1)Develop a fundamental leadership program for EMS leaders. / Assure effective local leadership / July 2017 / -Identify key curriculum components
-Identify possible funding sources
-Identify delivery methods
-Find a host/provider
-Create buy-in
-MDH survey data.
-Look at short term funding options for EMS foundations course 12/2016 / Eric & Holly
2)Expand the statewide mentor program. / Assure effective local leadership / July 2018 / -Assess the MAA mentorship program as it currently operates
-Modify and deploy revised mentorship program
-Create buy-in
-Assess pilot program 7/2017 / Debbie
3)Create resources to educate stakeholders on EMS workforce sustainability issues. / Our stakeholders – providers, public safety partners, healthcare partners, policymakers – are educated. / July 2017 / -Collect existing resources
-Interpret EMS Rural Sustainability Survey results to identify what the real issues are
-Identify key points and materials for different audiences
-Define “Volunteer” so that word is used appropriately
-Review survey data and publish short term goal – 2/17 / John
4)Define “Community” and “Awareness” to understand how we can benefit from Community Awareness. / Have an appropriate definition of Community Awareness to shape and guide strategies. / Dec. 2016 / -Identify, quantify, and qualify the problem
-Agree upon our definition of Community Awareness / Mark G.
5)Engage MAA Education Committee (plus representatives from EMSRB) to define barriers to certification/education/ recertification related to rural EMS sustainability. / Build off of existing work regarding certification/education/ recertification / June 2017 / -Liaise with the MAA Education Committee and EMSRB representatives
-Describe expectations and how they fit into our work plan
-Get a report back from the committees that recommends solutions to potential barriers to certification/education/ recertification / Mark J.
6)Develop a baseline understanding of current funding models. / Develop EMS Funding 101 / Dec. 2017 / -Develop funding fact sheets targeted at various audiences
-Identify alternative funding sources (e.g. readiness)
-Synthesize funding-related data from Rural EMS Sustainability survey / Buck
7)Promote the delivery of successful Medical Direction. / All rural ambulance services will have engaged, successful medical direction. / On-going / -Provide ambulance services with resources to effectively engage a Medical Director
-Identify resources that articulate what an ambulance service with engaged medical direction looks like
-Collaborate with existing partners (e.g. Medical Directors Association, MDs at EMSRB, etc.)
-Review data and draft short term work plan. 2/2017 / Stan

Developed during the Strategic Work Planning Session on June 2, 2016 Approved: ______