of the parameters can be reviewed and/or changed by the parties to the Contract.
Refuse In this contract, the word refuse, where used, has the same meaning as waste
Residual Waste is that waste remaining after all recyclables, garden and kitchen waste has been presented for separate collection
The Service/servicesmeans the services specified or described in the specification and any modifications thereof made in accordance with the Contract.
Trade Waste This term when used in this contract is interchangeable with Commercial Waste
Working Day is for the purposes of this Contract any day, Mondays to Saturdays including all Bank and Public Holidays with the exception of Christmas Day.
2. As part of Best Value and to provide continuing high quality waste collection, recycling and composting services the Council has reviewed the way in which it addresses the needs of the community and the requirements of relevant legislation.
3. Best Value legislation requires the Council to consider its strategy for service delivery and to carry out regular reviews, covering each service area within a five year programme cycle. As part of this process the Council undertook a Best Value Review of its Street Services, including waste management. This has included consultation with customers and stakeholders about a range of waste management issues, including their views on the options for providing waste, recycling and composting services over the next five to seven years.
4. As part of the consultation process for this Contract, the Council, who is ‘the collection authority’ has consulted with North London Waste Authority (NLWA) ‘the disposal authority’ and the Mayor for London, who has powers of direction under the Greater London Act 1999 and has produced the London Municipal Waste Management Strategy (MWMS), about a range of waste management matters and in particular the strategic direction of services throughout the capital. As a consequence, and in support of the MWMS, the Council intends to work with other authorities in London to consider and where appropriate integrate the collection, recycling, composting and disposal operations during this proposed contract term and in the future.
5. A further outcome of the review has been the Council's decision to seek to develop a partnership approach to the proposed contract to achieve more effective and responsive services and better value for money. Specifically, the Council is seeking a Service Provider that will adopt an innovative approach to service provision whilst at the same time, work towards the Council's corporate and service goals and objectives.
6. The tender process is designed to promote innovative proposals for the service provision and for the Service Provider to be flexible in the organisation and management of the services. A defined review and change process will enable the Council and Service Provider to jointly develop improvements and incorporate revisions when necessary, to the service, operational and financial benefit of the parties.
7. To provide the framework for the required service provision the contract documents set out the description of the service requirements against a background of the Council's corporate objectives and the results of the Council’s Best Value Review and approved Improvement Programme. Relevant documents are available on request.
8. The Council has developed a waste management strategy, which sets out how the Council intends to meet its statutory responsibilities and in particular meet its statutory and local recycling and composting targets. The development of a new partnership for waste management and a fresh approach to service provisions determined by this tendering process will contribute significantly to the Council's strategy. It is therefore incumbent upon the Council's Service Provider to fully participate in this aspect of the Council's strategic development work.
9. Service Objectives
The Council has developed and approved key waste management objectives that will be pursued actively; these are:
- To collect refuse and recyclables in a clean and efficient manner from individual households and other locations;
To minimise the amount of waste requiring collection and treatment by publicity, education and management;
- To reduce the quantity of residual waste for treatment and final disposal, bymaintaining, enhancing and expanding current recycling and recovery arrangements, working in partnership with all interested agencies;
To work with NLWA, other constituent boroughs and all other stakeholders and industry to pursue common objectives and develop sustainable, effective and environmentally acceptable collection and disposal methods;
To oversee the new waste management contract to ensure compliance and to monitor performance and expenditure;
To review the waste management arrangements with the Service Provider and other agencies to achieve improvements and higher efficiency; and
To work closely with the community in service delivery.
10. The Authorised Officer is responsible for ensuring that these service objectives are met. This responsibility will involve taking the lead in providing a co-coordinated overview across the authority of all waste matters including collection, disposal, minimisation, recycling, providing waste management advice to Council Departments, householders and businesses, and arranging for the disposal of all waste collected by the waste collection Service Providers.
11. These contract documents include a suitable framework for the provision of services that the Council's customers want and which complement other corporate and environmental requirements. Tenderers must develop their submissions on the basis of a complete commitment to the above service objectives.
12. Further details about these and other Council corporate policies can be supplied on request.
13. The Head of Street Services has been specifically designated the Authorised Officer for the purposes of this contract and has been delegated the task of implementing key policies through the provision of waste and other environmental services. It is also the Head of Street Service’s role to use the principles and practice of best value as a framework to develop and manage Council services, in an efficient and effective manner and to enable services to be provided in the way that the community would wish them to be provided. Accordingly this specification seeks the assistance of the Service Provider in the implementation of best value to secure continuous improvement in economy, efficiency and effectiveness over the life of the Contract, including regular consultation with service users and community groups. The Service Provider will co-operate with the Council in service reviews, performance information and implementation of improvements. The specification details the service requirements and relates these to the achievement of best value. It is intended to guide Tenderers with regard to the Council's expectations for the Service Provider's contribution towards the implementation of the best value principles. This must be respected but is not intended to inhibit Tenderers from fully expressing their ability and proposals to bring innovative solutions to the provision of these waste management services.
