Keys to Achievement

A Personal and Professional

Development Program

for Women

“Leadership, Awareness, Mentoring and Skills for Success”

“All of the activities sufficient to get us to where we are today, are insufficient to get us to where we need to go”


Keys to Achievement

Welcometo the Keys to Achievement, a personal and professional development program for Business and Professional Women (BPW) members. This program was developed by Alicia Curtis, a Young BPW member of the Western Australian Division of BPW and member of BPW International,one of the most dynamic organizations in the world.

BPW Australia has given BPW Canada permission to use this program and to adapt it to best meet the particular needs of the BPW Canada membership.

This program has been adapted to provide the members of BPW Canada a structured series of tasks that build upon each other todevelop and refine key career and business communication, organization and leadership skills. In addition, the accumulative experiences that members choose from the three levels of strategic activities will enhance a member’sknowledge and awareness of women’s issues in their local community, province, nation and the world and build a strong commitment to making a difference through BPW.

The contents of this K2A program include instructions on how to use the program, suggestions for completing the tasks for each of the three levels and an individual record sheet that needs to be signed off as each level of achievement is completed.

“Let us build together and

See what we can make.”

Dr. Lena Madesin Phillips – Founder President

International Federation of Business and Professional Women

The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada)

Keys to Achievement- 2011


I am delighted to provide the members of BPW Canada with this adapted Keys to Achievement Program originally developed by Alicia Curtis, member of the Business and Professional Women in Western Australia and graciously shared with us by BPW Australia.

This resource is full of useful tools and activities to increase the professional and mentor networks within BPW Canada. The strategic series of activities contained in this program will develop and refinethe business and leadership capabilities of those who embark on this journey of awareness and personal development.

The Keys to Achievement is timely, as BPW Canada embarks on a journey of renewal. Our commitment toBPW Members, BPW Clubs and women across Canadaremains strong. We acknowledge the many achievements of BPW and the improvements to women’s lives across the past 8 decades. However,despite these advancements there is still much to be done to bring about true equality for women in Canada and around the world.

I commend BPW Western Australia for their insight and initiative in developing the Keys to Achievement. In particular I wish to recognize Young BPW member, Alicia Curtis, theBPW Western Australia, Development Officer. Her passion and commitment to build upon the vision ofBPW International founder, Lena Madison Phillips is commendable.Over 81 years ago Lean Madison Philips encouraged women to build a future together and see what we can create.

The 2010-2012 BPW Canada Theme –“BPW Yours, Mine, Ours to Create”, is in keeping with this same sprit of positive change. Together we can make a difference and I know that those who participate in The Keys to Achievement Program will gain much and contribute greatly to thevision for the next 80 years.

Doris E. Hall


BPW Canada

Our Journey Begins

Congratulations on beginning your journey and taking up the challenge to create the future that Lena Madison Phillips envisioned. A vision,where women can participate as equal partners in all facets of societal life, work, finance, community of political service.

The Keys to Achievement recognizes the power of purposeful grass rootsaction for positive change. It provides individual BPW Members with a series of activities that they can select based upon their particular areas of interest. The keys to achievement empower women to maximize the benefits of membership inBPW by developingtheir knowledge and skills.BPW develops leaders, who are passionate, compassionate and willing to learn, contribute, act, organize, and challenge the future.

Through strategic planning initiatives that promote a member-focused vision for change the BPW Canada Board of Directors recognize that it is you the BPW Member who will bring about anew world view of equality for all. This adapted program offers our clubs and you the member a tangible way to harness your collective energy tomake a difference. The Keys to Achievement reinforces the value we place on membership in BPW and on you our members.

In an age where grass root social movements are bringing about change on a global scale the time is right for BPW to become the premier organization for women in Canada. We encourage each of you to embracethis opportunity to learn more about yourself and see how together through BPW we can create equal opportunity an a better world for all.

Join us on this journey of growth and positive change.


