Meeting MINUTES for September 18, 2017

Call to Order: Melanie Keller called the meeting to order at 7pm

Review & Approval of Minutes - The minutes from the May meeting were presented and reviewed. Melanie suggested reviewing the minutes and treasurer’s report at future meetings at the end of the meeting to give attendees more time to review. Melanie moved to approve May minutes. Wes Brenner seconded.

Treasurer’s Report - Karen Yeselavage reported that the PTA ended last school year with a $3,973 balance. It was lower than a normal year-end balance because it was decided to use reserve funds to purchase an additional Chromebook cart. CDMS now has three carts, one for each grade, with 30 Chromebooks per cart. There was a $3,482 balance at end of August. Karen reported that the annual outside accountant’s report found no exceptions and that everything is in order. Because of the year-end Chromebook cart purchase, Karen moved to decrease the budget carry-forward balance by $4,000, which will decrease the principal’s discretionary fund by $4,000. Carla Hagy seconded. Motion carried.

Committee Reports


Spring Social: Keri Heater, Shannon Sholtis - The Spring event will be a Valentine’s Day social.

8th Grade Send-off Party: Nancy Ludwig - No report


FUNDRAISER: Coke Rewards: Lisa Rummel - No report

FUNDRAISER - RACE FOR EDUCATION: Michele Schooley reported that the event will take place Oct. 20 with rain date of Oct 23. Kickoff packets were sent and labels were due this week. $100 in stamp donations and two sheets of stamps were received. This is the PTA’s largest fundraiser and it funded the purchase of the Chromebook carts. Last year RFE raised more than $17,000.

FUNDRAISER - GERTRUDE HAWK: Jamie Byrnes reported that she is confirming sales dates with the company. The goal is for candy delivery to take place two weeks before Easter holiday.

FUNDRAISER - HP TICKETS: Ann-Marie Ring - Anne-Marie reported the sale typically takes place in March and will report on updated pricing once she receives that information.

FUNDRAISER - RESTAURANTS/EVENT: Nicole Erb- Get Air fundraiser in Sept. Chipotle is planned for October with date to be determined.

HERSHEYPARK VOLUNTEERS: Maria Straining - No report

HOSPITALITY: Nina Santiago - No report

MEMBERSHIP: Carla Hagy reported that memberships are still coming in. Must file total to the state office by Sept. 30 to remain in good standing. Estimates there are about 80 memberships so far. There will be an email to parents with membership form and reminder to join. A current membership application is online at the CDMS website in the PTA section.

RAMS MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Tammy Tarlecki - Socktober is planned for October.



REFLECTIONS: Carrie Criley, Nancy Ludwig - This year’s theme is “Within Reach” and the submission deadline will be in October or early November as in previous years. Students should receive information soon.

SCHOLARSHIP: Danica Storry- No report

SPIRIT WEAR: Missie Thrush, Missy Baird - Fall flyer to order will be sent out in October.

TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION: Open - Melanie asked for recommendations for a chairperson for this one-week event in early May.

President’s Report - Melanie discussed ideas to encourage parent participation and engagement, specifically by improving communication channels. The CDMS PTA Facebook page has been updated more frequently and a PTA Gmail account was established to communicate with members. New ideas to encourage PTA meeting attendance included speakers, staff presentations, using a town hall setting and providing food or a social element.

Principal’s Corner - The first PTA Principal’s Corner question for Mr. Matzner was: “With the new CDMS librarian being shared between two schools this year, how will students get access to the CDMS library resources when the librarian is away?” Mr. Matzner said that while Mrs. Fetterhoff is working at CDMS on days 1, 3, and 5 and at Linglestown Middle School on days 2, 4, and 6, he is making sure the library stays open even on the days when the librarian isn’t there. Mr. Dennehy, the gifted teacher, volunteered to be in the library every morning that Mrs. Fetterhoff is away so students can have access. The building substitute, Emily Snyder, has also opened the library during enrichment times. Teachers on hall duty are being trained to help students check out books. Mr. Matzner said he will make sure they have staff available every day to keep the library open.

Upcoming Dates:

Sept 21 In-Service Day

Oct 9In-Service Day

Oct 13 Fall social

Oct 20Race for Education

Nov 7Parent Conferences

Nov 10 Veteran’s Day holiday

Adjourn - Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.