Minutes 11-23-09
Aaron, JG, Cassy, JT, Brooke, Peter, Sami
Foundation Account: We don’t have to use the foundation account if we don’t want to, We wont get in trouble if we go under $500, but it is not really a good thing either. We will incur a 5% fee when we put in. We need to figure out which clubs can have their own and which clubs need to be in a big one. We may be able to put in money that is not tax deductable. They can set up an online customized website for Campus Rec, that would allow people to use credit cards online to make a donation. Cassy will contact clubs that plan on raising more than $500. They cannot put left over money from their budget at the end of the year. It can only be donations. All fund raising, all dues, all money raised from sponsorship should go straight to the foundation account.
Sami was contacted by SALP this week; we magically have $900 thanks to wrestling from 1984! Sailing had $2,541 and tennis had $300 left over. ODP even got some money. This will help Sailing out with funding their other stipend position. 12 people from the team voted on it: 11 yes, 1 no. Sami will contact them and let them know of their magic money, the RCC needs to vote whether they can use the magic money for the stipend position. JG motions to let Sailing use the magic money to fund their other stipend. JT seconds. Passes 5-0-0
Swimming merchandise: We gave the swim team $1000 to buy stuff for the team, Sami sold Jessie the equipment for $500. Swim club is DEAD IN THE WATER, as well as hockey being on THIN ICE. Sami bargained on the behalf of the RCC. JG motions that Sami can sell the equipment, Aaron seconds, passes 5-0-0.
Side note: Peter’s friend lost a bet and got a unicorn tattoo. The unicorn is galloping out of a stiletto shoe. There are rainbows and starts shooting out too.
We are picking clubs today!!! This is for the clubs to give us their term report.
JT: Disc Golf, Hockey, MC, Soccer, Tango, Volleyball
AAA:Badminton, Dragon Boat, Random Select, Snow, Tennis, Handball
JG: BGS, Lacrosse, Sailing, TKD, RAP
CW: Cycling, Dancers, Kickboxing, TT, Water polo
BR: Crew, Fencing, Rugby, Steps, Ultimate
Eddie will contact them to meet with us, during our office hours. It will be one term report per club. It is a requirement, and needs to be done by the last day of Finals Week. Eddie could create a comprehensive evaluation for stipend leaders to fill out; we will implement this in January. The stipend club leader needs to meet with us.
Disc Golf wants $50 per term for their ZipCar for their event. JT motions to fund the request, and anything that they need after that they can fund themselves. Seconded. Passes 5-0-0
Soccer: Jacob wants a type 1 stipend, he is asking the RCC for solutions, the RCC decided to let them team fund the stipend for fall term and then we would evaluate that and decide if we would continue to stipend. But the team does not have the money to fund it right now. Maybe we suggest that he comes back in Spring term and asks for the stipend. JG will email Jacob back to see if he can come to the meeting next week., so we can discuss it further.
Rugby email: Sami talked with JG and JT to ask what should happen with the Rugby player that started the issue with the restaurant. The things that they decided were community service, a letter to the manager, and no playing for the term. He emailed back and did not agree with the sanctions, and did not agree with how things are run; he says that if he is forced to do these things, he will not come back. The RCC stands behind Sami’s sanctions, and if he would like to appeal that, he can go to Alex.
SFC budget packet is great, and pretty self-explanatory. If the SFC does not stop penalizing clubs for raising funds, then we should not move towards the sliding scale. The SFC is proposing that everyone raise 10% of their budget. Sami has created a proposal for the SFC. Sami will email it out to the RCC this week and we will present to the SFC. The RCC can help to proof the proposal.
Will did not show up for our meeting.
We forgot to request for registration fees for the NIRSA. Hopefully we can make some changes to the budget.
New RCC Meeting time: Monday’s 2-4pm.