Char SchultzSheila Crook Personal Development Chair Communications Chair

A Member-Focused BPW: offering solutions for Personal Development & Positive Change

How to use this program as an

Individual member

  • Any member of BPW can participate in this program. In fact every member, regardless of level or years of experience is encouraged to take this opportunity to learn, grow and contribute to shaping our future.
  • At each level, you are required tocomplete 10 of the 12 tasks to reach competency. These tasks focus on personal and professional development aspects as well as increasing your knowledge and involvement in BPW.
  • Each task is accompanied by suggestions that will help you to complete your selected activities. The Bronze Level will be signed off by your Club President, the Silver Level will be signed off by your Provincial President or designate, and the Gold Level will be signed by the National President. The Program will be managed by the Personal Development Chair or designate at each level.
  • As each task is completed, you will need torecord it on the attached Keys to Achievement record and have your record sheet signed by the designated BPW Representative and submit it to the BPW Canada Personal Development Chairfor the Keys 2 Achievement (K2A) record keeping.
  • There is no time limit in which you must complete this program. It is intended to be flexible to meet your needs as a member.
  • Once you have received your accreditation certificate for a level, you are entitled to refer to yourself as a BPW member with the following standing:

Keys to Achievement Levels of Completion

BPW Bronze Member

BPW Silver Member

BPW Gold Member

Note: BPW members in good standing who have successfully completed a K2A level will be presented a BPW badge that they can use on their business cards, promotional material and social media profiles. The K2A badge will take the shape of a bronze, silver or gold key that can be added to their BPW logo to honour their contributions and level of accomplishment.
How to use this program for

Club President / Personal DevelopmentChair

  • Your support inintroducing this program to your club is critical to BPW Canada engaging the entire membership in achieving the BPW vision of equality for all. Your support and encouragement is needed to assist both new and existing members to be involved in creating the BPW of the future.
  • This program is to be given to all new members as they join BPW.
  • All Members are encouraged to participate in this program to gain recognition for their activities, increase awareness ofyour club in the community and ensure that BPW harnesses all the energy that our members possess to bring about the change required.
  • This is a structured program for members to develop their personal and professional skills and confidence as well as developing their knowledge and commitment to BPW.
  • Your role involves:
  • Encouraging all members to complete the program.
  • Assigning a member with an informal mentor, if needed, to support the member through the process.
  • Recording the achievement of tasks of members through the club development of Keys to Achievement Form.
  • Helping members to achieve their tasks through scheduling their tasks to be completed at Club meetings and events.
  • Once a member has completed the requirements for the bronze level, she will ask the Personal Development Chair or club designate to have her record signed by the Club President and sent to the National Personal Development Chair, so thata certificate can be prepared and presented by theappointed officer. Members completing the silver level of achievement will have the form signed by the Provincial President and may be recognized at the Provincial/Regional meeting, while the gold level will be signed by the National President and acknowledged at the National Convention.

Your role involves:

  • The Club President and Personal Development Chair have the responsibility of encouraging members to keep working through the tasks at each level. The club may also partner members as peer mentors to support each other through the program.
  • Any questions or support needed can be gained from the BPW National Personal Development Chair
  • Thebenefits of this program can also be shown to prospective members as an opportunity to develop herskills represents a further benefit to being a BPW member. (Reference to this initiative is incorporated into the Showcasing BPW)
  • There are three levels to Keys to Achievement: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level has its own aims and the difficulty increases at each level.

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

Summary of Tasks

  1. Attendance at monthly meetings and involvement
  2. Present a 3-minute speechat a club meeting
  3. Express yourself by writing articles about BPW activities for publication in newsletter or local papers
  4. Get involved in the action…join a committee
  5. Spread the BPW message by writing Letters to the Editor
  6. Consult the women around you, meet for coffee or lunch
  7. Attend other BPW club meetings and events
  8. Conduct a personal development audit
  9. Research internet information on other BPW clubs and other women’s organizations
  10. Be involved in a development activity or project
  11. Join BPW Social Media, i.e., BPW Facebook, BPW Linkedin, Google+…
  12. Be Treasurer for a day

The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada)

Keys to Achievement- 2011

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

  1. Attendance and Involvement

Your Goal: Attend and be involved in nine meetings in a twelve month period at your home club. (Could include monthly dinner/general meetings, executive meetings and/or committee meetings) You will need to complete three tasks at club meetings to complete this qualification.


There are many ways that members can be involved in a club meeting. Below are just a few suggested ideas for your consideration. These can be achieved over a number of meetings.

