Monday, October 16, 2017

9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

IPMA-HR Central Region Officers (2017-2018)

President – Lori Briggs

/ Present

President Elect –Amy Strough

/ Present

Treasurer – Sunshine Petrone



Secretary –Jennifer Gabbard

/ Present
Past President –Charles Bernardy /


Executive Council Representative – Becky Salter /


Host Committee Chair ~ Erika Ryerson /


Agenda Items

  1. Approval of August 2017 Board Meeting Minutes – Chuck motioned, Jennifer seconded – passed.
  1. Approval of September 2017 Board Meeting Minutes – Chuck motioned, Amy seconded – passed.
  1. 2018IPMA-HR Central Region Conference
  2. The Concourse of Madison~ June 24, 2018 – June 27, 2018. Contract is complete.
  3. Logistics - The Concourse reached out – someone else wanted the room that we have for the vendors. There is now an alternate plan to move us to another ballroom. Vendors will be in other rooms that will be open, and we will save money - $1,200. Additionally, we could use our own equipment.
  4. Program Committee – Jennifer – finalizing the proposal – got the new logo. Got a final version on Friday. Will be talking about how to get the word out this week. Lori - has all the region contacts. Can send that to the Chapter Presidents so that they could send it out.
  5. Sponsorship – good to go. Just need the logo. Competing against Alecia’s money.
  6. Publicity – Bob did a eblast to save the date. With the new logo – could do another eblast soon.
  7. Site Visit – Lori has already been contacted by the hotel. Lori is working on the food and details for the visit. Chuck will send what he used. Visit it November 10th and 11th.
  8. Speakers – usually don’t pay for breakout sessions. Keynotes we do. The more money that Sponsorship has the more you could pay. Chuck will respond with what they did in Minneapolis. Various levels of sponsorship do provide access to a breakout session. Becky – one of the better attended conferences had a panel on the value of HR. Chuck went through the sponsorships that they had in Minneapolis.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Access - Sunshine can’t log into the account yet. Can call in and ask questions – can’t add or remove someone from the account. Chuck will walk over there again. Amy will take care of her things this week.
  3. Account balances - Chuck – balances – Checking $22,936.60 (2 checks for Amy’s reimbursement $74.75 and $1,046.87). Savings $6,709.79 balance. Credit Card balance - $105.25. Should have a sizeable amount of flexpoints available to convert to cash. Last year got $980 from flexpoints. Current flexpoints balance is 5,940.
  4. Audit Committee – League of MN Cities relationship – Dir of HR is leading the Audit Committee. Will be meeting tomorrow.
  5. Transition of Treasurer Duties - Lori passed off the checkbook to Sunshine at San Antonio.
  1. 2019 Central Region Conference
  2. Lori received an email from the Dayton Chapter saying that they want to host the 2019 Central Region Conference in Dayton. Becky motioned, Amy seconded. Approved.
  3. Maybe ask Northern Ohio Chapter to help.
  1. Other Business, Updates and Future Topics
  2. Website- Lori asked Roman for his help. Has not worked with Wild Apricot, but thinks he can learn it quickly. Chuck provided access to old site. All information was given to Roman. Scheduled a follow up conference call next week with Roman. But, Lori will contact him tomorrow to see if he would be able to meet our deadline of December 1st. MN Chapter is now using Sarah – our second option.
  3. Tax Exempt Status - Retained an attorney – MN Chapter is voting tomorrow to use the same attorney. KC Chapter is tax-exempt at the national level, not state level. Need to proceed.
  4. Region Compliance Request – Submitted by the deadline of September 30, 2017.
  5. New Business - None.
  1. Next Schedule Central Region Board Meeting –November 21st at 2:00 p.m.
  1. Adjourn– Chuck motioned. Lori seconded. Passed.