Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of

Westlake Homeowners Association

January 23, 2017; 6:30 p.m., 4260 Galewood Street, Suite B, Lake Oswego

In attendance: Cynthia Gerwe, Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer (by phone), Rolland Royce

Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Minutes. The minutes of the December 2016 monthly meeting were approved.

ADRC matters. Cynthia and Fritz reviewed recent ADRC matters:

·  A recent new roof and paint request.

·  The status of a foreclosure on Greensborough Court and the homeowner’s plans for work on the house.

·  The board considered an inquiry submitted with a dues payment regarding the use of solar roof panels in the neighborhood. The board approved a notification to the homeowner that solar roof panels are not allowed.

Landscape/greenspace matters. Cynthia and Fritz also reviewed actions taken in connection with the recent snowstorm:

·  Permission granted to a homeowner to remove dangerous trees.

·  Work the HOA is undertaking in connection with two separate instances in which greenspace trees fell during the recent storm and damaged homeowners’ properties on Victoria Court and Coventry Court (total cost expected to be $1,200).

·  Engagement of ProGrass to clean up downed trees and branches in common areas.

Treasurer’s report. Rolland provided a report of the month of December 2016 as well as a review of the year. For 2016, the HOA was on budget for collections but over budget on expenses by about $8,600, largely due to excess costs for water ($3,400), open space maintenance ($1,300) and unexpected and unusual tree removals ($4,500). Rolland also reviewed a preliminary 2017 budget. The board provided input on the preliminary budget and a revised budget will be presented at the February meeting for approval. Rolland reviewed the 2017 annual dues collections to date.

Upcoming meetings. The next meeting of the board is:

·  Monday, February 20, 2017; 6:30 p.m.; Soldera Properties, 4260 Galewood Street, Suite B

The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.

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