  • Introduce a guest speaker at the club meeting. In preparation, obtain the speaker’s bio from the Program Chair and review it prior to the meeting. Be sure to have their name, title and speech topic correct. (Review the guidelines for introducing a speaker in the BPW handbook.)
  • When introducing yourself at meetings, be prepared with a 30 second commercial about yourself including your name, type of work and why you’re interested in BPW (refer to Career Skills Achievement module “How to Introduce Yourself in 30 Seconds or Less” available on the website).
  • Leadthe Collect, Grace and/or Toast at a club meeting.
  • Thank a guest speaker. At the end of a speech by the guest speaker, thank the speaker for addressing the club. Review the guidelines for thanking a speaker in the BPW handbook.

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

2. Present a speech

Your Goal: To speak for three minutes about yourself, your background, your interest in your career/business and/or your interest in a women’s issue.


This task is to introduce you to the members of your club and provide the members with some personal information about who you are, your interests and what is of importance to you.In the process this task can help build confidence in public speaking.

When presenting your speech, keep in mind the following:


As it is impractical to present your whole personal history, think of two or three major events in your life that demonstrate your values and interests.

Keep it Short and Simple

Three minutes is a short amount of time. In between your introduction and conclusion you have two minutes to present your major events. Keep to the purpose of the speech.


Don’t be afraid to make your presentation fun and interesting. Think of props you can use, funny stories or focus on presenting what makes you unique.

The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada)

Keys to Achievement- 2011

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

3. Express yourself by writing articles

Your Goal: To write a profile on yourself for the Club Newsletter, web site and/or an article or letter to the editor on an issue you are passionate about. This article could also be about BPW activities in the community and the benefits of membership.



For your profile, write 150 words on who you are, what you do, you’re areas of experience and your community involvement. (Ask if you’re your club has a bio template)

Issue Article/letter to the editor

What women’s issues are you passionate about? This could include a:

  • Topical issue in your industry
  • Review of a women’s event or BPW event you have attended
  • Review a book or newspaper article that is related to a women’s issue.

4. Get involved in the action

Your Goal: Participate in a club committee


Club committees are formed to organize Club events and activities. There are a number of roles you can take on in a committee, such as:

  • Organize logistics
  • Organize speakers
  • Facilitate activities
  • Represent BPW at a community event
  • Write a press release
  • Facilitate a workshop for BPW members and the public (See Career Skills Achievement , Leadership for the 21st Century, You Are Worth It,, Modules)
  • Phone community members

From time to time during your club meetings, the President may ask for assistance or involvement from club members for specific events. Events could include special occasions such as International Night, Young BPW/BPW of the Year awards or professional development workshops.

The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada)

Keys to Achievement- 2011

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

5. Spread the BPW Message

Your Goal: Invite a friend or colleague to a BPW meeting or event at least twice during the year. Be prepared to introduce your friend at the meeting.


The networking aspect of BPW is about meeting new people, giving business referrals, sharing expertise and sharing opportunities.

By inviting a work colleague or friend, you are contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of BPW.

Post the club program of events at your workplace, public library, community or Church bulletin board etc.

Considerthe speaker’s list for the year and invite women you know who will benefit from hearing what the speaker has to share.

  1. Consult the women around you

Your Goal: Consult your networks to find the most pressing issues affecting women.


Identify the women in your networks…they may be family, work associates, friends or women in your community.

Develop your own survey to discover the top ten most pressing issues for women and why.

Then report back to your club about these issues and listen to the feedback from the members as to whether it is feasible to:

a)submit a resolution on the issue;

b)organize a community project to increase awareness of an issue; or

c)send the information on to the District, Province or Federation of BPW

The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW Canada)

Keys to Achievement- 2011

Keys to Achievement

Bronze Level

  1. Attend other BPW Club meetings or events

Your Goal: Develop your understanding of the network you are involved in by attending two other BPW club meetings or events and report back to your club on your experience.


BPW has been an international organization for over 80 years. Each club is different and by visiting another club, you will experience the various aspects of BPW including networking, development, policy, friendship and fun.

Don’t forget your business cards and notepad because you are sure to increase your network!

It will benefit your club if you report back club about your visit,relating what you learned on your visit, what their program was about, who you met and the highlights of the meeting or event you attended. You could prepare a written report for the club newsletter.