Poetry Syllabus
Pinelands Enrichment Program 2013
Grades 5 & 6
Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace
Email: Phone: 786-293-9084
Week 1: Jan. 11
What is Poetry?
Collaborative Poem: “I Can’t Write a Poem”
Explain semester assignments
Acrostic Poetry
o HW: Begin researching your Famous/Favorite poet, see Project Instruction Sheet (Due. Week 9). Create an Acrostic Poem of your name to be placed as the cover on your end-of-semester lapbook. Make sure imagination and creativity abound, and your finished project is neat, colorful and legible. This will be the cover of your end-of-semester lapbook.
Week 2: Jan. 18
Characteristics and Parts of Poetry
Vocabulary: stanza, line, rhyme, rhyme scheme, couplet
Collaborative Poem: “Stars in the Sky”
Couplet Poetry
o HW: Students will write an original Couplet poem with at least 4 stanzas (each containing 2 lines) equaling 8 lines of poetry. Use rhyme scheme aa bb cc dd. You may use the communal poem written in class as an example. Poem shall be typed on clean paper and illustrated if you wish. This poem will be fitted into your end-of-semester lapbook. Make sure to be creative and imaginative and have fun. Don’t forget to work on your Poet Project (Due Week 9). J
Week 3: Jan. 25
Bio Poem/ Fill-in-the-blank
Vocabulary: Free verse
Collaborative Poem: “This Is Just To Say”
Bio Poetry
o HW: Students will complete a Bio Poem (Fill-in-the-blank-poem) using the homework worksheet as a guide. Final copy must be typed on clean paper and will be fitted into your end-of-semester lapbook. Don’t forget to continue to work on your Poet Project (Due Week 9). J
Week 4: Feb. 1
Vocabulary: Alliteration
Play Scattergories
Collaborative Poem: “The Sea” (S)
o HW: Students are to use the “Alliteration Word Web”. They are to choose a letter (sound) and a subject matter to write a free verse poem using alliteration. The poem must have at least eight lines (may have more, if the student wishes). The final copy must be typed on clean paper and will be fitted into their end-of-semester lapbook. Continue working on Poet Project (Due Week 9). J
Week 5: Feb. 8
Figurative Language in Poetry (Part 1)
Vocabulary: Simile and Metaphor
Collaborative Poem: “Writing Is…”
o HW: Students are to write a poem using similes and metaphors. The poem must be at least 4 lines long (can be longer). Students should think of a subject that can be compared to something else. All four lines should center on the main subject. Students should use the web “Writing Is” that was done in class as a guide for gathering their thoughts. The title can be, (your subject)______Is…. Students should ask themselves:
(your subject)______is ______,
(your subject) ______is as ______as a/an/the ______
(your subject)______is/are like ______
The final copy must be typed on clean paper to be to be fitted into their end-
of-semester lapbook.
Reading is…
Reading is going on a journey,
letting your mind be as free as the wind.
The letters are like music on the page,
combining together to make a story.
Continue working on Poet Project (Due Week 9). J
Week 6: Feb. 15
Figurative Language in Poetry (Part 2)
Vocabulary: Simile and Metaphor
Collaborative Poem: “Color Poem”
o HW: Using the paint chip chosen in class, the student will ask themselves the following questions:
List 1: What things are (color)?
List 2: What things SOUND (color)?
List 3: What things SMELL (color)?
List 4: How does (color) FEEL?
List 5: What makes YOU FEEL (color)?
List 6: What things TASTE (color)?
They will brainstorm their answers on the “5 Senses Color Web Homework Helper” (this does NOT need to be turned in). Use ideas to create interesting similes and metaphors that are vivid and interesting. Use the “Color Poem Homework Helper” to write your creative similes and metaphors in the blanks. Type your final copy on clean paper and bring to class with paint chip to be added to your end-of-semester lapbook. Don’t forget about your Poet Project (Due Week 9) keep working on it! J
Week 7: Feb. 22
Fun with Poetry: Limerick
Vocabulary: Limerick
Collaborative Poem: Limerick Poem
o HW: Students are to complete “Limericks” homework sheet. Students will then write an original Limerick making sure that it has five lines, aabba rhyme scheme and the correct number of syllables (8,8,5,5,8) stressed and unstressed properly. Please type final draft on clean paper to be turned in and added to end-of-semester lapbook. Keep working on Poet Project (Due Week 9).
Week 8: Mar. 1
Fun with Poetry: Concrete
Vocabulary: Concrete poem, painted writing
Collaborative Poem: “Fireworks”
o HW: Students will create their own concrete poem. The subject matter can be anything, but the poem’s shape must represent the subject of the poem. Please see examples for inspiration as well as List 1 made in class. The poem may be typed or it may be written, however if the student chooses to write it out; it must be written neatly in pen (with or without color illustrations) with legible writing or it may be typed if it can be typed in the shape of the subject and will be added to end-of-semester lapbook. PLEASE FINISH UP POET PROJECT—THEY ARE DUE NEXT WEEK!! J We will begin sharing them during weeks 10, 11 and 12.
Week 9: Mar. 8
Fun with Poetry: Cinquain
Vocabulary: Cinquain, noun, adjective, -ing participle, synonym
Collaborative Poem: Cinquain
o HW: Students will use the homework helper worksheet “Cinquain Graphic Organizer” and their word lists to compose an original Cinquain poem. Please type final draft on clean paper to be turned in and added to end-of-semester lapbook
Week 10: Mar. 15
Fun with Poetry: Diamante
Vocabulary: Diamante, antonym, synonym
Collaborative Poem: Diamante
Presentation of Poet Project
o HW:
Go to readwritethink.org
Type Diamante in search box
Click on 1. Diamante Poems
Click “Get Started” this will open a new window.
Follow directions to create your own Diamante.
Print finished poem out and turn in next Friday to be added to end-of-semester lapbook.
Week 11: Mar. 22
Fun with Poetry: Haiku
Collaborative Poem: Haiku
Presentation of Poet Project
o HW: Students will create an original Haiku following the format used in class (5-7-5 syllable scheme). Poem shall be typed on clean paper and a picture may be added if desired. These will be turned in next Friday and added to end of year lapbook in class.
Week 12: Mar. 29
Presentation of Poet Project
End-of-semester Lapbooks