CAPC Minutes for Feb 4, 2008
12:30 – 1:20 University Center Room 268
Members in attendance: Jere Boudell; Maria Bullen; Wendy Burns-Ardolino; Tom Eaves; Nikki Finlay; Joe Johnson; Adam Kubik; Cherie Long; Catherine Matos; Judith Ogden; Matt Parrott; Susan Sanner; Zi Wan.
Non-Members in attendance: Tom Barnett; Joe Bowler; Anthony Giovannitti; Antoinette Miller; George Nakos; Tammy Wilson.
Burns-Ardolino called meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Burningham to approve the Minutes from the meeting ofDecember 3, 2007 Sanner seconded the motion. Council approved. Minutes are posted at
Old Business
New Business
1.Curriculum Changes for School of Business
Nakos gave a brief overview:
Pre-req change for MKTG 3105 and Cross-listing MGMT 3105/ MKTG 3105. Council discussed the issue and a motion was by Bullen to approve new course MKTG 3105, motion was seconded by Finlay and approved by council. This will allow for fewer substitution forms in the School of Business and will help with accreditation. A motion was made by Burningham to approve cross listing MGMT 3105 and MKTG 3105, motion was seconded by Boudell, and approved by Council.
New Course Proposals MGMT 4250, MKTG 4850 MGMT 4850. MGMT 4250 was offered in the past as a Special Topics course. This course has been successful in the Women Studies program and is not restricted as long as a student is a Junior and has met prereqs. A motion was made by Finlay to approve MGMT 4250, seconded by Johnson, Council approved. MKTG 4850/MGMT 4850 – Council requested that the variable credit be specifically listed. Nakos changed the document to reflect (1-3) hours credit with a maximum of 6 hours. Changes will be made on both courses. A motion was made by Burningham to approve as modified, Finalay seconded, and Council approved.
MarketingMinorSchool of Business – Minor will require two courses ECON 2106 and MKTG 3101 and four additional courses which are open to all students. A motion was made by Burningham, seconded by Sanner to approve the new Marketing minor, Council approved.
Minor in Business for non-business majors – Five courses are required ACCT 2101, ECON 2105, ECON 2106, MKTG 3101, and MGMT 3101, a student also must select one additional 3000 or 4000 level course. In order for a student to get a minor in General Business extra courses will be required. A motion was made by Finlay to approve the new minor in General Business, Bullen seconded, and Council approved.
2.Curriculum Changes for Psychology
Miller gave an overview of the title change for PSYC 4110. A motion was made by Finlay to approve course title change, seconded by Johnson, and Council approved.
3.Addition of PHIL 2601 to Area C1
Barnett explained the necessity to add PHIL 2601 back to Area C1. This will help Clayton be in alignment with other USG institutions. A motion was made by Sanner, seconded by Boudell, and approved by Council. Barnett suggested that Council get the word out to advisor as soon as possible.
4.Curriculum Changes for Mathematics
Giovannitti gave an overview of changes to the Mathematics Curriculum.
MATH 4800 name and prereq change. After Council discussed Giovannitti requested the issue be tabled until the next meeting.
Upper Division Math Changes also tabled until next meeting.
Burns-Ardolino will not be at next meeting Vice Chair Ogden will preside.
Looking Ahead
Spring Meeting Schedule
February 18, 2008
March 17, 2008
March 31, 2008 (Fifth Monday of the month. Could meet if needed.)
April 7, 2008
April 21, 2008
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Finlay to adjourn at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Tammy Wilson