John Drugan School

Orchestra Handbook


Chelsea Czapla, Director

12451 Pellicano El Paso, Texas 79928

(915) 937-6800

Contact e-mail:

Orchestra Class Rules

1. Be on time and ready to go.

2. Bring all materials and work to class.

(Includes having pencil on stand)

3. Students will act respectfully and professionally during rehearsal.

4. Respect others and their property.

5. Pay attention and stay on task.

6. When director steps on podium, it is the students’ cue to be quiet.

7. Quiet and respectful during tuning.


9. NO long fingernails.

10. Students will play with proper posture or playing privileges may be revoked.

(Includes taking hoodies/jackets/sweatshirts off)

School Rules:

1. 10/10 Rule: Students are not allowed to use the restroom the first and last ten minutes of class.

2. NO CELL PHONES during school. Leave them inside backpacks. They can be confiscated.

3. No rock throwing.

4. Students must have agenda to use the bathroom. Be respectful of classtime.

Orchestra Behavior Consequences

First offense: verbal warning

Second offense: Zero for the day

Third offense: Zero for the week/ contact parents

Severe clause: immediate office action, referral, zero for the week, contact parents

Other Daily Rehearsal Point Deductions and Consequences

  • Not ready for class after allotted time is up = 70 for the day (includes not having pencil on stand)
  • Students without instruments= 50 for the day
  • Students without music/materials on stand (both stand partners) = 50 for the day
  • Students chewing gum after the tardy bell = 0 for the day
  • Students that do not remember to take off their hoodies/jackets/sweatshirts off at the beginning of class will leave them in Ms. Czapla’s class the rest of the day and may be picked up after school. These items impair good playing posture.
  • Students with long fingernails (fake nails too) will be warned twice to file or get rid of them.

After two warnings, the highest grade the child will receive on ANY assignment is a 70.

When nails are proper length, normal grading will resume.

  • Students that don’t have their instrument in class 3 or more times within 1 week or 5 or more times within a 2 week period = office referral (repairs don’t count).
  • Alternative assignments will be given to students who misbehave, are irresponsible or instrument is in repair shop.

Class Responsibilities and Expectations

Chamber (Honors) Orchestra Students will:

  • Behave/participate daily
  • Learn required warm-ups and music for concerts/contests throughout the year
  • Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
  • Practice and return practice sheets on time
  • Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
  • Take instruments home after school everyday
  • Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
  • Participate in concert set-up and take-down
  • Learn All-Region material and perform All-Region material for 3 test grades
  • Audition for All-Region in October
  • If student makes All-Region orchestra, student will prepare music and make plans to attend All-Region clinic in December
  • Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD Orchestra Contest and UIL Contest
  • Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 3 test grades
  • Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival

Concert Orchestra students will:

  • Behave/participate daily
  • Learn required warm-ups and music for concerts/contests throughout the year
  • Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
  • Practice and return practice sheets on time
  • Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
  • Take instruments home after school everyday
  • Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
  • Participate in concert set-up and take-down
  • Learn All-Region material and perform All-Region material for 3 test grades
  • Audition for All-Region in October (optional)
  • Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD/UIL Orchestra Contest (tentative)
  • Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 3 test grades
  • Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival (optional)

Beginning students will:

  • Behave/participate daily
  • Have all materials needed for orchestra class on a regular basis
  • Make an effort to improve on their instrument
  • Practice material in method book and turn-in practice sheets on time
  • Study and prepare for quizzes and exams
  • Take instruments home after school everyday
  • Attend scheduled after school rehearsals and school concerts
  • Participate in concert set-up and take-down
  • Learn a solo and perform solo with CD accompaniment for 3 test grades
  • Perform solo at Solo and Ensemble Festival (optional)
  • Pass all classes, participate and perform in SISD Beginner Festival (spring 2018)

2017-2018 Orchestra Supply List

Materials Check Tuesday, August 8th in class

Violin/Viola Students:

