2009-10 SEASON







LOCK OUTS: The IceForum should be open 45 min. prior to a game. If no one has arrived to open the building please call:

Candy Hopkins: 404-444-5127

Patrick Houlihan: 770-490-0871

Yan Kaminsky: 678-428-0529

NOREFEREES AT GAME TIME:If you are the first game and no referees arrive for your game call:

Kurt Totten, GIHOA Scheduler: 678-438-4025 (cell), 770-592-6359

*If your referees don’t show but there are referees officiating the game before yours, ask if they will stay. Please call the contacts listed above and advise of the situation. Also, please talk to the manager on duty and see if he can help you.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: If you have questions regarding poor weather or hazardous roads effecting your team’s game or practice schedule, please call the rink where the event is scheduled to find out if it is open.

IceForum at Duluth 770-813-1010

IceForum at TownCenter 770 -218 -1010

*You may also call Yan Kaminsky at the numbers listed above under Lock Outs.

*Please note, the forecast for inclement weather does not automatically constitute the cancellation of the games or practices. Never assume that there has been a schedule change due to weather conditions, always call.


  • Minor cuts such as fingers or a split chin IceForum will provide a bag of ice and a bandage or gauze and tape
  • IceForum will not dispense aspirin or any pain reliever due to the possibility of an allergic reaction
  • IceForum does not dispense any form of an antibiotic due to the possibility of an allergic reaction
  • In the event of someone possibly breaking a limb employees are directed not to move the person from the ice but to immediately call 911. If it is a child and the parent elects to move the child and take responsibility that is their choice.
  • In the event of a head or neck injury no employee or parent is to try to move the child but to call 911 immediately.


When arriving at the rink for a game or practice, please see front counter staff to lock the room when you’re ready to go on the ice. Your team is responsible for any damages to the locker room while in their use and it must be left in a clean condition.


Keeping parents informed goes a long way toward heading off potential problems. This can be especially important if you need to change a player’s position (ex. Offense to defense) or had to sit a child because of a discipline problem. Don’t assume that information gets accurately reported to parents. The coaching staff is responsible to notify all parents immediately of any schedule changes, new policies, or other related hockey news.


  1. The coaches must report all on and off ice injuries to the Hockey department as soon as possible.
  2. All release forms must be forwarded to the Hockey Department so we can file them.
  3. The players who are coming back from injuries must present the coach a medical release from the doctor saying that the player is allowed to skate on the ice.
  4. For Pee Wee division and up the player must have a second statement from the doctor that saying this player can play full physical contact on the ice.
  5. All players skating rehab must wear their full hockey equipment during on ice practices.


Neckguards and mouthguards are required on the ice for all games and practices. It is the COACHES responsibility to make sure that all players are wearing neckguards and mouthguards for all games and practices. For the safety of our players the referees association has been ask by IHA to watch very closely for neckguards and mouthguards. The penalty is 10 min misconduct for equipment violation. So, to avoid any problems, please take this very seriously.


Just a friendly reminder to everyone, please pass along to your parents too.

IHA adheres to the Zero tolerance policy of USA Hockey. Unsportsmanlike behavior by players, parents and coaches will not be tolerated. There is nothing to be gained by verbally abusing, heckling or persisting in disruptive behavior before, during or after a game. The officials and IceForum rink management have the ability and obligation to request the removal of the disruptive individual from the facility. Repeated poor behavior by person attending or participating in an IHA game may result in the league taking action.

*Minor officials of the game, this is the scorekeeper, timekeeper and penalty box person, must remain neutral during the game. Parents unable to maintain a professional and unbiased attitude will be removed and should not be allowed to do these jobs again.

Exit Policy

Players will line up at center ice before the game for the traditional handshake. After the game, home team players will skate to their bench and wait for the visiting team to exit the ice before they leave the ice surface. Only if the coaches agree and have good control of the situation after the game we encourage both teams do the traditional handshake after the game for good sportsmanship.

Allowed number of coaches per team

There will be 4 Official coaches per team for Ice Forum Hockey Association Hockey Teams. This will include 1 official Head Coach and a maximum of 3 Official Assistant Coaches. They must be certified at the current level of USA Hockey that they are coaching.

Coaches are NOT allowed on ice prior to games during warm up and the Warm Up drill

Coaches are not allowed on ice prior to games during warm up. Thus, coaches are not allowed to shoot on their goalies during warm up. Players and Officials are the only people allowed on ice. Coaches must be on the bench for warm ups. It is a HUGE liability for Coaches to be on the ice and this is NOT allowed. Also, coaches are not allowed on the bench if they do not hold current certification with USA Hockey. The Warm Up drill for which ALL House teams shall use looks like this:


Teams on opposite ends with even number of players in each corner with pucks. 1st player starts without puck and skates to into neutral zone and turns back and receives pass from opposite corner. 1st player continues on and shot ON NET. Other line repeats the drill. Both ends going at the same time.

Time: 3 minutes

Junior Thrashers Game Jersey for ALL games

All players MUST wear their Atlanta Junior Thrashers Game Jersey for ALL games. We are very proud of our program and everyone needs to represent the program in which they participate in.


IceForum Hockey Association

Fall 2009-10 information regarding player ice time

The policy of the House League program is to give players, no matter their skill level, equal playing time.

Coaches that do not adhere to this policy are subject to a discipline hearing. The only exception to this policy is if there is a player on your team that because of a health or physical condition is unable to skate a regular shift rotation or you are short players. However, this does not mean that you may continually double shift a single individual player or players. Of the remaining players, they must get equal ice time. Communicating these circumstances, as you feel appropriate, to the opposing head coach prior to the beginning of the game will greatly reduce any confusion regarding “unequal ice time”.

Additional guidelines:

~There are to be no power play lines or short-handed lines.

As part of their hockey development, each player must be given an opportunity to be part of a power play and short-handed line.

~Teams that have two goalies need to make sure the goalies receive equal ice time. It will be between the Coach and the goalies to decide if they split the game or alternate every other game.

~Goalie policy (If you don’t have your goalie for the game you have a few options):

All players register at evaluation as a goalie MUST PLAY GOALIE ONLY

In the Mite division, this rule does not apply! We know these players are just beginning and learning the positions. If you have several players interested in being a goalie, please alternate these players so they can all have a chance and improve on all of their skills.

If you don’t have your goalie for the game you have a few options:

  1. Ask all coaches in your division if you can borrow their goalie for your game.
  2. If no goalies in you division can substitute, you can ask coaches in lower division to help you with the goalie situation.
  3. If no goalies are available from either division, you must dress one of your players as a goalie.

Goalie policy for the Semi-Final and Championship games, if your goalie is not available:

  1. Ask all coaches in your division that are not in the Championship game if you can borrow a goalie.
  2. If no goalies in you division can substitute, you can ask coaches in lower division to help you with the goalie situation.
  3. If no goalies are available from either division, you must dress one of your players as a goalie.


Foremost, have fun and your players will have fun! Do not let officiating and subsequent calls get under your skin. There were more match penalties on coaches this past fall then I can recall, mainly for coaches losing control of their emotions. Don’t let this happen to you.

To review;

  1. The home team must provide the score sheet, scorekeeper, timekeeper, and one penalty box person. The visitor team must provide one penalty box person. These people are minor officials for the game and must cooperate with the on-ice officials at all times.
  2. It ishome team’s responsibility to leave the white copy of the score sheet at the rink after every game. It is home team’s responsibility to be sure the score sheet is accurately filed out and readable. Be sure that the goalie jersey number is indicated in the shots on goal box. The division, date of the game and team name, i.e. Mite 1, Mite 2, etc. not the team nickname, must appear on every score sheet. There are 4 copies to every score sheet. The league statistician (Candy) gets white copy. Of the 2 middle copies one will go to the visiting team and one to the home team. The last copy is for the referee and he rarely takes it. It can be turned in with white copy. * Beforeleaving the rink turn in the score sheet. For games at Duluth and Kennesaw, ask front counter employee to put in Yan’s mailbox. If there is no one at the counter, step behind the counter, mailboxes are to the left. * If you should forget to leave the score sheet, do not fax it! Do not leave a voice mail reporting game results! Please e-mail all the info to: and leave it the next time you come to the rink.
  3. All players, except for medical or disciplinary reasons, must get equal ice time.
  4. No power play, short-handed lines.
  5. All game, match or gross misconducts must be reported immediately to your divisional coordinator, Yan Kaminsky. If you have another game the following day, it is the COACHES responsibility to be sure the player with the game misconduct or match misconduct is present at the game, but does not play. The player can’t be on the bench with the team and must sign the score sheet after the game.

The House Games Curfew


Please read the following carefully and implement the procedures outlined below. Please inform your scorekeeper of these procedures.

  1. Be ready to take the ice at your start time. Your hour timeframe begins when you take the ice, not when the game begins. Do not delay the start of the game because a goalie is not ready. Put a player in net until the goalie can join the game. Have players stretch in the locker room.
  2. Set the game clock for a 3 min. warm-up. Blow the horn to signal the end of warm-up and the start of the game. This should give you appx. 55 min. of game time.
  3. Have the scorekeeper note at the top of the score sheet the time you took the ice. During warm-up the scorekeeper should confirm with the zamboni driver, the time the ice was taken and that in 1 hour the timekeeper will sound the horn signaling the conclusion of the game. Both the scorekeeper and driver should initial the time.
  4. At the conclusion of the game the zamboni doors will open. Players should immediately exit the ice.
  5. ALL HOUSE LEAGUE GAMES ARE CURFEW AND MUST BE PLAYED IN 60 MINUTES.All games must be completed in one hour. If your game is running long you will need to go to run the time in the 3rd period. The timekeeper should inform the referees who will then notify the benches.
  6. You need to estimate 2 minutes of real time for every minute of game time remaining.
  9. Ice cuts will be done prior to the start of each game.
  10. Teams are awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.

*Please be respectful of these guidelines.

*Thank you for helping us keep on schedule!

*Thank you for your cooperation.

USA Hockey Score Sheet Instructions

(See attached example)

Team Listing

POSPosition (already filled in)

NOJersey Number

TEAMPlayer Name

The only important position to note is the goalie so that the proper credit

Can be given for a shutout.

Team Scoring

NOGoal number (already filled in)

PPeriod number

TIMETime on the clock

GJersey no. of player who scored the goal

ASSTJersey nos. of players who got assists

Team Penalties

PERPeriod Number

NOJersey no. of player who received the penalty

OFFENSEType of penalty

MINLength of penalty (usually 1:30)

OFFTime player comes off the ice

STARTNot usually used in our league

ONTime player goes back on the ice

There are 2 columns for penalties in case there are many handed out

in one game. Time back on the ice may be sooner that 1:30 after the

off time if a power play goal is scored. Start is used only in special

instances with delayed penalties or multiple penalties.

Goalkeeping Record

GOAL KEEPERNo. of goalie/No. of second goalie if any

PERPeriod number

SHOTSNo. of shots that would have gone in if no goalie

SAVESNo. of shots goalie kept from going in

Usually easier to keep tally of shots on separate sheet of paper then

Copy the info to the score sheet.

Overall Scoring

Indicate scoring by team per period as well as the total for the game.

This should equal the number of goals indicated in the team scoring


The scorekeeper and the 2 on-ice officials must sign the score sheet Home team gets the yellow copy; visiting team gets the pink copy, official gets the gold copy if they want it. The white copy MUST be placed in Yan Kaminsky’s mailbox at the end of the game.

Home Team Jobs

Minding the Penalty Box – easy job, just open and close the door for the hockey player(s) that receive penalties. Usually they put 1:30 on the clock and you watch to see when his time expires and let him out. His coach tells him whether to go straight out onto the ice or straight back to his bench.

Scorekeeper – easy job, just check to be sure each team’s roster is listed on the scoresheet. Usually the team’s coach or manager fills this in prior to the game. Only those who are present at that game are listed, scratch through any other names. Basically you write down the time on the clock plus whatever else the referee tells you. He tells you the player number who scored the goal or the player number who is getting the penalty and what the penalty is. Goalies and coaches appreciate it when you also keep up with shots, but this is not required. If you can, though, just mark a tally in the top or bottom margins of the scoresheet or on any scratch paper each time there is a shot, which either goes in goal or would have gone in goal if it weren’t for the goalie deflecting or saving it. Put one set of marks above home team for their shots on goal and one set of marks above the visitor team for their shots on goal. Add them up at the end of each period. Note when the goalies change. Add up goals for each team at the end, then the refs sign the scoresheet, and that’s it. This is how it looks: