
Ms. Whitney

Rooms 162 and 157; Office 141


Course Objectives:

Advanced Placement Language and Composition is designed as a college-level class. This class is a study of language in all forms. We begin with a discussion of the elements that an author uses to rhetorically manipulate an audience (tone, syntax, diction, imagery, symbolism, etc.), we work to analyze what an authors purpose is and how to discern what audience they are targeting, and we use these close language studies to improve our own language through emulation and adaptation. In all cases students should be able to intelligently analyze and use rhetoric and rhetorical techniques to be able to comprehend and comment on any text they come in contact with.

Students must come into the class expecting an intensive writing experience. Much of the writing will be geared toward helping you pass the AP Language test, but as writing is a lifetime skill, argumentation, narration, and exposition will all be included in our writing assignments. You will be required to complete in class timed essays, out of class revised and polished works, reflective writing, journaling, peer and self edits, a research project, and a variety of other written and spoken activities designed to increase your lexicon of rhetorical techniques.

All compositions must follow manuscript form (either typed or written neatly in blue or black ink on one side of the paper with a proper headingin the upper right-hand corner). I reserve the right to refuse submissions that do not meet these criteria.

Overarching Theme for 2017-18- Point of View (Voice)


Our class will be taught using four thematic units. Each unit will have a set of essential questions that will guide our reading, writing and speaking assignments.

Unit 1:The Power of Language and Personal and Societal Conflict

Unit 2: Education and Success

Unit 3: Politics and Social Justice

Unit 4: Gender


Our reading plan for the year will include the following titles (subject to change):

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Malcolm X)Macbeth (William Shakespeare)

The Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell)Woman Hollering Creek (Sandra Cisneros)

The Overachievers (Alexandra Robbins)Numerous Essays, Columns, Films and Thank you for Arguing (Jay Heinrichs) Articles

Vocabulary and Grammar:

Vocabulary and grammar are included specifically to improve student’s comprehension of sophisticated

texts and to enhance the stylistic maturity of their writing.

Academic Support:

Academic support is available for all students. Be responsible for your own learning; do

not wait for me to recommend support. Academic Support is available in room 142 during both lunch periods Monday through Thursday. My office hours are in Room 157 during lunches and by appointment.

Class Expectations:

  • Our work will promote discussion. Please join in, but listen to others as well. It is important to exercise civility at all times.
  • Come to class on time and prepared.
  • I will dismiss you when class is over. Do not pack up in anticipation of the bell.
  • Due dates will be announced. Writing assignments received after the due date and by the deadline will receive a 10% reduction in credit. Assignments received after the deadline will receive no credit. Be mindful to report any concerns to me quickly.
  • Violation of testing procedures will result in a failing grade.
  • Plagiarism is a serious offense that will not be tolerated. Not only will plagiarism result in a zero, the assignment will be ineligible for reassessment. Most assignments will be submitted electronically to detect plagiarism.
  • When required, failure to submit assignments electronically to will be viewed as an admission of plagiarism and may be penalized as such.


We will use the total points approach to grading. Assignments will be weighted accordingly with regards to their significance and scope. Students should treat all assignments as important and do their best, as well as complete their work on time.

AP Grading:AP graders assign scores of 1-9 to essayson the official AP test. The equivalencies in this class are as follows:

9=A / 6=B / 3=C-/D+
8=A / 5=B-/C+ / 2=D
7= A-/B+ / 4=C / 1+5

Assignments will fall in the following categories:

Formative 40%

Summative 50%

Homework 10%


Students seeking to reassess any formative assignments must see me for permission and a conference.

Absence Policy:

Students who miss class because of an excused absence must arrange to make it up within three school days. A student returning to school on a test day must take any previously announced test with the class. Please bring any special circumstances to my attention promptly.

Class assignments and grades will be posted on Google Classroom frequently. Please visit the class website daily to ensure you know what assignments and assessments may be upcoming.

Ultimately, I am excited to work with you this year. Best wishes for success in the class and on the AP Language and Composition exam.