Chapter 19 – Royal Power and Conflict


  • Philip II

- Powerful ruler of Spain, fought to restore Catholicism

  • Marranos– Jews converted to Christianity
  • Moriscos - Muslims converted to Christianity
  • Spanish Inquisition

- Established by Philip and the Church to stampout heresy

  • Netherlands

-Protestant territory ruled by Spain that revolted against Philip’s rule.

-Achieved independence in 1581

  • Battle of Lepanto:

- Naval victory for Spain over the Turks in 1571

Spain v. England

-Elizabeth I supported Protestants in the Netherlands

-Philip decided to fight against her

Spanish Armada, 1588:

-Philip sends fleet to invade England

-Spainish fleet defeated by English and bad weather

Decline of Spain

-Inflation caused by gold from New World hurts economy

-Ineffective rulers hurt Spanish power


  • Henry VII

- Victorious in the War of the Roses, establishes Tudor dynasty

  • Henry VIII

-Married six times

-Broke with the Catholic Church

  • Edward VI – Henry VIII’s son, ruled only 6 years
  • Mary Tudor – “Bloody Mary,” Catholic who burned Protestants
  • Elizabeth I

-Worked to win the support of the people (gentry and yeomen)

-Established Anglicanism as the religion of England

  • Court and Government

- usedjustices of the peace to administer law

  • Foreign Policy

-worked to maintain a balance of power between England, France and Spain

-Helped Protestant causes in the Netherlands

-Defeated Philip II in the battle with the Spanish Armada


  • Henry VI

-Established the Bourbon dynasty

-Issued the Edict of Nantes, gave religious toleration

  • Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu

-intendant: officals who served the king

-established absolutism in France

  • Louis XVI

-“The Sun King”


-Fought major wars across Europe

German States

  • Thirty Years War

– most important war of the 17th century

- Failure of Peace of Augsburg, 1555

Four phases of the war: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French

- Ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648

  • Austria

- Ruled by Hapsburg family

-Maria Theresa

- Powerful female ruler, centralized control

-Pragmatic sanction – allowed Maria Theresa to rule by stating that a women could take the throne

  • Prussia

-Frederick William “the Great Elector”

- created a permanent standing army

- dealt with the nobility, Junkers

-Frederick William I

- strengthened army

-Frederick II

- seized the Austrian province of Silesia


- combination of Slavic, Viking, and Mongol peoples

- czars or tsars create Russian Empire

  • Ivan IV

-ruthless and paranoid leader

-Expanded Russian territory

-Boyar – Russian nobles, Ivan worked to lessen their power

-“The Time of Troubles”

- time of disorder after the death of Ivan, ended when the Romanov’s come to power

  • Peter the Great

- expanded Russian territory and power

- Contact with the West

- wanted Russia to become a Western nation

- built St. Petersburg to for closer contact with Europe

  • Catherine the Great

-German princess who took the Russian throne

-believed all of her people were equal