  1. Instrument
  2. Shoulder rest- same size as instrument or sponge (shoulder rest preferred)
  3. Rosin
  4. Cleaning cloth
  5. 1 inch binder for orchestra
  6. 5 tab dividers
  7. Notebook paper
  8. Pencils
  9. Page protectors
  10. Beginners only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 1 violin or viola (orange book)

Intermediate and Honors only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 2 violin or viola (purple book)

Cello/Bass Students:

  1. Instrument
  2. Rock stop
  3. For cellos: purchase rock stop with strap
  4. For basses: purchase original, non-slip rock stop
  5. Rosin
  6. Cleaning cloth
  7. 1 inch binder for orchestra
  8. 5 tab dividers
  9. Notebook paper
  10. Pencils
  11. Page protectors
  12. Beginners only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 1 cello or string bass (orange book)

Intermediate and Honors only: Essential Elements for Strings 2000 Book 2 cello or bass (purple book)

All musical items can be purchased at these places or websites:

White’s Music BoxOlivas Music

1475 Suite D George Dieter1320 N. Zaragosa Rd.

El Paso, Texas 79936El Paso, TX 79936

(915) 525-9052(915) 858-6700

Other music supply websites:

  • Please do NOT buy an instrument online, at a store or anywhere else before asking Ms. Czapla because a good deal on an instrument does not mean good quality.
  • It is recommended that students rent instruments for the first couple of years. As they get older and more serious about playing, that is the time to invest in a long-term, quality instrument.

2017-2018 Orchestra Uniforms


Both boys and girls:

  • NEW 2017-2018 Orchestra shirt (tucked in)
  • Black or khaki school uniform pants
  • Shoes (no preference)

Formal – Honors ONLY- need in spring 2018:


  • SOLID black pants or long skirt(skirt must be pass knee length when sitting and no slits)
  • SOLID black blouse (button down is fine too)
  • Short sleeve, ¾ sleeve or long-sleeve blouses are fine
  • No tank-top blouses allowed
  • Black dress shoes
  • Please no black tennis shoes

Formal – Honors ONLY- need in spring 2018:


  • Solid black pants
  • Solid black button down shirt
  • Please no polo shirts
  • Black dress shoes
  • Please no black tennis shoes
  • Black belt (optional)
  • Tie not needed

NOTE 1: If a student is caught out of uniform for a school concert or contest, he/she will still play, however his grade for that performance will be an 80.

NOTE 2: Students who do not dress in proper uniform for the annual yearbook orchestra picture WILL NOT be included in the GROUP photo.

Grading Policy Outline


Including but not limited to:

  • Daily rehearsal participation and etiquette grades
  • After school rehearsal attendance and participation
  • Class worksheets/homework/quizzes
  • Section or entire class performance quiz
  • Section or entire class tuning quiz

Tests/Projects 30%

Including but not limited to:

  • Practice sheet grades
  • Individual playing tests
  • Individual written tests
  • Dress rehearsal attendance and participation
  • Concert attendance and participation

Final 9 weeks test10%

Assignment Descriptions

Daily Grades: Worth 60% of overall 9 weeks grade

Daily Rehearsal Participation and Etiquette Grades: Each class rehearsal will be graded. If the student is on time, follows the rules, participates, stays on task, has all materials, and takes instrument home for the day, then the participation grade is 100. All daily class rehearsals will be averaged for a weekly rehearsal grade.

Instruments left after school: -20 points per school day left

Instruments left after school (Friday, Saturday and Sunday): -30 points on Friday’s participation grade

*Bass students will bring their home instrument to school once every three weeks for instrument tuning and check-up. These check-ups will determine a part of student’s daily rehearsal grades.*

Test/Projects: Worth 30% of overall 9 weeks grade

Weekly Practice Sheet: Students will receive a weekly practice assignment worth 1 test grade. Practicing is a yearlong instrumental improvement project.

  • Grading rubric is on the back of each practice sheet. Ms. Czapla strictly follows the rubric.
  • Work not returned at all qualifies for Zero Zone.
  • Students who do not return work will attend Zero Zone to earn 50 points back.
  • Ms. Czapla hosts Zero Zone after school from 3:30-4:30 on designated days.
  • Students who do not attend Zero Zone are subjected to John Drugan assignment consequences.
  • No parent signatures on practice sheet at all= automatic Zero Zone.
  • Should Ms. Czapla become suspicious about a questionable parent signature, she will call home and inquire. Students caught being dishonest will earn a 0 and given a referral.
  • Students can have their practice sheets signed by other adults if main parent isn’t present.

Example: (mom is out of town and grandma, aunt, uncle signs instead).

  • If a student returns practice sheet and their instrument has NOT been taken home = ZERO with no opportunity to make-up
  • Students who leave their instruments in another classroom or locker room will lose partial or total participation/practice sheet credit depending on the situation.
  • Students with instruments in the repair shop will be given alternative written assignments to complete in place of practice sheets.
  • Students who lose practice sheets can ask for extra hard copies from Ms. Czapla or print out another blank practice sheet from orchestra website.
  • Students who make their own practice sheet may not receive full credit on practice sheet, if they leave off information. Best bet, ask Ms. Czapla for another copy or go to orchestra website and print another blank copy.


Dress Rehearsal Attendance: Preparing for a concert is a long term project. Students who attend and participate in the final rehearsal before a concert will earn a test grade of 100. Attendance for dress rehearsal is mandatory.


Concert Attendance: Concert attendance is mandatory and will be worth 2+ test grades.


Final 9 weeks test:10% of overall 9 weeks grade

Final 9 weeks test: Material on the exam will be topics covered throughout the 9 week period or a concert critique. Students will be notified of test material ahead of time.

Extra Credit

  • Ms. Czapla will provide a list of extra credit opportunities for students in need of extra credit.
  • Extra credit opportunities are not school sponsored and students must pay and get to the activities on their own.
  • Extra credit opportunities are string-related concerts in the area and students must return a ticket stub or program to Ms. Czapla in order to receive credit.

After School Rehearsal Attendance

  • An orchestra cannot perform at its best with members missing from rehearsals.
  • Students are required to participate in all after school rehearsals unless excused.
  • Extra rehearsals will be held after school usually from 3:25-4:30.
  • Ms. Czapla will dismiss students at the end of rehearsal time.


The following qualify for an excused absence:

  1. Personal illness
  2. Doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment
  3. Death in the family
  4. Approved school-sponsored activities
  5. Religious holidays
  6. A family emergency
  7. Mandatory tutoring for another class
  • In order for an absence to be excused, Ms. Czapla requires theExcused After School Rehearsal Absence form filled out.
  • Blank copies will be passed out to students and they will be made available on orchestra website.


  1. Personal illness
  2. A family emergency
  3. Death in the family
  4. Approved school-sponsored activities
  5. Religious holidays
  • In order for an absence to be excused, Ms. Czapla requires the Excused Concert Absenceform filled out.
  • If you cannot attend a concert, communicate with Ms. Czapla ahead of time (latest the day of the actual concert). E-mail is the best format. Students who meet excused requirements will make up test grade by individually performing his/her part for Ms. Czapla.

Unexcused Absences for After School Rehearsals, Concerts

Never assume an absence will be excused. Communicate with Ms. Czapla if there is a problem that cannot be fixed. Although it would be impossible to include a complete list, the following are examples of unexcused absences:

  1. Forgot
  2. Unplanned transportation/ no ride
  3. Birthday, wedding, celebrations
  4. Babysitting * Students with younger siblings can bring them to the orchestra room after school*

Sports and Other After School Activities

  • Orchestra is a graded scheduled class.
  • Other non-graded activities after school are considered extra-curricular.
  • If there is a conflict between orchestra and another activity, Ms. Czapla will decide how the compromise is handled.
  • Ms. Czapla will communicate with coaches and sponsors from other activities to find a solution.
  • Students involved in multiple activities will need to be flexible. Graded classes have priority over non-graded activities.
  • Seating may be affected if students for whatever reason cannot make it to after school rehearsals.

Contest and Off-Campus Performance Eligibility

  • The Texas Law of NO PASS, NO PLAY orders students to receive a grade of 70 or above in all classes at the end of each grading period, in order to participate in contest and any off-campus activities.
  • Report cards and progress reports will be monitored to determine students’ eligibilities.
  • If a student has not learned their material, Ms. Czapla has the discretion NOT to allow the student to attend a contest or off-campus performance.

School Rental Instrument Policy

  • Ms. Czapla has a fairly large inventory of orchestra instruments. Unfortunately, she does NOT have enough instruments for every student in her program.
  • Students who have free lunch or play double bass have first priority in school renting.
  • Students and parents need to be prepared to rent an instrument for the year from a local vendor.
  • Please do NOT buy an instrument online, at a store or anywhere else before asking Ms. Czapla because a good deal on an instrument does not mean good quality.
  • It is recommended that students rent instruments for the first couple of years. As they get older and more serious about playing, that is the time to invest in a long-term, quality instrument.
  • Students that are told they can rent from school and on paid/reduced lunch will pay a one-time fee of $45.00 to Ms. Czapla. Exact cash and checks made out to SISD are accepted. On checks please write your Driver’s License number. She will deposit the money into SISD general fund and write a receipt.
  • Students that are told to rent from the school and on a free lunch schedule will follow Ms. Czapla’s directions in class for renting.

Care of Equipment

  • Students are responsible for damages to their instrument.
  • If a student damages a school instrument, he or she will be monetarily responsible for the repair as stated in the Socorro rental agreement.
  • If a personal or store-rented instrument is damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to have it fixed right away.
  • If a string breaks, it is the student’s responsibility to pay for a new one. Students may buy a new string from Ms. Czapla. A new string will not be provided until the string is completely paid for.
  • Violin/Violas strings are $5.00 per string,cellos $8.00, basses $10.00.
  • If someone (or people) damages another person’s instrument, the person (people) at fault is (are) liable for repair fees. The matter will be discussed with all parties involved.
  • John Drugan School and Ms. Czapla are not responsible for any instruments/materials damaged or stolen during school hours or instruments left overnight at school.
  • Ms. Czaplawill only loan instruments to students whose instruments are being repaired if she has extras available. Students need to fill out the temporary rental agreement.

Instrument Drop-off and Pick-Up

  • Instruments may be dropped off before school in the orchestra room.
  • Students should not carry instruments with them from class to class.
  • Students will pick up instruments after school between 3:15 and 3:30 unless they have after school rehearsal.
  • If students usually ride the bus at the end of the day, please hurry to the orchestra room to get instrument before leaving.
  • Students leaving school early may come and pick their instrument up before they leave campus for the day.
  • Leaving school early for whatever reason is NOT an excuse for leaving instruments overnight.
  • Instruments left after school will be recorded and weekly rehearsal participation grade will be altered.
  • Students in sports need to make arrangements with coaches and store instruments in a safe place in the locker room.
  • Don’t leave your instrument in the locker room after practice. TAKE IT HOME. The coaches inform Ms. Czapla of this type of habit and grades will be altered.

Care of Music

  • Students are responsible for all music they receive.
  • Music should be placed in page protectors in the student’s music binder.
  • Music should be kept in the binder at all times. Do not keep music folded in your case.


  • The orchestra is provided with a limited district budget each year for specific items like new school instruments, audio equipment and new ensemble sheet music.
  • Fundraising money provides for those items not eligible through the budget like t-shirts, pizza parties, prizes, treats, awards, field trips, materials, supplies, expendables, etc.
  • The purpose of fundraising is money that will go back to the students and maintain the expenses of a large ensemble program.
  • All orchestra fund raising projects are approved by the school.
  • No fundraising money is refunded due to moving classes/schools, ineligibilities, and drop-outs.

Field Trips