Report for Outbound Study Grant

Name of host institution: Karolinska Institutet

Country: Sweden

Period of stay: 29-11-07 – 27-11-07

1.  The study program / course

I chose the course “Molecular Methods in Drug Development and Analysis of Drug Metabolism” at Karolinska Institutet. The course comprised about 4 weeks plus an extra Monday and Tuesday, equivalent to 7,5 ECTS points. This year, the course consisted of only seven people. The first two days were filled with four introductory lectures which only briefly dealt with drug development or drug metabolism. The rest of the time students had to work on a research project in couples in close contact with a supervisor. The course was assessed by a written report and an oral presentation.

2.  Language

The course “Molecular Methods in Drug Development and Analysis of Drug Metabolism” was instructed in English. Since five out of seven participants were from abroad, there was no tendency by the course coordinators to switch to the Swedish language.

All course materials distributed were written in English or in addition in Swedish as well. In general, all persons at the Karolinska Institutet spoke fluently English, except the cafeteria staff. Student facilities were always described in English. The same was true for the course program/schedule which was available online course start.

3.  Finances

Compared to the Netherlands and Germany, living costs are much higher in Sweden. However, the accommodation in the Pax student house was offered at a reasonable price and cost about 310 € per month. Before going to Stockholm one should be aware of that prices for food are mostly twice as high as in Leiden in almost all supermarkets. The only exception is the store Lidl. Public transportation costs about 65 € per month comprising a 30-days ticket including all busses, subways and commuter trains to Stockholm county. Since especially during the winter season one will mainly go to the campus in Solna by bus and travel to Stockholm city by subway, buying a 30-days ticket is very convenient and cost-efficient. Flights from Amsterdam can be booked very cheap when booking takes place several weeks before departure. I spend for the flight (from Germany) to Stockholm 35 €. The flight back to Amsterdam with Scandinavian Airlines cost 75 € in my case. A very cheap way to travel by plane is using the Danish low cost carrier Sterling from and to Amsterdam.

To obtain financial support it is worth to apply for study grants, for instance, the Study Outbound Grant which is offered by the International Office in Leiden. It also sponsors stays that only lasts for 4 weeks. After successful application, one gets money to cover travel and living costs. However, the grant is calculated in the way that one have to finance itself at least 600 € per month.

4.  Preparation and contact with the faculty in Leiden

Organization and preparation for the stay were easy. At the beginning of the term on Blackboard it was announced which courses can be followed at Karolinska Institutet. All these courses will count for the Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences at the LUMC. Someone only has to apply for attending a course at DOO by filling out a form and handing in a current transcript of records. When you are accepted you get the official permission to go to Sweden and a “Learning Agreement” implying that the ECTS points and the grade from KI will count for the Master’s degree in Leiden. The application process is not very difficult, takes only a few weeks and is supported by the International Office at the LUMC.

5.  Accommodation

The search for accommodation was very simple. Searching for a room is mainly carried out by the University Accommodation Center in Stockholm that coordinates accommodation for Swedish as well as for exchange students []. To get a room one has to apply via the website and fill out the form. Aside from the online form, a signed application together with a statement of approved admission has to be handed in. One to two month prior the expected arrival and start time for renting, respectively, an acceptance is send by email. Most exchange students live in the Pax student house. The monthly rent is about 310€. From Pax it is about 12 min to Stockholm city by subway and about 10 min to the KI campus in Solna by bus. The room was ca. 16 m² large equipped with a desk, chair, armchair, bed, shelf, big closet and a small table. Every room possesses its one separated bathroom with shower, sink and WC. I lived with 8 other students on the flour sharing one common well equipped kitchen. Overall, the room, bathroom and kitchen were very clean and tidy!

6.  Culture/Leisure

Stockholm is a very beautiful city situated on several islands. In the old town one can visit the royal palace and there are lots of old houses separated by many small alleys. To explore some nature and wild life it’s nice to visit the National Park of Tyresta and the Archipelago which consists of many small and larger islands near to Stockholm. Moreover, a visit at the Vasa museum is to recommend.

7.  Travel

The public transport system is very good. There are three subway routes. Additionally, a lot of bus lines exist. From Arlanda airport to Stockholm it takes about 20 min by train (Arlanda express) or 40 min by bus. To Pax one can easily go by subway (blue line) and to the KI campus in Solna by direct bus connection (547). Also, the subway system is quite famous, because on the blue line many stations are painted in a different color. The tunnels look like untreated rock and the stations are situated quite deep below the surface.

8.  Remarks

I experienced the time is Sweden as a great time and I can highly recommend to go to Stockholm to conduct a course or even a whole semester.