14. In preparing their submission Tenderers should be aware that the total budget for the provision of waste, recycling and composting services for the financial year 2006/7 is approximately £6m gross expenditure, with income of £1.2m to offset this.
15. The budget is the total sum and includes the Council's contract management and administration costs, corporate support and civic accommodation.
16. The work covered by this specification is the current service offer as set out in outline below. Elsewhere there is a description of the Council’s objectives within the duration of this contract and subsequently. It is expected that the Service Provider will deliver the current service from the Commencement Date and work with the Council to introduce agreed change, based on the tendered proposals, framework and prices, so that these objectives are achieved:
Weekly household residual waste collection service from all residential premises including any newly occupied premises built and/or newly occupied during the contract period and the transport and deposit of the waste collected to the disposal point;
Bulky household waste collection service (separate ‘white goods’) on request and deposit of the bulky waste to the disposal or delivery point as directed by the Authorised Officer;
Weekly separation and collection of dry recyclables from residential properties and delivery of material to approved reprocessors or merchants;
- Fortnightly collection of garden and kitchen waste from 36,000 residential properties in the north of the Borough and delivery of collected material to approved treatment facility;
- The provision of waste and recycling collection services to commercial properties including the market who request such services from the Council;
- The management of bring sites and collection of recyclables from same and delivery of materials to approved reprocessors or treatment facilities;
- The management, operation and development of two Council Civic Amenity (CA) sites at South Access Road and Kings Road;
- The provision of all labour and vehicles for the provision of the Council’s BeatSweep Programme carried out on a monthly basis within various locations across the Borough.
- The provision of all labour, vehicles and plant as requested by the Authorised Officer for dealing with civil emergencies or other such matters. The Authorised Officer will not call upon the Service Provider's staff for civil emergencies unless absolutely necessary and will not require personnel to carry out tasks needing specialist training or for which they may not be suited.
These services are described in detail later in this specification. All references to residential properties include flatted and other communal blocks as well as individual dwellings.
17. It is appreciated that without detailed knowledge of the locality Tenderer’s proposals may be imprecise and will need to be subject to some considerable review. However, all Tenderers must provide as full a description of their proposals as possible in order to allow the Council to assess the various merits of the submissions during tender evaluation. The evaluation process will lead to the Council selecting a preferred Tenderer. Once a preferred Service Provider has been selected, a process of clarification will provide the opportunity for the Council and its Service Provider to clarify the detailed working arrangements.
18. Information on workload and service statistics is given in the appendices to this contract. These are based on the Council's historical records and are given for guidance and in good faith. The accuracy and relevance of the information is not guaranteed, and the Tenderer shall satisfy itself as to the total workload and work content required to be performed within the contract.
19. Without limiting any requirement in the Contract or this Specification, the Service Provider is required to comply with the Method Statements listed below, as provided by the Service Provider and amended and approved by the Council. Once approved by the Council, the Method Statements shall not be amended without the Council’s prior written approval.Each Method Statement or separately described component, shall belimited to two sides of A4 paperand shall include full details of the processes, resources and systems to be utilised. Any required or desirable interfaces, liaison and monitoring set out elsewhere in these documents must also be described and explanation given of how these will be achieved.
20. The Service Provider shall ensure that the Method Statements demonstrate how they will achieve and maintain the standards and performance specified. The Method Statements are intended to provide the basic methodology and reassure the Council that the Service Provider fully understands both the current service requirements and the required developments and is capable of organising and delivering them. In the event of any conflict between a Method Statement and the Contract (which includes this Specification), the Contract shall prevail.The relevant Method Statements are referenced as appropriate in the later sections of the Specification. All should be submitted whether or not they are referred to or not. They are:
1Mobilisation and overall project programmes
2Staffing, recruitment and training
3Specification, testing and operation of proposed vehicles, plant and system(s)
4 Provision of a residual waste collection service
5 Provision of bulky and other special waste collections
6Supply and delivery of waste receptacles and refuse sacks and associated publicity
7Provision for the kerbside collection and sorting of dry recyclables
8Provision of a service to manage recycling bring sites
9Provision of a garden and kitchen waste collection service
10.Management and operation of the two CA sites
11 Service development and continuous imporvement to achieve targets
12Customer Care
13 Proposed change process.
14 Monitoring, performance and reporting
15.Risk management, business continuity & disaster recovery
16.Provision and location of operational base
17.Environmental policy and sustainability action plan
18 Marketing of dry recyclabes and organic waste
19.Management of nominated sub-contractors
2.2 Planning and liaison
21. Planning and liaison will be critical aspects of the service at the commencement of the Contract and throughout its life. The Service Provider shall be responsible for all planning and liaison and for conducting implementation and testing programmes.
22.The Service Provider shall prior to the commencement date of the Contract develop and submit to the Council a Business Plan that will be reviewed regularly at the meetings between the Council and Service Provider and updated annually. The Business Plan shall follow good practice and include as a minimum, but not exclusively: