Instruction For The Preparation OfCamera-Ready Papers

John Smith, Jan Kowalski

Computer Engineering and Electronics Institute, Technical University of Zielona Góra,
ul. Podgórna 50, 65-246 Zielona Góra, POLAND, <J.Smith, J.Kowalski>

Abstract. These two pages provide you with an example of the layout and style, which we wish you to adopt during the preparation of your paper. All text material and illustrations will be published without further edition. The point mentioned below gives the technical requirements to which your contribution should adhere. Please start with short information about the Workshop (the upper right corner of the first page), a title, author(s) names, affiliation, postal and e-mail address(es). Each paper must include also an abstract (up to 10 lines) and three to five keywords in order to indicate the main topics discussed in the paper.

Key Words. Distributed Systems, Logic Control, Hardware Description Language


Text should be prepared within the dimensions shown on these pages (A4 format, all margins are 2.5 cm). Do not begin a new section directly at the bottom of a page, but transfer the heading to the top of the next page. The total length of the manuscript must not exceed 6 pages. An even number of pages is recommended. The text should be typed with single spacing. Space between paragraphs is 0.4cm (ca. 12 pt). When typing complicated mathematical formulae increase if necessary the space between text lines in order to prevent super- and subscripts fonts overlapping one another.

1.1.  Fonts and spacing

The recommended font is a 12 pt Times New Roman. The paper title should be typed in capitals using a 18 pt bold font. The author(s) names should be typed in capitals using a 12 pt font, an affiliation – 10 pt, an abstract – 11 pt, italic. Leave space of 2.6 cm (ca. 72 pt) above the title, 1.5 cm (42 pt) above and 0.4 cm (12 pt) below the names, 0.4 cm (12 pt) above and below the abstract, and 1.2 cm (36 pt) below keywords.

1.2.  Headings

The headings should be presented as given in this instruction. Leave space of two lines (24 pt) above and one line (12 pt) below the main headings, and a one-line space (12 pt) above and 3pt below the subheadings.

1.3.  Figures

Each illustration should have a space of 1 line (12 pt) above and 0.5 line (6 pt) below. The figure caption should be typed below the illustration, centred, in italic, 11 pt font. Leave 1 line (12 pt) below the caption.

Fig. 1. Example of a figure

1.4.  Tables

Tables should be presented within the type area. Leave a space of 1 line above and 1 line below the tables. The table heading should be typed above the table, centred, in italic, 11 pt.

Table 1. Example of a Table

Transition / Current local states / Conditions / Next local states
t1 / p1 / M1 / p2
t3 / p3, p7 / D / p4

1.5.  Equations

Equations should be placed left-aligned, preceded and followed by space of one line and should be numbered consecutively throughout the typescript. The equation number should be typed in parentheses (1), right aligned.

MPx = pj * Xout (1)

1.6.  References Format

References should be collected in alphabetical order (the surnames) at the end of your paper [2]. References by the same author(s) should be in chronological order [1, 3].

2.  Submission

The recommended way of the paper submission is sending an electronic version, by email or WWW page (as a PDF, PS, or DOC file). Hardcopies are accepted, as well. The printout submitted should be an original and one extra copy. The required printer is a LaserJet. Only one page of sheet should be used for printout.


[1]  M.Adamski, “Application Specific Logic Controllers for Safety Critical Systems”, Proc. of the 1999 IFAC Triennial World Congress, Beijing, China, Vol.Q, pp.519-524, 1999

[2]  W.A.Halang & S.-K.Jung, “A Programmable Logic Controller for Safety Critical Systems”, High Integrity Systems, 1, 2, pp.179-193, 1994

[3]  E.Mandado, J.Marcos & S.A.Perez, Programmable Logic Devices and Logic Controllers. Prentice Hall, London, 1996